innocent killer

innocent killer
“Innocent Killer”
   Kai is a high school student at Anyang Art High School. He the class president,he has good grades,and his father owns the school.
          “Kai I need you to deliver these papers to the government,” said his father. Kai bowed down and left to deliver the papers. After he reached the government there was a ruckus,papers flying every where,workers running here and there, it was a mess. A man was carrying huge pile of stacked papers but one of the paper fell out the stack. Kai took a look at it what he saw shocked him,this man secretly stealing money from the poor and no one notice. Kai also knew some of the kids that were on this paper,he then sneakily tucked the paper in his pocket and hand his father paper  to the lady.
 Kai walk home and see's the kids playing outside today.
“hyung come play with us please,”said the boy.
“oppa come play please!” yelled the little girls.
The little boy tugged Kai over.
“okay ill play with you guys but let's go get some ice cream first,”said Kai . 
“YAY ICE CREAM,”the kids cheered and went to the store.
“oh Woobin nice to see you,” said Kai.
“dont pretend to be nice you just look pitiful,”smirked Woobin.
“here kids the money for your icecream go and play first and ill be there,” kai said to the kids.
“you're really getting on my nerves,” said Woobin scratching his head.
“oh really?” kai smirked.
Woobin swings his arm to hit Kai but misses and slips and fell plat on the ground.
“....pathetic,” said kai and walked away to play with the kids.
“I'LL GET YOU JUST WATCH ,” yelled Woobin.
 After playing with the kids, he headed home. Kai went inside a secret room that he only knows exist. He pulled out the paper that he tucked in his blazer pocket. Kai planned out how things will go, his friends also joined to help him. “this team will be the distracting team and the others will follow me,” he told them, they all nod in a agreement. He told them what time,place,and disguised they should wear and meet up.
  The night passed by and morning came. Kai got out of bed and got dress for school. “around 11:35 pm the plan is going to start,” he thought to himself. He arrived at school with his friends they all split up to their classes. Woobin came out of no where and punch Kai in the face.
“HA, I told you I would get you,” laugh Woobin. Kai plopped down on the floor. One of the students saw and called for the teacher. The teacher carried  Kai, at that moment he turn his head and smirked at Woobin. Woobin see's a piece of paper on the ground and opens it his eye's widen “that bastard,” said Woobin. Once Kai reached the nurse office he realized that the paper fell out of this blazer. He contacted his friends to meet up after school.
After they finish discussing out a new plan Kai then realizes he has been 
followed. Everyone left while Kai was still in school finishing his work. He then walks to the basement of the school and notice Woobin still following him. Kai runs and grab Woobin, then throws him inside the basement and locked him in there.
“dont get in between my plan,” said Kai.
“i dont mind going to jail, im doing this for the people I care about,” said Kai.
“theirs another way of doing this,” said Woobin.
“i dont want to hear it,” said Kai.
 It soon reached 11:00 and the boys got ready to head out. They reached the 
government. The distraction team head out first and started to complain about something then gave the signal for Kai and the others to go. One of his friends hacked into the security system and powered out the lights of the whole city of Seoul. Kai and his team sneakily passed through the security without hesitation. They soon reached the man office, he was sitting there just drinking wine and doing paper work.
“oh can I help you sir,” said the man.
“tell me why you been stealing money from the poor,” yelled kai.
“W-WHAT MONEY!” hesitated the man.
“Im sure you know what money, hesitation and yelling gives out the answer,” said Kai. The man stared to sweat.
“did your greed get to you or you're just very self centered,” said Kai.
“yes a cruel,greedy,uncaring,self centered, bastard, but I guess ill be the cruel one here after this is over,” Kai smirked and raised the gun at the man.
“L-leave me alone I dont want to die here just take the money I dont need it any more,” said the man handing a usb.
“you can do better then that all the poor kids and family that starved  and died because of your greed,” said Kai.
“STOP! KAI,” yelled Woobin “this isnt the answer!”
“you're an eye sore,” said Kai he pointed the gun and shot Woobin.
“i-i dont mind you killing me, but do you think killing me or that man will solve anything I mean come on there are other people that's doing the same exact thing,” Kai thought about it then he lowers his gun “'re right, but im going to finish what I started,” Kai shot the man and took the usb. Woobin grabbed Kai shirt, “you bastard it wasn’t worth it,” his hand slowly fell on the floor.
Kai and his team left the crime scene. After a year passed of that indecent the killer was not found. The poor family’s and kids had money to buy food to eat,to be able to go to school, and have a home to live in.  
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