06 ~ The Go Dai

Card Captors: The Lost Memories [hiatus]
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The couple found themselves in front of the Go Dai who were the High Council of the realm of Superi. Superi was the magical realm where all magical things and life forms existed and born from unless the other place happened on Earth. There were a total of five council members and each council member was in charge of different matters and usually settle out those matters by themselves, unless they crossed one another. This time around though, especially as serious as this matter, it required all five of them to appear for the judgment. This has been the third time where all of Go Dai were gathered together for a ruling.

High Council Ji, she rules over the matters of Physical Affairs concerning Earth done by the Superians and relations. High Council Sui, she rules over the matters of Invisible Affairs concerning Earth done by the Superians and relations. High Council Ka, he rules over the matters concerning Hybrid Affairs that live in Superi and on Earth where upon Earth laws cannot do justice. High Council Fu, he rules over the matters of Foreign Affairs dealing with Earthling and Superians associations. High Council Ku, he rules over the matters of Higher Affairs that doesn't fall into any of the other categories and must be dealt by other means.

"Sakura Li." High Council Ku announced in a booming voice. "You appear before the Go Dai on the charges of misuing the Clow Cards' magic. How do you plead?"

"Not guilty your honor." Sakura answered softly.

"And Syaoran Li." High Council Ku continued in the same booming voice. "You appear before the Go Dai on the charges of aiding and abetting Sakura Li in misusing the Clow Cards' magic. How do you plead?"

"Not guilty your honor." Syaoran answered stiffly.

"Counselor Yun, have you informed your clients of the serious matter that this situation has caused?" High Council Ku asked as his attention went to the female counselor.

"Yes, High Council Ku, I have." Yun answered firmly. "Mr. and Mrs. Li have been fully informed about the whole ordeal."

High Council Ku nodded his head. "Then let's proceed."

"Yes your honor." Yun replied as she instructed the couple to take their seat before taking her own.

"Mr. and Mrs. Li, you are here today due to the fact that your magic has interfered with the laws of Superi. Because of this interference, it has broken the barriers of all the other Go Dai's and myself." High Council Ku informed as he stared at the pair and snapped his fingers and a few bright orbs appeared with a piece of paper before him floating in front of him before grabbing it to read what was written on it. "Concerning Higher Affairs, the charge deals with the

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Chapter 7: next update pls :3
Chapter 7: Man!!! Cliffhanger!!!!
What could the truth be? Duhhh!
Need to wait for next update then.
Chapter 6: Seriously!!! Twin is indeed twin!
Ask so much!!! Pssshhhh... but at least Shion is not so persistent...
Chapter 5: Ahhhh! Jinjja! Renge is just like you!!! Haaaa! Ask too much!!! Bahahahahaha!!!
I am the silver-haired man!!! Yeah! I am rude so what!!! Hahahahahahah
Chapter 4: So there is a sakura book that contains all the cards?
Someone stolen the cards in it?
Chapter 3: Who is the maniac? Chasing them with kitchen knife! LOL!
So uncool! Hahahaha!
And the mysterious silver-haired man....
Chapter 2: I miss Kero!!!!!! Lolololololol!!!!
I wonder who took the sisters away!!!!!
Hope they will be fine.
Chapter 1: Who captured the couple? I hope the two girls are fine and are staying with their handsome uncle! Hahaha
Aiya!! At first you store them as draft, I would know you got new fic...
interesting can't wait for the next update...