End of avoiding

The thirteen knights

Your eyes widened in shock and your mouth was left hanging. The bird fluttered its wings and flew around the room. Your mind was completely blank. You hear a creak coming from your door so you slowly turn your head towards it. For your surprise you see Gohn with a worried face. You don't know what to do or say but you feel your eyes getting more and more watery. It feels like everyone has been lying to you for your whole life. 

"It's okay Eunmi." Gohn closed the door behind him and walked towards you. Hearing that made you even more upset and you couldn't help but let tears start rolling down. Gohn walked over to you and gave you a warm hug. He felt your tears rolling down on his shoulder. 

"Don't cry Eunmi, it's okay." He your head and broke the hug putting his hands on your shoulders. "Don't worry about it." 

"..How can I not worry about it?! I'm not even human!"

"Of course you are, you're just one with a special kind of power." 

"Pabo.." your tears roll down again and Gohn wipes them off with a sweet smile on his face.

"Stop crying now, okay?"

You can finally stop crying but you still feel extremely shocked. To make everything worse you happen to hear Sangdo and Seogoong talking in the hallway outside your room. 

"I wonder if he told Eunmi about her powers...but wouldn't it be better if she knew them herself too?"

You look straight at Gohn in shock. "...All of you knew about this?!"

", those idiots!" Gohn thought to himself. "Well...erm....yeah.."

"Wha- I don't believe this...you...you...just get out." 


"Just go! Leave me alone!" You pushed Gohn out of the room and locked the door. You collapsed on your bed wanting to cry again. "Why is it that everyone knows everything about me except me?! Why does it have to be me?! Grandma why did you have to leave me!" You start crying again as the moonlight shines through your window. 



You woke up as your alarm clock rang. You turned it off and snuggled back in your bed. You didn't want to get up since you didn't want to see the guys. You decided to stay and wait until they leave to school. Slowly you fall asleep again until someone knocks on your door. 

"You should wake up. We're all leaving now." Sangdo informed you and left. 

You didn't bother answering him and just lay in your bed. Once you hear the front door close you got up from your bed and walked to your wardrobe. Then you put on your school uniform you walked downstairs to the kitchen. You ate some breakfast as you usually do and got ready for school. You knew you would be late for school but it didn't bother you at all. You took your bag, closed the front door and headed to your class. 

You come to your class and as expected it had already started about an half hour ago. You sighed before knocking on the class door. Some student opened the door for you and you walked to the teacher. 

"You're already an half hour late!"

"I'm terribly sorry, this won't happen again." You bowed to the teacher.

"You better make sure that it won't." The teacher glared at you and you walked towards your seat. As soon as you turned yourself towards your seat you noticed that Nakta wasn't there again. You sat on your seat and took out your books. "Where has he gone off to?" You sighed again and focused on the teaching.


Only one class had passed and you were extremely bored. You tried your best to avoid the guys on the break. It actually felt stupid about the whole avoiding thing. You just didn't know how to approach the guys.

You tried to text Nakta again and ask him where he was but he still didn't answer after several messages. 

After a few more classes there was still no answer from Nakta. You had lunch time now and you definitely weren't skipping that. You walked in the cafeteria and stood at the end of the line. You saw the other guys(A/N:I mean the toppdogg guys) looking at you but you didn't pay attention to it. Once you had taken a plateful of food you walked to the table where you usually sit and sat there alone. After a few minutes of peace and loneliness five guys came to your table and sat down. You glanced at them quickly and then immediately looked at your plate. You heard the guys starting to whisper about something and then one of them called you. 

"Hey you."

You hesitantly lifted your head and looked at the guy talking to you. "Y-yes?"

"What are you doing after school?"  He grinned at you.

"Uh oh nothing..." You tried to get up from the table but the guy that was sitting beside you grabbed your hand. "Why don't you stay with us for a moment." He pulled you back and you started panicking a bit inside your head. You looked between the two guys sitting in front of you and saw Gohn and the others looking at your direction. You flinched as you felt someone's cold fingers touching your leg. "No way this is happening to me in school!"

As you slapped the guy's hand away someone appeared at your table. 

"You done Eunmi?" Xero asked you glaring at the guys at your table. 

"Yeah.." You looked at Xero a little surprised 

"Well I'll be borrowing her then." He glared at the guy in the middle and started dragging you away from the cafeteria. He stopped outside the cafeteria and released your hand. 

"What did they want from you?"


"Don't lie, I could clearly hear everything."

"Why did you even ask then?"

"I just wanted to."

"Well anyways, thank you for that." 

"No problem but... Are you still mad at us?" 

"Well.. actually..." 

"Don't be mad at us, we just thought that it would be-"

"Shh, this isn't a good place to talk about this." 

"Ah, right.. Then would you come to the garden after school?" 

"Sure", you smiled to him and looked at the clock on the wall, "i'm going to go to class now, bye then." You waved to him and headed to your class. Xero turned around as he wanted to go back in the cafeteria but the douche and his friends, who had harassed you just now walked out and stopped in front of Xero. 

"Well look at this, it's the pretty prince." The 'leader' of the five guys, called Hyunwoo, grinned at Xero. Xero just gave him a glare and wanted to ignore them and walk back to the cafeteria but one of the guys pushed him back in front of them. 

"Going somewhere?" Hyunwoo asked Xero, "What, cat got your tongue?"

Xero was actually surprised since this was the first time that this was happening. "Seems like someone wants to be tough.." He smiled to himself. 

"What's so funny? I bet you little mama's boy are used to everything going just as you want but don't think so, that is mine now." 

"Excuse me but what did you just say?" 

"I said that-" 

Xero gave Hyunwoo the lightest punch he had ever given to anyone still making Hyunwoo fall down and groan in pain. 

"What the hell are you doing?!" The guy who had d your leg yelled at Xero. Xero had clearly smelled his stench over you a while ago while you were talking with him. He took a quick step forward and hit the guy straight in his stomach. 

"Don't you dare touch her again." Xero whispered in the guys ear and he fell down to the ground. 

A huge crowd had gathered around them and they started cheering and yelling. Xero looked around noticing you looking at him from your class room's window. He quickly turned around and left from the scene. He actually felt good hitting that guy who had touched you but having you see it made him feel awful. He was scared that you would hate him now. 

You kept looking at the guys that Xero had punched. You were worried that they would be seriously hurt since you knew how strong Xero was, but luckily the guys were okay. They managed to get up by themselves. "Jiho... Well at least you made an effort to contain your powers... But why did you have to do that?" 

"Okay now let's continue the class!" The teacher said after all the students had come back in your class. 


Your schoolday was now over and you were walking out of your last class as your phone vibrated. You looked at it and noticed that finally there was a message from Nakta. 

[ I'm sorry that I didn't answer you Eunmi, but I just didn't have a chance. Do this one favor for me and promise that tonight you'll make sure you're not alone, okay? Please just this one thing.]

"Huh, what does he mean?" 

"Hey Eunmi." Your uncle called you.


"How have you been feeling? I heard that you didn't come to school for a few days?"

"Ah I just wasn't feeling well, but i'm all okay now."

"That's good then. I'm sorry that I have to go now but why don't we go eat dinner sometime?"

"Sure, that sounds great."

"Good, well I'll be leaving then. Try not to get sick again."

"Yes, bye." Your uncle left and you headed to the dorm. On the way to the dorm you thought about the message that Nakta had sent you. Maybe you should really try to spent the day with the guys? That would also end the childish avoiding thing. But what exactly did Nakta mean by the message? 

You took a deep breath as you entered the dorm. You heard Gohn speaking with the others. You walked past the livingroom straight towards the stairs. The guys stopped talking for a second when they saw you. Once you reached your room you looked at your open window and the bird you had saved was sitting on the windowsill. 

"Hello birdie~" You threw your bag on your bed and walked towards the bird. 

"How have you been~" You talked to the bird and carefully petted it, "I'll go get you something." You walked out of the room as Gohn and the others(A/N: I hope you understood that i meant all the werewolves by that) came up the stairs. You looked at the ground as you were about to pass them. They quietly walked past you and you stopped. 


They turned around and looked at you.

"Uh..about this whole avoiding and not talking thing... It's really stupid... I really didn't want to start this in the first place.. I understand that you didn't want to tell me about that thing because you thought that it would be better that way so... Let's just be how we used to. Actually now that I've been thinking I'd really like to know you guys better."

"It's okay Eunmi. Actually we just thought that you wanted some time to be by yourself so that's why didn't talk to you or anything." Kidoh smiled to you. 

"Ah really? Actually I like to talk to someone rather than think about things on my own.."

"And if you really meant that last part then why won't you come watch a movie with us again?" Gohn spoke out. 

"Sure, that would be nice." 

"Okay then, we'll go pick the movie now."

Gohn, Sangdo and P-Goon headed out to rent a movie. You gave the bird something to eat and now it was in your room with you. Suddenly you hear your phone's message alarm go on and you quickly fetched your phone. There was a message from Xero. 

[ Could you come to the garden now?]

You left your phone on the desk and headed outside. As you opened the back door you saw Xero in his little rose garden looking all handosome as always. He looked at you as you approached him. 

"Hi." You looked at Xero and the pretty garden of his. 

"Hi..." he looked at you as you were busy adoring the garden. "I'm sorry Eunmi."


"About hitting those guys.." 

"Well I'm not the one you should be telling sorry... But why did you do that?"

"It's just that I couldn't control myself after smelling him all over you and.. You know.. Knowing that he had touched you."

You werent quite sure what you should think right now. That could've been a secret love coffenssion. Or maybe he's like that to everyone.

"Erm..well.. I'd still like to thank you for helping me in the cafeteria but hitting them wasn't really necessary.." 

"Hey guys." Hansol appeared from the forest. 

"Hi." You smiled to him as he walked over to you. 

"So you're not angry with us anymore?"

"Of course not, I was angry only in the beginning, now I understand why you didn't tell me."

"That's good then." Hansol smiled happily and looked at Xero. "I wasn't interrupting anything, was I?"

"No, we were just having a chat. Let's go inside now." 

"Yes." You walked back in the dorm with Xero and Hansol. You came in and Seogoong came over to you. 

"It seems like all three of them forgot their wallets here so we'll watch a movie tomorrow, okay?"

"Sure, no problem."

"Good. And we already made dinner so you can come eat when you want." 

"Ah, thank you, i'll go eat right away."

You walked into the kitchen with Seogoong and ate with him and Kidoh. 


"Eunmi, wake up Eunmi!" You open your eyes slowly trying to see who was in front of you. By sound it seemed like it was Gohn. 

"What is it?"

"You need to wake up, they are here."

"Huh? Who are?" 

"The angels."


Hehe it took me some time to think about what to do with this chapter, how do you like it? x) 

Remember to answer the polls, they will affect the ending! 






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This is so beautiful omg authornim you should make the sequel!! Sequel plsssssss
me_just_me #3
Chapter 15: Can i request a sequeelllll? This is sooooo beautifull
margiegarcia #4
Chapter 15: Nice fic but some how it reminded me of exo. Hahaha the whole thing of being separated but in the end coming together as one. Anyway I really liked it. =)
Chapter 15: Woohoo i loved the ending~ your writing is okay lol I really enjoyed this fic
Mysakuraflower #6
Chapter 13: The polls arent avalible so GohnXeunmi
Chapter 14: OMO i have been wAiting so long for the update! Asdfghjkl i dont want it to enddd
i love this story !
Chapter 12: I'm so into Xero damn qq ... such a charming vampire...>_< <33
Love Eunmi and Xero so much together~

Update soon please ~ :3
Chapter 11: i want more Eunmi and Gohn moments .____. XDDD