Unintended Desires

An Assassin's Kryptonite [HIATUS]




Aejin felt all the energy in her drain away,she just couldn't push him away. L continued to move his lips against hers but soon enough,he collapsed in Aejin's arms. She immediately pulled him up and put his hand around her shoulder as she walked towards his room.

"Drunk as usual. Why does he like to drink? Geez." Aejin mumbled as she opened the door. She put him gently on the bed and stared at his face. "How can someone be so handsome?" she sighed. She was about to leave the room when she saw a picture on the ground. When she saw who was in it,she gasped. Isn't this Tiffany? This was certainly wrong. How can Myungsoo have a picture of the teenager version of her team mate?

She quickly folded the picture and kept it in her pocket before going back in the room. Aejin sighed before she glanced at her shirt. "WHAT THE AM I WEARING?!" she shrieked when she realized the shirt she blindly put on earlier was a see through shirt. No wonder Myungsoo kissed her!


"Umma!" The little boy gleefully smiled at his mother. "Myungsoo ah,you're not going to play with the other kids?" his mother crouched down and carrassed his hair. "Aniyo. I've played enough. Are we going to see Appa now?" Myungsoo asked with those big innocent eyes of his. "Of course. Let's go!" his mom smiled as she held his hand and swung it as they walked.


"Umma what the hell is this?!" Myungsoo yelled as he threw the piece of paper on the ground. "What's going on? Why don't I know anything? Where the is Appa now?!" he cursed. "Myungsoo ah,please calm down,your appa is-..."

"In the office ing one of his employees?" Myungsoo scoffed pathetically before he barged out of the house and hailed a taxi to go to his dad's office. A bunch of bodyguards stopped him from entering the office. " off." he cursed. "I'm sorry,but Mr Kim didn't allow to have any visitors at the moment." one of them said. "Why is he ing someone inside right now? I'm his goddamn son. Move out of the way." Myungsoo harshly pushed the bodyguard away and barged right through the door.

He was 17 at that time,but he was still strong.

And true enough,when he barged into the office,he caught his dad red handed,ing another woman. His dad immediately look up while he scrammed to get his clothes. Mr Kim was only 41 but he still looked really young and is really good looking as well,it explains how Myungsoo was really good looking too.

The lady quickly took her clothes and wore it before she ran out of the office. "What the is going on?!" he yelled. "Kim Myungsoo,which part of not allowing any visitors at the moment do you not understand?" Mr Kim said huskily,but calm.

"Everything! Mom signed the divorce papers already! Do you really want to see your only son get emotionally torn apart?" Myungsoo yelled as tears started to form in his eyes. "Bodyguards! Take him away!" Mr Kim commanded.


"Boy it's too late,you passed the deadline."


"Myungsoo be strong. Don't cry. You're a man."


"Promise us you'll lead a happy and healthy life."


"We love you."


"NOOOO!" L jerked up in cold sweat when he yelled. He blinked his eyes and a tear fell. There was a knock on the door. "Myungsoo ssi,kwenchanayo? Are you having a hangover? Do you need some cold medicine for your headache?" Chaekyung said at the other side of the door.

"Kwenchanayo. I don't need it." L said,his voice cracking. When Chaekyung left,another tear fell. L wiped away his tears with the back of his hand and sighed. "Myungsoo be strong. Don't cry. You're a man." he said before he laid back down in bed and drifted off to sleep again.


The next morning arrived fast. The 3 head servants went to the 2nd floor to wake up the 8 young heirs for breakfast. "Aejin ssi,please wake up." Nasook said as she knocked on Aejin's door,only to be greeted with a morning smile. "Goodmorning Nasook ahjumma." Aejin smiled warmly towards her.

Aejin was the easiest to wake up,and not only that,she would smile warmly at the first person she sees each day she wakes up. So the top 3 servants had a game of scissors,paper and stone to see which one of them will get to wake Aejin up in the morning for a whole week.

Aejin yawned as she went down the stairs and headed to the kitchen. Her cheeks were abit puffy but she still looked drop dead gorgeous. She settled by the table and waited for the one of the other servant to finish cooking breakfast. L held his head as he walked down the stairs. It hurts so much as if it was pounding.

Seeing this,Aejin immediately got a cup of water and handed it to L. "Hangover?" she asked. "Yea...how did you know?" L asked as he sat beside her. "You don't remember last night?" she asked again.

L squinted his eyes as he tried to recall the faint memory he had last night. All he remembered was that he saw an incredibly y body in front of him. Then he widened his eyes as he looked at Aejin. I didn't her...did I?! "Did I...uh do something bad to you?" he stammered. Aejin just laughed. "Aniyo."

"Okay that's a relief." L sighed as he bowed a little at the servant when she served him his breakfast.


"Ya Dongwoo." Aejin whispered as she looked from left to right before she grabbed him by the collar and dragged him inside. "I have something to give you." she said and opened her weapon bag. "Woah is that the AK47 you were talking about yesterday?" Dongwoo gaped.

"Shh. Keep it down butthole." Aejin glared at him before she turned back to her weapon back. She took the extra pistol Tiffany gave her and put a silencer on the tip before she passed it to Dongwoo. "Why are you giving me this for?" he asked. "You said that you know how to shoot right,so use this to protect yourself...and..." she turned back and took one of the daggers her team leader gave her. "This too. When L attacks you,use these by all means okay?" she said worriedly as he nodded.

"Arasseoyo. By the way,they're all going to the club again." Dongwoo said. "What's so good about the club anyways? Tch." Aejin scoffed but remembered the picture that was in Myungsoo's room. She immediately took a picture of it and sent it to Tiffany. A minute later,she got a reply. "Hey how did you get my teenage photo?"

She bit her lips and typed back. "Did you perhaps dated a guy named Myungsoo before?"

"Yea but we broke up cause he misunderstood me for cheating on him when actually my dad forced me into an arranged marraige." Tiffany sent.

"Oh I see. Gomawo unni. I'll talk to you later." Aejin replied before she put her phone into her pocket. "Do you wanna go to the club with me tonight?" she asked. "What?"


"I want you to bring that gun. I'm not bringing anything." Aejin said as she linked onto Dongwoo's arms. "Why?" he asked. "How do you think I can bring a gun when i'm wearing this?" she pointed at her short dress before linking back onto his arms. "Let's go."


"I'm sorry but you need to be on this list." the bodyguard said. Aejin sighed as she realized what she needed to do. "Please let me in once?" she said in a seductive tone as she played with his tie. This was totally not a side of her and she was obviously grossed out by her own acting. "Please?" she said again and rubbed his chest. Looking at her cleavage,the bodyguard managed,"okay..."

She immediately pushed Dongwoo in before she went in herself. And in one look,she could spot Myungsoo at the bartender,getting a drink. She sat 6 seats away from him and pushed Dongwoo onto a seat beside her so that Myungsoo couldn't see her. "A fruit cocktail please." Aejin ordered. "Same here." Dongwoo said huskily.

After a few drinks,Aejin felt a little bit high. What she didn't know was that the bartender spiked her drink with strong alcohol. "I feel really warm..." she mumbled before she looked at Dongwoo. "Let's dance." she said and dragged him to the dance floor. She smiled as her vision blurred a little and her hearing got a little affected.

"Hey Dongwoo. Join us for a drink." she heard Sunggyu say before Dongwoo left her on the dance floor,she almost fell but someone held her. "Dongwoo you're back!" she laughed before she opened her eyes to see a familiar handsome looking face. "Myungsoo." she mumbled before putting her arms around his neck.

"Why are you so handsome..." she mumbled again. L heard that alot,but what he didn't know was the reason why he got so by Aejin saying this. Was it the alcohol? He doesn't know. Does he like her? He doesn't know that either. He just had a strong ual attraction towards her. She is beautiful,her body had that perfect S line,she isn't that tall,isn't that short either.

He d her and pulled her towards him,kissing her roughly. He gripped on her even harder,making her gasp. He took that opportunity to slip his tongue in .

The kiss deepened but a moment later they pulled away as they gasped for air. L grabbed her by the arm and dragged her to the 2nd floor of the club and went into a room. He locked the door and pushed Aejin onto the couch. He took off his shirt,revealing his well built abs before he hovered over Aejin.

He kissed her again but this kiss was abit more rougher than the last one. It was filled with lust instead of passion. As he kissed her,he felt for her zipper at the back and when he felt it,he ped it,but before he pulled down the dress,he slid his hands under the dress and pulled her down.

"Choi Aejin where are you..." Dongwoo mumbled as he opened the door to the rooms of the club. He turned to another door and turned the door knob,only to find it locked. He banged on the door harshly. He couldn't let Aejin get hurt and who knows what will happen to her if she's drunk,or if she's having .

"Choi Aejin!" he yelled and banged the door even harder. Aejin having heard this,immediately sobered up and realized what she was doing. She stopped him and zipped up her dress. She was fortunate enough to sober up before they got onto the next stage of their drunken . But she had to look at Myungsoo's abs once more before she turned to the door.

She unlocked it only to see Dongwoo's relief face. "Thank god." he said as he pulled her into a hug. "Dongwoo i'm not gonna die or anything. I was just almost gonna have with Myungsoo." Aejin said bluntly before she saw the rest of the 5 boys running up to the room to get Myungsoo. "That is not right! That ing bartender must've spiked your freaking drink." Dongwoo cursed.

Aejin was shocked. She never thought that Dongwoo would curse. "Dongwoo..." she mumbled. "I'm sorry. Let's go home,shall we?" he said and linked their arms together as they exit the club,heading back home.



Sorry I just got so into the mood that I didn't really realize what i'm writing. LOL. Recently i've been reading a fic called Legal Hostility and the club part was inspiried by a chapter of the story. No yet. Maybe later. I think. I FEEL SO DIRTY NOW ZOMG. Don't be cilent readers. Subscribe,comment or even vote! Saranghae guyzz~

-Mi Eun

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Chapter 13: plz update
Chapter 10: plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz update soooooooooooooooooooooooon
Chapter 10: OMG!!
Please. Update. Soon
This-- holy crap--

I couldn't press the subscribe button faster. This story is genius.
Chapter 8: Holy !! Dongwoo kissed her!!!
Please please update soon this soooooooo friken good!!!
crooked #6
Chapter 7: love this story
myungsoo and aejin are going to fall in love
First upvoter! :D yay!
YuniOfficial #8
Chapter 5: Yeah. Sad that L is taken, many inspirits are said to be leaving the fandom...
YuniOfficial #9
YuniOfficial #10
Chapter 3: love this story. wish MyungJin wpuld fall in love already.