Let it Go

Let it Go

The rain poured hard outside, pitter pattering by the windows as the forceful wind matches with the droplets of water falling down from the sky like hail.

Chanyeol shakes himself, letting his drenched black coat rid of any liquid before turning the knob and entering his humble abode.

"Hey. You're home early."

Chanyeol smiles and puts his soaked umbrella by the absorbent rug, sighing deeply and releasing a low moan.

"It's so nice of you to come visit me in this bad weather. I appreciate it." Baekhyun continues, his legs stretched on the sofa, book in one hand, and a cup of tea in the other.

Chanyeol approaches the velvet couch and sits down on the floor, resting his back by the cushions of the sofa. He couldn't help it and he smiles once again, chuckling at how ridiculous he probably looked.

"What's so funny? Come on share it to me." Baekhyun asks, letting his book down and looking at Chanyeol with mesmerizing eyes.

Chanyeol ignores him and picks up a small cardboard box by the table. A blush creeps across his face as he opens it, revealing all those things that reminded him about their relationship.

Baekhyun felt butterflies in his stomach as he watched Chanyeol unravel each piece of paper.

It may have been years of them being together, but Chanyeol still gives him those feelings, those feelings that no one could probably compare.

"So are you deciding to do a throwback thursday with me? You're so adorable." he says cheerfully, pinching on Chanyeol's cheeks.

Chanyeol just smiles in reply and picks up one of the papers. It was pink and little messy hearts were drawn on it. He unfolds it and inside was a polaroid picture.

"Remember that one? That was during your birthday. You looked so happy that day that I didn't want it to end." Baekhyun said, and Chanyeol lets his mind wander back, way back to those precious memories.


"Where is everyone?" Chanyeol mumbled, scratching his head.

It was a tuesday, and he was so close to tears because all day, nobody even came up to him to wish him a happy birthday.

Of course, he knew that everyone knew about it. He thought they were just pranking him and deciding to throw a big surprise party later on.

But it was almost 10 pm, and still nobody texted or called. He was at school all day, and his friends just passed by him and greeted him like it was a normal day.

He was so close to tearing his hairs apart.

He rides the elevator and prepares to go home, burying himself in his covers and forgetting that today didn't go well as planned.

The elevator halts to a stop and rumbles in a non friendly way, and Chanyeol feels scared for the first time in his life.

It wasn't until it started pummeling down that he screamed for his dear life.

This may feel like an amusement park ride, but it definitely isn't. He's on the 34th floor.

The elevator stops and Chanyeol looks up to the floor counter reading 25 and he wonders why.

The doors open and Chanyeol feels relieved and annoyed at the same time.

"Baekhyun! Were you messing with the elevators again?!"

Baekhyun just laughs and pulls him out of the elevator, looping his hands around Chanyeol's shaky fingers like he was trained to do it.

They ran and ran though endless hallways, and Chanyeol swears he doesn't want to let go.

Because the person he's holding is his life.

They stop at the near end of the long hallway and Baekhyun looks back at Chanyeol, whose face is still as pale as snow.

He lets go of Chanyeol's hand and he feels empty for some reason, but it was replaced with new found happiness when he feels Baekhyun's soft delicate hands on both sides of his face.

Baekhyun tip toes and plants a kiss on Chanyeol's lips before whispering a little "happy birthday, baby."

The window in front of them lights up in flashes od blue, red and green and Chanyeol finds himself watching a marvelous display of fireworks.

And surprisingly, it spells "HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHANYEOL YOU " in scribbly, fireworks-y writing that Chanyeol felt that this is the best birthday ever.

"You shouldn't splurge on me like this, Baekhyun."

"Oh, but I should. Because I love you, and I want to make you happy!"


Chanyeol's words were cut off as Baekhyun silences him with another kiss, and he carefully slips a ring on Chanyeol's pinky.

"This," he breathes out as they let go, "is the promise that will bind us for all eternity. Remember that I have your heart, but you have my breath caught in my lungs. Each bone in my spine, each bone in my body. Every muscle aches and surges with you. You have so much more than my heart."

Chanyeol takes a deep breath. Nobody made a sound.

"You have everything that keeps me alive."


Chanyeol clutches onto the picture like his life depended on it and tries to smile.

"Baekhyun." he says, his voice cracking.


"You have everything that keeps me alive."

Baekhyun smiles and ruffles his hair.

Chanyeol grabs another picture. It was then in an amusement park.

"Oooh. Our first official date. Took you long enough to invite me to one." Baekhyun pouts and bonk the back of Chanyeol's head.

Chanyeol chuckles in return and scratches his head.

"This was when something magical happened. I still remember it very clearly."


Chanyeol planned it all out very carefully. The setting, the picnic, the food, the nice moutain top.

It was pretty sunny that afternoon, and he bravely walked into Baekhyun's locker.

"What is it baby?"

Chanyeol never was the cheesy guy in the first place. It was always hard for him to express his feelings.

He shifts his weight from left to right and fiddles with his fingers, breaking out into a cold sweat.

Baekhyun, who was staring at him intently, was starting to feel uncomfortable.

"What is it Chanyeol? Come on, you can tell me. You know I always listen to your problems."

Chanyeol shuts his eyes tight and gets down on one knee, surprising Baekhyun and the other students in the hallway.

"Please go on a date with me!" he bravely shrieks as he hold up both of his arms, holding a little invitation card with a cute puppy in front.

The students started whistling and cheering and Baekhyun feels the blood rush from his cheeks. He holds into them with his shaky fingers and looks at the top of Chanyeol's head.

"Yes!" he replies, pulling Chanyeol up and hugging his form tightly.

Chanyeol feels relieved and smiles down at his little Baekhyun hugging him.

"What time?"

"After your classes. Just let me prepare them okay? I'll wait for you on top of the hill!" he says excitedly, running off before Baekhyun can ask more.

At around 3:30 pm, Baekhyun excitedly runs toward the hill. But just before he could arrive, the sky started rumbling and suddenly a heavy downpour surrounded him, not giving him the chance to cover himself and keep himself dry.

"Darn it!" he hears from the distance. He runs toward the sound and finds Chanyeol sitting down by the now wet picnic mat, face between his knees.

He chuckles at Chanyeol's sour expression and surprises him with a kiss.

"Ah, Baekhyun....." Chanyeol stands up and tries to shield Baekhyun from the rain but fails "it rained, and my plan, our date..... It's ruined!"

"Shut it with your whining Park Chanyeol. This is the best date ever!" Baekhyun screams and runs all around the hill, spreading his arms as if welcoming the rain into his system.

Chanyeol looks at him with arched brows and Baekhyun laughs.

"I love the rain. There's just something about it that makes me happy."

Chanyeol smiles at Baekhyun's dazed expression.

"There's something about you that makes me happy."

Baekhyun glances at him and Chanyeol swore that even during that gloomy weather, Baekhyun's face glowed, wrapping him in warmth.


Chanyeol glances at the window and looks up at the dark, gloomy clouds.

"Baekhyun....... you liked the weather today don't you?"

Baekhyun nods. "You know me so well."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Chanyeol grabs a piece of paper on the floor, way too old and wrinkled and a smiles creeps up on his face once again.

"The first love letter I gave you. I told you to throw it away because I was so embarrassed whenever you show it to me."

"I could never throw this away."

"Yeah, I know. It was that time, when I was brave enough to approach you and tell you I liked you. And fortunately for me, you said yes!"


Baekhyun knew Chanyeol was the popular guy in school. Well, he was good in sports, in art and his smile just makes the girls melt.

He gets insecure whenever he sees girls approaching Chanyeol. He would never be as pretty as them.

But trying is never so bad, right?

He spent 3 days trying to write the perfect letter to express his feeling for Chanyeol.

If this isn't love, then I don't know what it is.

He gets up early the next day, feeling confident and nervous at the same time, if that was even possible.

Chanyeol is the first person he sees as he enters school. Probably because of the fact that Chanyeol is the first person to come to school everyday.

He takes a deep breath and comes up to him.

"Uh...... Chanyeol....."

Chanyeol turns around and almost chokes on his milk. It was Baekhyun, talking to him. This must be a dream.

"I uh..... this is for you......... please don't read this until lunch break."

He hands him a little pink envelope and runs off somewhere, as far away from Chanyeol as possible.

For Chanyeol though, it was different.

It was like a dream, a beautiful crazy dream he'd never want to wake up on.

They may not know each other, but Chanyeol sees Baekhyun from afar. And oh boy does he adore him so much.

If only he was brave enough to ask him out, he would.

He unravels the envelope and reads it despite Baekhyun's warning, smiling at himself.

Baekhyun, you adorable piece of .


Park Chanyeol,

Why can’t you love me the way others do,
They stare at me whilst I stare at you,
A spark constantly burning, that was instantly lit,
A feeling so intense it engulfs your very spirit.

That passing touch that lingering glance, 
Was it my imagination, was it just by chance,
The flight from within as you enter the room,
He never knowing what it is he’s doing to you.

The remnant smile left upon my face
When you stride away with such poise and grace,
Laugh and joke as if as friends,
But this is not where the feeling ends.

Your eyes and your speech have me locked in a spell 
A hard time will follow I know all too well,
The wonder and promise of what could be,
If only the courage and words would come to me.

Not knowing if the answer be yes or no
And will it change this from what we know
A risk laid to bed for another night
Say “I like you”, one day I might.

All I'm saying is...... Park Chanyeol, will you go out with me?

And at that moment, Chanyeol swore he had never laughed so hard at 8 in the morning.

That lunch break, he dicthed his friends and invited Baekhyun to a diner outside the school.

And it was at that moment that Chanyeol knew. Baekhyun was his firefly.


"You remember how much you liked fireflies, Chanyeol? And you telling me I'm your firefly?"

Chanyeol smiles in reply and Baekhyun runs his fingers through Chanyeol's golden locks, making him shudder.

"I loved fireflies. They tell each other stories only they could understand."

"And that's what we are are Chanyeol. We loved each other like we were the only persons on earth. It was a love that only both of us could decipher."

Chanyeol smiles and so does Baekhyun. It's the little things like these that ordinary people wouldn't understand, but they would.

He picks up an article of clothing that is buried under rows and rows of polaroid pictures and papers smelling like the 1950s.

"That's my favorite shirt. I always wanna wear that everyday because when I wear that, something unexpected happens." Baekhyun murmurs.

Chanyeol clutches into it and smells it, feeling Baekhyun's warmth.

"I love your scent, Baekhyun- ah."


"You're wearing that shirt again?"

"What's so wrong with wearing it?"

"Did you take a bath?"

Baekhyun chucks a pillow at Chanyeol's head which he manages to avoid and they both laugh.

"I like this shirt. You gave it to me. And it smells like marshmallows."

"You're so girly I swear."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"It means I need you to become manly sometimes, Byun Baekhyun."

Baekhyun pouts and crosses his arms as Chanyeol sits beside him on the bed.

"You always bully me."

Chanyeol glances at Baekhyun's pouty face and laughs, kissing his pouted lips goodbye.

"Could I make up for it using that?" he says.

Baekhyun nods and wraps his arms around Chanyeol's neck.

"You're the best boyfriend ever."

They spend the day with arms wrapped around each other, eating ice cream on the bed while watching disney movies.

And for once, Chanyeol gave in to Baekhyun's girly-ness.

As Baekhyun lies down on Chanyeol's chest after an intense pillow fight, he looks at him and feels complete.


A polaroid catches his attention. He picks it up slowly and stares at it for a minute.

"Wow." Baekhyun leans over to Chanyeol, his open book long forgotten.

Chanyeol's free hand started curling up into a fist, and he tries his hardest not to cry but he ends up doing it anyway.

The tears silently fall, soaking the polaroid picture. He grips on to it so hard it's edges crumpled.

"I didn't even had the chance to thank you that day."

He leans in and kisses Chanyeol's cheek and his lips linger on his face for the longest time.


Chanyeol was ready.

He knew it was time. He has to ask the question sooner or later, but because he was too clumsy he let the moments pass.

It has been their 6th anniversary. And today he's gonna do it.

Baekhyun was and still is the one person meant in his life, and he's gonna make him his. Forever.

He arranges the table frantically, cleaning imaginary dust and making sure the pasta wasn't overcooked and the chicken wasn't dry.

He lights the three red candles at the center of the table and rubs his hands together, smiling contently at what he made.

Chanyeol wasn't the neatest person to begin with, and this is where they start fighting. But because Baekhyun managed to put up with Chanyeol's , he must think Chanyeol is special, and Chanyeol thinks the same with him too, keeping up with Baekhyun's sass.

He grabs the polaroid camera on the sofa and takes a quick picture of the wondrous thing lying inside the small treasure chest and fans the picture to life.

As he was waiting for the picture to dry, his phone rings violently inside his pocket.

"Hello?" he responds cheerfully.

"Chanyeol.........." it was Baekhyun's mother. "Baekhyun, he........."

Chanyeol's smile slowly morphed into that of shock and he lets go of the camera and the polaroid, never waiting for it to dry before dashing out of the apartment, forgetting the fact that the candles were still lit and a fire could broke into the house.

As he runs through the busy streets of Seoul, one thing was on his mind.

He was scared. He was scared what would happen in the future if things didn't work out right. He was scared of being alone. He was scared of losing the only person that gave him so much when he couldn't give anything in return.

The polaroid dries, and it was a picture of a heart shaped ring with a little diamond at the center.

Chanyeol arrives at the hospital, and as soon as he steps inside, it was over. Baekhyun was dead.


Chanyeol breaks down and clutches on the picture like his life depended on it, and Baekhyun wants to nothing but comfort him but he can't.

He looks at Chanyeol pitifully as the tears started falling from him eyes, and he leans in and gives another kiss on Chanyeol's cheek before disappearing into thin air.

Baecause Baekhyun wasn't even in that spot in the first place. 

He was gone.

And Chanyeol is broken.

"Baekhyun.......... I love you."

a/n: i at endings. IM SO ANGRY. but yeah this is pretty good I guess I hope I didn't murder the plot. 

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Chapter 1: T______________T why?
Chapter 1: This is so sweet! But it's so hearbreaking! Poor babies! ;A;