Day 2

An Assassin's Kryptonite [HIATUS]




" old are you guys? For all I know,Sungjong is 21." Aejin said after she swallowed her food. She was eyeing them curiously and suspiciously at the same time,she has to be alerted since L is the one that she's dealing with this time. She doesn't want anyone to die.

"I'm 23." Myungsoo said without looking up. "Me too." Hoya and Sungyeol chorused,which made Aejin chuckle abit. They're adults but they act like kids,and to be specific,they're heirs. Oh wait...they're decoys...Aejin nodded silently as she politely put the lettuce wrap into .

"Me and Dongwoo is 24." Woohyun said as he poured himself a cup of soju.

"That makes me the oldest then. I'm 25." Sunggyu smiled at the rest. Aejin took a mental note before she started eating. This L guy is good at acting...I can't seem to be suspicious of anyone right now. Aejin thought as she looked at each one of the 7 men. "What about you?" Myungsoo asked her,looking up from his food for once.

"I'm 22." Aejin smiled as she replied.

L kept stealing glances at her when Aejin wasn't looking. He really didn't know why,but he was curious about her and he seemed that he has to look at her everytime,she reminded him of the tigeress which left a huge impression on him the previous night. It was just by one look.

"Cheers for creating a bond?" Sunggyu asked as he raised his cup.

The rest all followed and smiled. "Cheers for creating a bond!" they chorused at the same time. It seemed tiring for Aejin because she had to smile alot,and her cheekbones started to hurt and honestly she wasn't in the mood to smile now. She was nervous,anxious and scared. 'What ifs' filled her mind.

What if L kills her first?

If she fails her mission,it means she's dead.

She tried to maintain her smile but failed so she looked down at her food and hid her face unknowingly. The night was still young but however,it passed quickly and soon enough it was already 3 in the morning. The only sober ones were Aejin and Dongwoo,since Aejin was told by her team leader not to drink too much,and since Dongwoo was suppose to drive them back to the mansion.

"On 3. 1,2,3." Aejin huffed as she pulled the unconscious body from the ground with the help of Dongwoo. Honestly it wasn't a big deal,she can just handle these bodies herself,well she IS strong,but she was suppose to be fragile and soft,oh how she hated her fake life.

After carrying the bodies to the car,she,herself hopped in the car beside Myungsoo. She watched him as he fidgeted and leaned on the door's window,his handsome features shone under the bright moonlight. When she meets a group of people,she'll rank them on her most favourite person and her least favourite,and right now,Myungsoo was her favourite,not that she loves him or something,but he was her favourite out of the seven.

"I hope you're not L. I really don't want to kill you." Aejin mumbled to herself as she stared at Myungsoo's sleeping figure before she turned away.


After leaving each of them in their room,Aejin went back to her own. She quickly took out her laptop and logged in to the G.O.L.D headquarters to see if there was any updated news,when she clicked on the main page,she saw alot of other Agent's well wishes for her on the mission,she smiled before she sighed. She was in a dilemma and since it's her first individual mission,she couldn't just abandon it.

She took out her phone and unlocked it to see that there was alot of messages left in her inbox. She opened it and saw that most of them were from Eunji,her teammate and her bestfriend.

Another message came up and she smiled at it. "Ya how are you doing? I've been texting you since afternoon. REPLY ME." she could just imagine Eunji saying it in a busan dialact,and with that she laughed.

"I'm fine! Geez Eunji would you chill. I won't die that fast,Agent Jung said I'm the best agent in G.O.L.D and best agents don't die,they complete their mission,SO RELAX." she sent.

In about 5 seconds,a reply came up. "Finally you replied me. I just wanted to see how you're settling in. Be careful arasseo?"

"Arasseo. Go to sleep,it's like 4am. I believe you have training tomorrow,SO GO TO SLEEP. Goodnight Busan Eunji." she replied and locked her phone. She wasn't tired. Even if she was,she couldn't sleep,she was afraid that L will kill her in her sleep. She felt for the dagger strapped around her thigh to make sure it was still there,and when she felt it,she stood up.

She opened the door and it was dark everywhere. She wasn't afraid of ghosts since humans are more scary. Especially L. It was dark,but she still could see,so she made her way to the kitchen. No one can even hear her steps,since she was so careful.

"Noona?" she flinched when she suddenly heard a voice. She turned around to see Sungjong tiredly rubbing his eyes. "Sungjong you scared me." she said. "Why,are you doing something bad?" he asked as he went to the fridge.

"No? I mean it's like dark and quiet around here and you suddenly spoke. Who wouldn't be scared?" Aejin denied. "What are you doing here anyways?" she asked.

"Hangover. Getting some water." Sungjong said simply before he went back to his room with a big bottle of water in his hand. Aejin closed her eyes as she slapped her chest,recovering from the shock.

She waited for a while before she went back to the second floor,going to the last room. She turned the handle without a sound and opened it,to see Myungsoo still unconscious. She looked around and saw that his closet was locked too. She went over to his closet and took a closer look at the padlock,trying to remember how the keyhole looks like.

She squinted her eyes to get a much more closer look,but stopped when she heard grunts. She widened her eyes as she turned around,seeing Myungsoo stirring up from his sleep. Her heart began pounding against her chest furiously as she tried to find an escape solution. The opened balcony caught her attention and she ran to it. She jumped over the balcony and and held the railing,hanging. If she falls,it's game over.

"Ugh I hate these s." Aejin cursed. She simply hated rock climbing even though that was part of her daily training. "Oh head hurts." she heard Myungsoo grunted. She looked down before she looked to the side,her room was all the way at the other end. She sighed before she used her finger strength and held the unknown designs on the outer walls of the mansion which was sticking out.

The wind came and it blew at her dress. Her dress flew up a little which revealed her thighs and the dagger that was strapped around it,which shone from the reflection of the moonlight. Aejin cursed and pushed the part down,hanging on one hand. And yes,this was how strong she is. She was getting tired,honestly. She quickly climbed back to her room and closed the window of her balcony and locked it.

She unstrapped the dagger and took out the strapper,throwing the dagger on the bed,after that,she changed into a pair of sweatpants and a plain white t-shirt. She sighed as she laid on the bed. She took the dagger with her right hand and hid it under the pillow,and then laid on the pillow,still holding the dagger,in case anyone tries to kill her in her sleep,at least if she's fortunate enough,she can fight back with weapon instead of being empty handed.


The next morning came by and Aejin was relieved that she's still alive. On the other hand,L has just recovered from his major hangover and has been awake ever since he heard someone ruffling against the padlock on his closet. Who would be strong enough to climb out of the balcony so fast? It definitely isn't Aejin. I mean she's a girl. It might be Dongwoo...Hoya...or maybe Woohyun? Sungjong looks too skinny,and Sunggyu doesn't fit the strong image. L thought silently before he yawned.

There was a knock on L's door and his senses came to life,alerted. "Kim Myungsoo ssi,breakfast is ready. Please come to the kitchen to eat with the rest." Nasook said before she left."I shouldn't have drank so much last night. The hangover was terrible." L mumbled to himself before he left the room.

"Good morning Myungsoo." Aejin smiled as she saw him. "Where's the rest?" L asked. "I guess Mi Young,Chaekyung and Nasook is waking them up for breakfast." Aejin shrugged before she sat on one of the chairs and began eating. L slipped himself beside her and began eating as well.

"What's your hobby?" L asked all of a sudden. "Singing. Since my dad is the CEO of Woollim Entertainment." Aejin lied. "Then why don't you be a singer instead?" he asked.

"My dad doesn't let me. He says he wants me to handle the company after he retires." she lied again. "What's yours?"

"Photography." L said simply. He wasn't lying,it was true. Besides killing,he also does photography in his free time. "I've never seen a camera with you before." Aejin said,looking up from her food.

"Oh they're in my closet. A set of cameras,super expensive." L lied this time round. Aejin took a mental note. Is that why his closet was locked with a padlock? Because there was a set of super expensive cameras inside? Well,then again,he could be lying. Even if there was a set of super expensive cameras inside,does he have to use such a padlock which can only be opened with a key and not a hammer? It's just like mine. But then again,it could be true. Aejin shrugged off the thought and continued eating.

"Good morning." Sungjong rubbed his eyes as he walked to the dining table. "Good morning Sungjong. Are you feeling better?" Aejin asked and he nodded as he sat on the other side,next to Aejin.

Dongwoo came right after Sungjong and he didn't look tired at all. And that was because he wasn't asleep the whole night. He stared at Aejin as he remembered what he saw last night. She was climbing at the outer walls of the mansion in 4:35am in the morning and Dongwoo saw it from his balcony even when Aejin didn't take notice of him.

"Good morning Aejin ssi." Dongwoo said as he sat down. "Ah,Dongwoo drop the honorifics. And good morning to you too." Aejin smiled simply before cutting the omelette with her fork and spoon. Dongwoo wasn't sure what she was doing climbing and why,but he didn't bother anymore,he was more distracted by her beauty. She was somehow glowing in his eyes.

The rest came and breakfast passed just like that,and then they got bored. Since Hye Sun wasn't coming until 2 days later,they didn't know what to do. "Hey hey hey,how about we do a staring contest." Sungyeol suggested as he smiled. Aejin somehow laughed at his childishness. "Okay let's do it." Aejin agreed.

"How about,ladies first?" Sunggyu grinned. "Aejin and the maknae." Woohyun pointed.

Aejin stood in front of Sungjong and stared into his eyes,he tried to glare at her but failed when he laughed,but still,he didn't blink. Aejin ended up glaring at him and finally Sungjong blinked. "Wah,noona your eyes are scary when you glare." Sungjong chuckled.

"Next! Aejin and Myungsoo!" Sungyeol said as he pushed Myungsoo in front of Aejin. "Start!" Sunggyu exclaimed. L stared at her,not her eyes,he was admiring her beauty that he didn't bother to blink,which made it so easy for him in the game. He looked at her nose that was shaped perfectly,looked at her plump red lips that looked so delicious,her captivating brown hazel eyes that looked so beautiful,her light brown hair that was naturally curled and resting on her shoulders. She was a true beauty.

On the other hand,Aejin had difficulties keeping her eyes opened. As if his eyes was piercing daggers through hers,she didn't even know how he could keep his eyes opened for so long. "'s like more than 2 minutes." Sungjong pointed. Aejin finally blinked and she wiped the tears away.

"Myungsoo won!" Sungyeol yelled which snapped L out of his trance. He saw Aejin placing her palms on her eyelids,resting her eyes as the others laughed and smiled.

Oh how he wished that he didn't have to kill them.



I felt that I needed to update this before I won't update this at all. Writers' block coming soon. Don't be silent readers. Subscribe,comment or even vote! Saranghae guyzz~

-Mi Eun

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Chapter 13: plz update
Chapter 10: plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz update soooooooooooooooooooooooon
Chapter 10: OMG!!
Please. Update. Soon
This-- holy crap--

I couldn't press the subscribe button faster. This story is genius.
Chapter 8: Holy !! Dongwoo kissed her!!!
Please please update soon this soooooooo friken good!!!
crooked #6
Chapter 7: love this story
myungsoo and aejin are going to fall in love
First upvoter! :D yay!
YuniOfficial #8
Chapter 5: Yeah. Sad that L is taken, many inspirits are said to be leaving the fandom...
YuniOfficial #9
YuniOfficial #10
Chapter 3: love this story. wish MyungJin wpuld fall in love already.