A Voice

Love is Priceless

7:28pm. Heading home.



After their spare time, they all decided to head back home. Moonchul opened the door & they all spotted Jihoon, sitting alone on the couch with a pissed off expression. *What now...* Moonchul thought.


"YAH ! WHERE HAVE YOU GUYS BEEN ?! YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS ?!" Jihoon snapped & shot up. Yuki flinched & hid behind Moonchul. He defended her with his arm.


"Dude, it's only 7:30. Calm you down..." Moonchul responded in his regular tone he would always have, even before Yuki hadn't been living with them. 


Jihoon scoffed, "Shinhye, go to your room..." He didn't take his eyes off of Moonchul. Shinhye became scared. She didn't like how Yuki would always be hurt, but at the same time, she felt like Yuki actually deserves it. "Do you hear me ?!" Jihoon raised his voice at her. She flinched & walked up to her room.


He looked back at Moonchul & Yuki. "Let me talk to her..." Jihoon told Moonchul. They didn't move a muscle. "Alone...Kim Moonchul..." He raised his voice again.


"Why...? Why do you deserve to talk to her when you don't even know how to treat her well...?" Moonchul said. He felt Yuki grab onto his shirt. She was trembling in fear. Jihoon was loss out of words. "Exactly..." Moonchul grabbed onto her wrist & led her up to their room. Just when they walked up the 1st step, Jihoon grabbed onto her other wrist & pulled her down.


"Let. Me. Talk to her..." Jihoon was losing his patience. 


"What is there to talk about !" Moonchul pulled her up. Jihoon pulled her back, which caused Moonchul to fall back also. Jihoon let Yuki loose & clenched onto Moonchul's shirt & held him up.


"You want me to do it the hard way...?" He growled at Moonchul. Yuki's eyes were filled with fear. She didn't like the look of their expression at all. It looked like they had a death glare & was about to kill each other or something. Yuki had enough, she spoke up...


"Jihoon-oppa, jebal, please...don't hurt him..." Yuki grabbed onto Jihoon's left arm. He aggressively pushed Yuki, then Moonchul away. Moonchul almost tripped back on the stairs, whil Yuki fell onto the ground. Her eyes became teary & Moonchul's eyes widen in shock.


"Now go to your room before anything else happens !" Jihoon yelled at Moonchul. He slowly took his eyes off of her & walked away. He swung open his door & slammed it shut. He sat on the edge on Yuki's bed & placed his hands on his head. Sincehe's the type that can hold his anger in, he remaind silent. He interlaced his hands together & rested his chin on them & waited...


He had that flash back when Yuki pleaded Jihoon.


"Jihoon-oppa, jebal, please...don't hurt him..." Her voice echoed in his head. Then he heard her voice again, but...she said something different...


"Yeobo, please...Chakiya...don't do this to him..." He heard a voice that sounded exactly like Yuki's. He heard it over & over again...He placed his hands on his head. "Moonchul ~" The voice called him again. He shook his head, "Mianhae~..." He was about to scream, but the door slowly opened.


He looked up & saw Yuki entering with her head down. Moonchul knew what happened. It was obvious. Yuki didn't bother looking up, so she just sat beside him, sniffling. He moved away her side bangs & her long hair away. He held up her chin & saw a red hand mark on her left cheek.


"As always..." Moonchul whispered. Yuki dropped a single tear & sniffled again. He carefully shifted his hand up to her cheek & she flinched in pain. Moonchul also flinched. He placed it on again & slowly rubbed the mark & her tears away with his thumb. "You should rest..." Moonchul ruffled her hair again. She had a small grin & nodded.


Moonchul slipped over the blanket & tucked her in.


"Good night oppa ~ ..." Yuki said in a soothing voice. He looked back at her & smiled.


"Night~..." He responded back. He layed back on his bedding area & starred at the ceiling. The voice & Yuki's voice kept ringing in his ear. *Yuki hadn't called me Moonchul or Moonchul-oppa before...Then...who's voice sounded exactly like her's....?* His question bothered him until he fell asleep...

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SoneSunTaeNy #1
deardiaryyou #2
so true!!!
iBaozi #3
If the aunt is STEP-aunt and you never put STEP cousins so does that mean....<br />
I think Jihoon needs to be more mature like Moonchul and calm his down then taking his anger out on Yuki
OohShinyDistracted #4
Ha GDs a magical prince! It's so cool that it's based on the music video. I loved that one. It made me love his white blond hair^^
OohShinyDistracted #5
Yeah Yuki and Moonchul moments are really sweet, and he's allowed to like her right, since they're STEP cousins? o.o Does he?!
ForeverNeverEnd8 #6
thanks for reading ~ <3
itsme-miya #7
GD! GD! I agree, he's one HOT Prince Charming!<br />
I really like Yuki and Moonchul's moments <3
OohShinyDistracted #8
Aww... Feel sorry for Yuki. This seems a little...Cinderella-ish? GD would make one hot Prince Charming XD
itsme-miya #9
Moonchul is so kind to Yuki <3<br />
Can't wait until Jiyong comes out :D
itsme-miya #10
Please update soon. I pity Yuki T_T