First day of school

The thirteen knights

*Too lazy to edit even though i have so much free time*


You woke up to your alarm ringing and you reached to it with your hand your eyes still closed. You turned off the alarm and stared at the ceiling for a moment. You had seen a dream about going to your grandmother's place and she had welcomed you warmly. You noticed that a little teardrop had formed in your eye so you wiped it off and sat on the bed. "Better start preparing for school.." You thought slowly getting up from the bed and walking over to your wardrobe. You took your school uniform, a towel, your makeup and everything else you needed and headed to the shower. You didn't want to walk around in just a towel so you took everything with you. 

You opened your door and looked to the corridor. "Great, no one seems to be here."  You quicly closed the door behind you and rushed to the showers. Both of them were free so you just went in to the one that was closer. After locking the door and making sure that it was locked you placed your uniform and the other stuff on a stool that was near the door and took off your clothes. Someone had been there a little before you since the floor was still wet here and there and it was still warm in there. 

After the warm and refreshing shower you put a towel aroung your body and hari and you looked at yourself in the mirror. You took your toothbrush and started brushing your teeth. After doing that you put on your uniform and headed back to your room to dry your hair. You hung your towel on the closet door and grabbed your hairdryer. You didn't have much time to dry your hair so it was still a little wet as you headed downstairs with your bag. "Which kitched should i go to? maybe i shouldn't go at all..I'm not that hungry anyways so i could just skip breakfast and eat later at the cafeteria."  You were almost at the front door as someone called you. 

"Ah good morning Eunmi. Did you sleep well?" Kidoh walked towards you eating a pepero stick. 

"Ah yes, good morning to you too." 

"Are you leaving already? Aren't you going to eat anything?" 

"I'm not that hungry today so.." 

"Ah don't worry about it, we're leaving now anyways. We left you some food on the counter so eat as much as you like." Kidoh smiled and winked at you. You saw the other guys coming from the kitchen and coming towards you. You greeted them and with the exception of Gohn, everyone answered you too. 

"See you around in school." Kidoh said and followed the others out of the dorm. You turned around and walked to the kitchen. They had really left a lot of food to you. There was lots of side dishes to go with the other foods. "Uwah i wonder who made all this?!" You put the foods on the table and started eating it. It tasted amazing. Of course not as good as your grandmother's cooking but this was surely the second best. It tasted so good that you ate a little too much and you were feeling super stuffed. You cleaned the kitchen a little and started walking back to the front door. You walked out of the kitchen and almost ran into Xero who was standing near the wall.

"Good morning" he smiled looking at you as you blushed a little. 

"Good morning..why didn't you go to school with the others?" 

"I was waiting for you." Xero said making you blush a little more. 

"B-but why?" 

"Didn't you say yesterday that you didn't know where the principals office was? and he told us to show you the way." 

"Ah yes...let's get going then." You answered shyly and started following him. He held the door open for you and you thanked him smiling and slightly nodding your head. 

You didn't talk with him at all and you just kept following him. Once you came to the school you noticed everyone start whispering and staring at you with a murderous gaze. "What's this supposed to mean? don't they like new people?"

"Don't worry about it." Xero suddenly said breaking your thought. 


"I said don't worry about it. They are always like that." 


After walking for some more Xero suddenly stopped making you bump on his back. You couldn't see it but Xero was smiling happily to himself. 

"We're here." He pointed at the door that had your uncles name on it. 

"Ah, thank you Jiho." You knocked on the door as Xero left to attend his class. 

"Come in." You heard your uncle answer you and you entered the room.  

"Good morning." You greeted him with a bow. 

"Good morning Eunmi. Did you sleep well?" 


"Good. I don't have too much time now again so i'll go straight to the bussiness. Here is your timetable. I will lead you to your class and after that you can ask your classmates about your classes if you need any help finding the rooms. Our rules are pretty much the same as in the other school's so i don't think you'll have problems with that. Also you have to be back in the dorm by 10 o'clock. Here are the books you'll need. I think that's all for now. Let's go to your class." 


You followed him to the other end of the hallway and entered a room. You walked in the class after your uncle and everyone stared at you making you a little nervous. 

"You must be the new student." The kind looking female teacher asked you. 

"Ah yes." You bowed to her and walked to the front of the room. Your uncle left after saying something to the teacher. 

"Hello, my name is Park Eunmi. It's nice to meet you all." You bowed and looked at the students. None of them seemed to have paid any attention to what you had said earlier. "Rich kids.." you thought to yourself as you spotted a boy smiling a little and looking at you. 

"Good. You can sit in the back next to Nakta. My name is Lee Minjee. Now let's get started with our class."

"So his name is least he seems nice." 

In your previous school you all had seperate desks so it was your first time you had to sit with someone in class. And to make everything worse it was math class and you in math. The teacher handed everyone a sheet of paper with lots of math problems. You looked at the seet and your mind went blank. You had no idea how to do any of them. You could see that Nakta had already done the first ones so you decided to try the first problem. You read it over and over and tried to do something but it didn't seem to be right. Nakta looked at your paper and you. You looked like it was the hardest thing you had ever done. 

"Would you like me to help you?" 

"Eh?" You turned your head and looked at him. He pointed at your sheet and smiled. 

"Ah this, I can do it myself." You smiled slightly and looked back at your sheet. 

"Come on, let me help you." He pulled your sheet and started scribbling something on it. You tried to look at what he was doing but his hand blocked it. He put his pen away and slided the sheet to you. 

"You can use this formula like this..." He kept explaining to you but you we'rent really listening as you stared at him. "He is actually quite handsome."

"Understand?" Nakta said bringing you back to earth

"Eh what?" 

"Let me explain again." He chuckled and started explaining everything again. 

"Understand now? you can use this formula for the three first problems." 

"Ah thank you. I think i understand now." You said happily as you actually managed to understand something in math. That was a rare occasion. 

After you had managed to do the three problems you turned back to him.

"Can you check it please?" you tried to put some aegyo in there but it probably looked awful. 

"Hehe sure." He smiled and took your sheet. "Congratulations you got them all right." 

"Are you serious?! Yess." You mumbled to yourself so you wouldn't bother the others. "Thank you." You put your hands together and bowed to him. He smiled and tried not to laugh at you.

"Actually..uhm..could you maybe be my friend??" You mumbled and looked at him. 

"Aren't we already?" He smiled and looked at your sheet again, "I'll help you do the rest problems." Nakta said and started scribbling new formulas.


After the class Nakta had something else to do so you walked around the school trying to find the lockers. You didn't want to ask anyone since every person you saw looked mean. You still didn't know why everyone was staring at you. When you finally found the lockers you rushed over to your locker. You put the books that you didn't need into your locker. As you closed the door a group of girls came over to you. 

"What were you doing with our oppa in the morning?!" One of them started screaming killing your ears. "So loud." You thought to yourself.

"What oppa?"

"Don't play dumb!" 

"Who was i with this morning...ah, Jiho." 

"Do you mean Jiho?" The girls gasped and looked at you with shocked eyes. 

"Who gave you the permission to call him by his name?!" 

"Hey Eunmi, what are you doing?" Kidoh walked next to you. 

"Hello oppa~" The girls squeeled killing your ears once again. 

"Sorry but i'll borrow Eunmi for a moment." Kidoh smiled and dragged you away. "Those es are so annoying." He scoffed making you laugh a little in total agreement. "Can you show me your timetable?" 

"Sure." You handed your timetable over to him. 

"Our school end at the same time today. Me, seogoong and Sangdo were planning to go shopping today so would you like to come with us?" 

"I don't think i need anything so I'll stay in the dorm." 

"Okay then, I'll see you in the cafeteria." He gave you back your timetable and left. You headed over to your next class, which was p.e.


Finally the p.e class was over. It was like hell since you had to do everything in pairs and you didn't have any female friends. No one wanted to do anything with you so you had to do some thing with the teacher. You went back to your locker to put the p.e clothes away. Nakta came there too and you left together to the cafeteria. The lines were long and the cafeteria was quite full. You saw the guys sitting in different sides of the cafeteria. You sat down to an empty table with Nakta and started eating. You chitchatted about this and that and sometimes you would laugh at Nakta since he was so funny. At some point you noticed that the cafeteria was almost empty already. You were about to go as you looked around you and saw Xero sitting with Atom and on the other side Kidoh was sitting with Gohn. You saw when the other guys left but that was a long time ago. 

You walked to your next class with Nakta and you sat together again. The class was boring since you don't like politics and you had to keep quiet. This was actually your last class for today, but your other days were full. Nakta started writing something in his notebook and slided it to you. 

"Do you have any plans for tomorrow?" you smiled and started writing an answer.

"No, why?" 

"I know a really good cafe we could go to. We can celebrate our friendship there." 

You chuckled to yourslef, "Sure." 

Nakta smiled and the class ended. "See you tomorrow then." 

"Yes~" You smiled back to him and headed to the dorm.

On the way there you ran into Kidoh and Sangdo so you walked to the dorm with them. P-goon wanted to go to the shop too so you were left with Gohn and Jenissi. Xero and the others seemed to still be in school. Gohn and Jenssi were doing something in the kitchen so you took the freedom to watch tv alone in the livingroom. 

After some time you heard footsteps coming closer to you. You turned around and saw Jenissi. 

"If you want to eat there's some food now."

"Okay, i'll come in a moment." You weren't that hungry but you just couldn't say no. 

You walked in the kitchen and sat at the end of the table. Not too close to Gohn and Jenissi. The mood was extremely awkward as you all kep eating quietly. 

"So how was your first day of school?" Jenissi tried to break the silence. 

"Good. At least the teachers seem nice." 

"Did you make any new friends?" 

"Yes one, he's from my class." 

"I believe he's the other transfer student Nakta"

"Is he a transfer student? When did he transfer here?" 

"A fiew days before you did." 


Jenissi suddenly got up leaving you with Gohn. "Please please don't leave me alone with him." You tried to beg silently in your head but in didn't work. After Jenissi left it was even more awkward. You tried to think what you could ask him but you couldn't come up with anything. Gohn didn't like the silence either se he tried to strike up a conversation. 

"So do you like the food?" His sudden question startled you a little since you didn't expect him to say anything. 

"Ah yes, it's really delicious. It reminds me of my grandmother's cooking." You smiled and looked at your plate.

"Your grandmother must be a really good cook." 

"Yeah se was.." 

The silence came back after that and Gohn felt bad for saying that after he saw your expression. 

"Thank you for the food, it was really good." You smiled and went to your room.



Nakta is heree :D So how did you like the second chapter? This came out surprisingly long:o I finally managed to write this since i didn't go to school today hohoho.

I got my first ever kpop album (infinite be mine) and my first ever kpop poster (bap-crash) hee now i'm happyy:D I need moooreeee heheh

Please please leave comments!♥ and remember to subscribe~

Here are all the names (name first then pictures):


P-Goon, real name Park Sehyuk (leader of ToppDogg)



Jenissi, real name Kim Taeyang


Seogoong, real name Park Hyunho


Yano, real name Seo Sangwon


A-TOM, real name Kim Sanggyun


Nakta, real name Shin Yooncheol


B-Joo, real name Kim Byungjoo


Xero, real name Shin Jiho


Hansol, real name Kim Hansol


Hojoon, real name Jeon Hojoon


Sangdo, real name Yu Sangdo


Gohn, real name Kim Dongsung


Kidoh, real name Jin Hyosang



Enjoy these gif's~







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This is so beautiful omg authornim you should make the sequel!! Sequel plsssssss
me_just_me #3
Chapter 15: Can i request a sequeelllll? This is sooooo beautifull
margiegarcia #4
Chapter 15: Nice fic but some how it reminded me of exo. Hahaha the whole thing of being separated but in the end coming together as one. Anyway I really liked it. =)
Chapter 15: Woohoo i loved the ending~ your writing is okay lol I really enjoyed this fic
Mysakuraflower #6
Chapter 13: The polls arent avalible so GohnXeunmi
Chapter 14: OMO i have been wAiting so long for the update! Asdfghjkl i dont want it to enddd
i love this story !
Chapter 12: I'm so into Xero damn qq ... such a charming vampire...>_< <33
Love Eunmi and Xero so much together~

Update soon please ~ :3
Chapter 11: i want more Eunmi and Gohn moments .____. XDDD