The Wolf and Its Beauty

My Playful Teacher!

guys, please check out my new fic, The Wolf and Its Beauty~

it's chaptered and it's HunHan~

u may gonna puke for its fluffness but, what can i do? -smirk-

here's the link

please, read, comment, subscribe and upvote if u want. :D

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hunhan_sehunluhan #1
Chapter 1: so cute~~~~ so sweet~~~ <3 so funny :D
LuLuLuLuhaaaaan #2
Chapter 2: i'll definitely check it out
That was so freaking cute! *0* that was a beautiful story :)
Chapter 1: Omg this is cutee<3
CandyJar #5
Chapter 1: Awww. My my heart ... my feels
xPotatox #6
Chapter 1: Kyaaaa fluff y at the same time! >.< I love it authornim :D Hwaiting for ur next story!