Chapter 14

Sweet & Sour (Hiatus)

Ding Dong.

“Mmh…” Henry moaned.

Ding Dong.

“Donghae…” He murmured this time.

“Whaaaat…” Donghae answered still half asleep, cuddling with his pillow. The brothers slept back to back and were both unwilling to answer the door.

“Get the door…” Henry commanded. He shifted sides and placed his hand on Donghae’s shoulder and began to lazily shake his older brother to get up.

“Ugh… Why can’t you get it? You’re closer to the door.”

“It’s probably Hyukjae… Don’t you have a tutor session or something? Mom mentioned it last night before they left, remember?”

Donghae sat up, now fully awake. He jumped off the bed and ran out of Henry’s room recalling the conversations as well.

Hyukjae’s already here? This early in the morning?

As Donghae marched downstairs, scratching his head, he checked the clock and it wasn’t what he had expected. 3 o’clock in the afternoon?! It was already that late but it felt like it was still dawn. Donghae panicked a bit wondering if it was healthy to sleep that much. But then again, he had been losing sleep since he had been worrying about Henry for the past few days. He could finally sleep in peace now since that ordeal was over and he can just focus on his grades.

Donghae hesitated as he reached out for the door knob. He probably looked like a mess at the moment and wanted to go back upstairs to fix himself a bit. However, it was too late since he was already at the door.

Why am I worrying about how I look so much?! Just act normal, Donghae…

With a quick breath, Fishy opened the door debating whether he had opened it too slow or too fast. He was scrutinizing every detail of his action and movements, and for no reason he knew of. His eyes met with a familiar monkey’s face that was dressed casually with an open jacket, t-shirt, and jeans. His hands rested inside his pants pockets while he bit his bottom lip, staring at nothing in particular. It took a moment for the latter to realize that the door had already been opened. Hyukjae smiled.

“You look like you just woke up. Did you sleep well last night?” He said with a quiet chuckle.

“Y-Yeah.” Donghae replied. “Come on in, Hyukjae. It’s probably cold out there.”

Hyukjae thanked Donghae as he took off his shoes and came in. He began to his coat and froze unexpectedly when Donghae said,

“Would you like me to take off your coat, too?”

Hyukjae was a bit surprised to hear Donghae’s offer. He felt his heart jump a bit. He looked at the Fishy with both his eyebrows lifted up.

“That would be great.”

The younger just smiled and slipped the coat right off the older. He hung it up on the coat rack and Hyukjae took a notice to how Donghae looked.

“Nice bed hair.” He remarked.

“Bed hair?”

Hyukjae took out his phone and showed Donghae his own image through the reflection of the screen.

“Whoa! Man, I guess I slept better than I thought I did.” Donghae laughed. His hair was all over the place. It was weird since each single strand stayed in position as if they were coated with hair spray or gel. He began to rearrange his disheveled hair into its original form. Sadly, there were a few naughty strands that refused to stay where he placed them. Donghae looking up at his hair, but he could only see his bangs which did him no good. He still attempted to correct his messy hair but to no avail. He made a face.

“Haha, it’s alright. It looks cool.” Hyukjae said putting his phone away. Donghae’s face heated up.

A nervous ‘thanks’ slithered out of his mouth and he guided his friend upstairs. They ran into Henry whose hair was equally as messy as Donghae’s was before.

“Morning.” Mochi yawned while rubbing his eye.

“I’m afraid morning has passed about 3 hours ago.” Hyukjae spoke. “It’s the afternoon now.”

“Seriously!?” Henry cried.

Hyukjae took out his phone again to show Henry the time, but to also show him a reflection of his current state.

“Whoa! That’s awesome! I didn’t even have to use gel or anything!” Henry gazed at his hair a bit more before he excused himself to clean himself in the bathroom. Donghae continued to lead the way to his room and Hyukjae followed.

“So, as I recall, Mrs. Song gave everyone in her class homework?” Hyukjae said, seating himself on Donghae’s bed.

“Yeah, I have no idea how to do it though.”

“May I see it?”

Donghae grabbed his homework out from his backpack and handed it to Hyukjae who scanned it quick.

“’Kay, I know this. Sit down at the desk.”

“You do? But she hasn’t even taught us these yet?”

“You could say I get bored in class really easily.” A hint of a smirk appeared on the Monkey’s face. Donghae did as he was told and sat himself down at his desk while Hyukjae grabbed a pencil that was lying randomly on top his desk and walked him through each step.

“I don’t get it, how did you get from here to there?”

“Because I just did this.” Hyukjae showed Donghae again, this time explaining it more thoroughly.

“Okay. But why do we have to do it like that?”

Hyukjae explained it one more time and Donghae nodded his head only understanding some of what the older was trying to say.

“I guess I can try it by myself.” Donghae said unconfidently.

Hyukjae nonchalantly sat himself back on Donghae’s bed with his leg crossed as the younger attempted his homework by himself. He had a good look around the Fishy’s room and noticed boxes that were still unpacked.

“You still haven’t unpacked everything?”

“Huh? Oh. Yeah, I kinda got lazy.”


“Hey, Hyukjae?”


“I umm… Need help.”

Hyukjae got up and peered over Donghae’s shoulder to look at the paper. He examined each step that Donghae had written down and noticed the errors immediately. He retold he steps and let the younger redo the problem as how he watched. It was a bit pressuring for Donghae to have someone watching over him but he tried to calm himself down. It was only Hyukjae. He was going to help him.

“You’re supposed to do this first.” Hyukjae reminded him.

“No like this.” He reminded again.

“You’re on the right path, but you have to do this, too.”

After countless instructions and reminders, Donghae had finally solved the problem and with the tutor’s approval, too. He felt like celebrating, but he only finished one problem. And there were 24 more left to go. He sighed and caught a whiff of his own breath. He forgot he still hadn’t brushed his teeth and quickly excused himself to the bathroom. He brushed them thoroughly and rinsed. He combed his hair, but some strands didn’t budge and some weren’t even straight. He left his slightly disheveled hair as it was. It actually did look pretty cool. He walked back into his room and took off his shirt in exchange for a new, clean one. He stopped midway when he remembered that he wasn’t alone.

Crap! I forgot he was still here…

Hyukjae was still in his room, sitting on his bed looking right at him. “Wow, your body figure looks even better without clothes on.” The older said out loud.

Donghae’s face flamed up because he didn’t usually show other people his body.

“Oh, sorry. Did I just say that out loud?” Hyukjae blushed.

Donghae quickly put on his shirt with a red face and left his sweats on as they were. He sat back down and tried to concentrate on the worksheet, but something looked wrong to him. The numbers began to blur and so did the words. Donghae squinted hoping it would focus but it was futile. He brought his face closer to the paper but it only made his vision better by a fraction. His eyes weren’t usually bad, but there were times when his eyes focused too much they blurred. They were only rare occasions and this was one of those times.

“Is something wrong with your eyes, Donghae?” Hyukjae asked, looking concerned.

“They’re just a bit blurry.” Donghae replied.

“Do you wear glasses?” Hyukjae wondered.

“I-I do, but only sometimes.”

“Where are they right now?”

“I think they’re in one of those unpacked boxes.” Donghae pointed.

“I guess we’re going to have to unpack them then.”

“But I can still see fine.” Donghae defended.

“How many fingers am I holding up?” Hyukjae challenged.


“Nope. Two. We’re going to look for your glasses now.”

“That’s not fair! You put your fingers together. There was no gap in between them.”

“Maybe you could see my fingers better if you had glasses on.”

Hyukjae had already started to open boxes as Donghae protested.

“But I look strange in glasses.” He whined.

“How would I know?” Hyukjae asked.

“You don’t have to know.”

“Too bad. You can’t do homework if you can’t even see it clearly.”

Donghae kept whining and spun his chair around in circles until Hyukjae had finally found what he have been looking for.

“Put them on.” He demanded.

“No.” The younger childishly refused.

“You won’t be able to concentrate on the page without them.”

“Can too.”

“Just put them on.”


 Hyukjae attempted to put them on Donghae, but Donghae moved his face away. “No.” He kept on saying, but Hyukjae didn’t care. He was determined, but he never got them on.

He was almost going to give up until a sudden thought popped into his mind.

“I’ll give you two options.” He started. “One: You wear the glasses and finish your work or two: I’ll tickle you until you give in. How does that sound?”


Hyukjae sighed with a slight frown. “Is that the only word you can say?”


He bit his bottom lip in frustration. He knew Donghae was childish, but he didn’t think he was this equivalent to a 5 year old. He just looked at the younger debating on what to do. The older finally decided to resort to what he had said and proceeded with following out option two: tickle Donghae until he gives in to wearing him glasses.

“Alright then, I guess I’m gonna have to tickle you then, you ready?” Hyukjae placed the glasses down and before he could place a finger to tickle him, Donghae once again said, “No.” and took off. He ran around the room trying to avoid Hyukjae and even opened the door to run and be chased downstairs. Donghae ran through the living room, kitchen, dining room, and even ran into the bathroom and locked the door. Hyukjae pounded on the door calling out Donghae’s name.

“Get outta there, Donghae.”


Hyukjae already knew he wasn’t going to get much out from the other and leaned against the wall next to the door of the bathroom making a thump sound. He let out a frustrated puff of air and crossed his arms. He could hear giggles and snickers from the other side of the door which made him chew on his bottom lip. Hyukjae even began to hum a tune in his head as he waited. Finally, he heard the door unlock, but Donghae dashed out and ran back upstairs catching Hyukjae off guard. Hyukjae easily caught up and before Fishy could close his door to lock it, Hyukjae pushed pass, making Donghae run around the room again.

Victory had finally struck as Hyukjae pinned Donghae down on the bed. He began his deadly tickling and laughter spilled from the latter’s mouth. It was a contagious laugh and it made Hyukjae smile and laugh along. Donghae tried to grab both of Hyukjae’s wrists to stop the tickling, but Hyukjae’s quick reflexes saved him and he grabbed Donghae’s wrists instead and tightly held them in place on the bed. The younger tried to fight back, but Hyukjae’s body weight combined with his strength gave him no advantage.

“Have you had enough?” Hyukjae asked.

“No.” Donghae said with a childish grin.

“You knoooow…” The older said with a smirk. “You’re in a very vulnerable position right now. I could do a lot of things to you. I could even kiss you on the lips if I wanted to.”

Donghae didn’t say anything. Nothing at all. And that surprised Hyukjae.

“I’ll give you another two options then. One: Put on your glasses or two: I kiss you.”

Hyukjae was expecting Donghae to give in when he said that he was going to kiss him if he didn’t choose option one, but it was silent once again. Donghae just gazed into Hyukjae’s eyes. He didn’t have an answer. He was lying there as if he was waiting for Hyukjae to answer instead.

What should I choose? Donghae thought. He was completely fine with option two, but he didn’t know how Hyukjae would react if he chose it. So he didn’t say anything. His mind wasn’t made up yet, but that doesn’t mean Hyukjae’s mind already was.

Hyukjae heard no answer. Therefore he chose to act on his own. Slowly, he leaned in. He still waited for an answer, his face getting closer to Donghae’s as he did. Hyukjae didn’t know why, but something compelled him to keep going, to keep getting closer. He wanted to touch those lips with his own, he wanted it, but his mind wasn’t thinking straight. What was this unknown force caused from?

Donghae closed his eyes, waiting for the kiss. It shocked Hyukjae. The latter wasn’t struggling nor rejecting, but he still held Donghae’s wrists firmly.

Damn, I can’t do it. I can’t force him to kiss me.

Hyukjae’s lips were about to touch Donghae’s, but he couldn’t do it. The force suddenly stopped. He had chickened out. His head slightly dropped and he didn’t make eye contact anymore. He didn’t want to force a kiss upon his friend. It would be selfish of him. He didn’t know how the other felt and Donghae probably gave in because he knew he couldn’t fight back enough to struggle free. Hyukjae didn’t want to upset Donghae and that was the last thing he wanted to do.

Donghae could feel Hyukjae’s grip tighten, but at the same time it was shaking. Hyukjae’s entire body was shaking to his realization. The older’s grip then loosened and he lifted his hands off from holding Donghae.

“I’m sorry.” Hyukjae said as he slowly lifted his head away from Donghae’s.

“Hyukjae.” Donghae called out softly.

Hyukjae looked back up at Donghae, but his eyes widen when he felt something warm against his lips.

His face and Donghae’s face were back to being close, and they were now touching this time. His eyes fluttered closed as he let Donghae kiss him. A strong gush of happiness flooded into Hyukjae’s heart. Their lips were only touching, but it was more than just a touch of lips.

Donghae even deepened the kiss a bit. It was tender and sweet. Hyukjae had never realized how good Donghae was at kissing and it felt amazing. His heart was racing and his wouldn’t calm down. He place both hands on the younger’s face and continued to kiss him sweetly.

After a few seconds of kissing, they separated. Both not wanting to pull away their faces. Their foreheads touched and they’ve never looked into each other’s eyes closer than ever.

“Can you see me clearly?”


Hyukjae and Donghae stayed in that position for a bit longer. It was silent, but it was a comfortable silence. Even after kissing unexpectedly, it didn’t feel too weird, but their minds still had to register everything that just happened.


“Good job! You finally finished your homework!” Hyukjae congratulated the younger with an applauded.

Donghae leaned back in his chair, letting out a mentally exhausted sigh. “Thank you.” He managed to say.

“It’s already 8pm, so I guess I will be taking my leave. Good job, again.”

“Wait.” Donghae bravely said, stopping Hyukjae in his tracks. “Do you like me?”

Hyukjae’s heart sped up again. “I-I…” Hyukjae didn’t have time to contemplate about what he wanted to say. The answer was already clear since day one and it took him a while to realize it himself. “I do.” He boldly confessed.

“I like you too.” Donghae also confessed, blushing.

“You do?”

“I’ve never had a friend as great as you. Let alone met a person like you. I really like you, Hyukjae. But I didn’t really know if you felt the same.”

“So… Now that we know we like each other. Will you go out with me?”


Hyukjae didn’t get an instant reply. He began to worry if he was going to get rejected. Maybe Donghae was confused.

“I-I didn’t mean go out like ‘let’s go outside’ I mean ‘date me’ go out, in case you’re wondering. ‘Cause remember what happened last time when I asked if you wanted to go out and you thought date go out, but it wasn’t? Well, this time I actually mean go out with me in a dating way and-”

Donghae stood up and silenced Hyukjae with another kiss. When they separated Donghae finally said his answer.

“You know, I’ve always thought your incoherent sputtering was cute. Of course I’ll go out with you.”

A bright, gummy smile flashed onto Hyukjae face. His heart was in ecstasy. Unfortunately, it was late and he had to leave.

“See you tomorrow?” Donghae said, sounding hopeful.

“Yeah. I’ll see you tomorrow.”


Eunhae's first kiss! Woohoo! And they're going out! Yaaaay! Merry late Christmas as well! I've been busy, I'm sorry for not updating in a while. However, I've got most of the story planned out in some way, but I'm not sure how it'll end up. But I'll try to finish this fanfic for ya'll and make it great. :D I freakin' love Eunhae more and more everyday, and this chapter is only the begining of their love, so there will be more of them and other couples for sure! Thank you~

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HanBaram #1
Chapter 19: This is great!!!
Chapter 19: Well it was about time they got some action and a good thing no one did come in..Great Update(:
LarryxEunhae #3
Chapter 19: I'm a new reader I love ur story so please update soon :]
pilikpoplove #4
Woah!! Hae got sassy, that was quite an advance in their relationship :O
tvxqsujushineeexonct #5
Chapter 19: That was so hot! Finally some action... :D
tvxqsujushineeexonct #6
Chapter 18: It's been so long since you last updated! Where are you? I miss your updates! I really love this story so please update sooooooon.
sapphireblue940421 #7
Chapter 18: hello,it's been two month since you update please update soon, it's great story i hope to see what happen next.
update update update update update update
thank you☺
SUJU4ever13 #8
Chapter 18: Finally~ it's so nice tht u updated!
MeinAltire #9
Chapter 18: can't wait to read the next chapter, hope u will update soon...