` jellyвeαɴѕ яoleplay : we're back! many slots avail. choose your own jellybelly flavor based on your personality. ヾ (✿>﹏ ⊙〃)ノ p.s ; one more responsible admin needed!


we're here in order to brigthen up yer day with our kreji-ness. (= ㅅ =❀)
RE-OPENING! HUAHUAHUAHUAHAHA. BLAME THE LAZYASS ADMINS TBH. SHOT. E U E we were on our exam week so- we decided to re-open it nao since we have nothing to do! 8D if you're one of the old member/s, do mention us othei? ;a; 
whispers eunchi has biceps ᕙ (✿⊙へ ⊙〃)
twenty one
re-opening tbh. ♡
subscribe. one acc per bean. donut be biased, and face-chase. B| talk to erryone okai!!1. be active. i repeat. BE ACTIVE. hashtag caps. e u e 3 days of inactivity buh-bye. 24 hrs for newcomers. and yuri not allowed, sorry :L password is sour or sweet?. this is a semi-closed rp. meaning we allow interactions from outside, but you can't date 'em. keep the tl pg-15 huehueheu. limit ooc : use bracks. no talking with your momma language. e w e r/s after 3 days of joining. except you already /are/ in a relationship. tell us if you want to deact, leave, s-h or h. chara changing only twice.
look at the masterlist or wishlist. decide who you wanna be, then comment below with the password and jellybelly flavor. wait for our verification, then you will be given 2 days to make your acc. usern : jellyname bio : include your liner, jellybeans and your jellybelly flavor. mention the base upon arrival. donut interact with the members yet; even tho i know how it feels. 8( follow the base & admins first, too. then, favorite the tweet, and you can join the krejji fambam! 

++ p.s. : GIMME yER MONEY ლ (#`ロ^;)> ((((sorry i had to))


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may I be t-ara's jiyeon?

//: sweet. jelly bean flavors are cappuccino, birthday cake remix, & red apple.
+//: are you still in need of a co-admin? I'd be glad to help! o u o
may i be fx's krystal?

+ birthday cake remix, lemon lime, tutti fruitti, cotton candy and red apple
i'd like to reserve uljjang do boksoon, please.
// : sweet. + jellybean flavors : cotton candy, french vanilla, birthday cake remix & mint chocolate chip.
+ ) i used to be jellybean's dani here but, i was really inactive. otl.