Good bye~

My fallen Angel

You were walking on the street after some super tiring work.

Then something got caught your attention... a white light

The light appears infront of you. You rub your eyes three times to see if you were just hallucinating or what

But the light is still there, then suddenly someone fall from it... a guy... a guy who has an angelic face

You stared at him and already fall inlove

Then you see that he has a wings behind him, you don't know but then you get them and throw it away

After that you help him get up and bring him in your house



In morning you hear a groan on your room

You run inside your room and you see him already awake

"Yah~ who are you?" he ask holding his head

"U-umm I'm Hye Jin" you said and gave him a shaky smile

"W-who am I?" he ask you

You don't know what name you can give to him then you remember your appa's name 

"Kim Joon Myeon" you said

"Joon Myeon" he muttered

"Ah! Kaja let's eat down stairs I made a breakfast" you said and pull him up

You both go down and eat breakfast

"Yah~ who are you... I mean who are you in my life, are you my sister, my aunt, my-" 

"I'm your girlfriend" you cut him

"Then why can't I remember you? Why can't I see you in my memories?" he ask you placing his fork down

You keep silent, you don't know what to tell him

"Hey! Answer me" he said in a louder voice which made you jump in your seat

You look down.

"You met an accident" you said in sad tone of voice

"Please believe it, please believe it!" you said in your head

"M-mianhae I didn't mean to scare you" he said and hold your hands

"G-gwenchana" you said and you force your eyes to cry

He stand up and went near you

"Mianhae, please don't cry" he said and cupped your cheeks

You just smile at him and he wipe your tears away

"I promise I will not ask you by my past again" he said and kiss your forehead

You just nod and hug him


Years passed you and Joon Myeon already married and have a one son

He has a decent work and you guys live in a mansion

But then one day when Joon Myeon was walking home he saw a plastic bag.

His curiousty bugged him, so he opened the plastic bag

There he see a wings, an angel's wings

When he touched it his memories come back, the reason why he fall from the sky, the mission he had to do

All those things, he remember every single detail.

So he put the wings behind him and a light reach for him

You were worried about him because he didn't come back yet from his work

After a day you saw a note on your table

"Hye Jin-ah~ I know you are worried about me, but please don't.

I'm back here... In heaven, Nae I know now everything

I know that I'm not your boyfriend, I didn't really even know you.

But don't worry I'm not mad at you, just please stay strong there, Take care of our little Joon Myeon.

Don't worry I'm always here to protect you and our son.

Ah and by the way my name is Suho, please don't forget that, when you need me just call my name and I will be there.

XOXO, Kim Joon Myeon  your one and only angel

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Baekna #1
Chapter 1: i like your story very much
Kim_JunMyeon99 #2
Chapter 1: Oh no!! why you make crying?! WHY?
Sad story but I still love it because he is Suho