For the next days that followed, Seunghyun and Bom were almost inseparable. They were both busy in getting things ready for their upcoming nuptials, especially now that there’s only 4 days left before d-day. And today was even more chaotic, they had to squeeze it in through appointments with clients.

They are currently in a dinner meeting with some foreign investors. Bom usually goes with him in such meetings. Making notes of the minutes of the meeting. The discussion was taking longer then expected. Seunghyun happened to glance at her side and sees the food on her plate is still untouched. He leans over and signaled her to go near,

“Why aren’t you eating?” He whispered

Bom whispers back “I‘ll eat later. I’m not used to eating while I work.”

“The meeting might drag late to the night.”

“I’m ok, really.”

Seunghyun would’ve argued more with Bom, but seeing the determined look in her eyes stopped him. The look that tells him he can’t convince her. He let out a small sigh of frustration before turning back his attention to the meeting.


Seunghyun stops his car right in front of Bom’s apartment building. 

“We’re here” He says

Bom remained unmoving. The whole drive was quiet he failed to notice that Bom had fallen asleep on the seat beside him. Seunghyun unbuckles his seat belt, and reaches over at Bom’s side to remove hers. 

Bom moves in her sleep. Now her face is turned towards Seunghyun’s side. His eyes roam over her sleeping face. That’s when he noticed her milky white skin, which looks luminous because of the natural light from the full moon up in the sky. Some tendrils had escaped the familiar bun she wears. 

“You must be tired with everything, huh?” Seunghyun asks the sleeping Bom, seeing the shadows underneath her eyes. 

His hand reached out. He only meant to brush off the hair that fell on her face, yet the instant that his hand came in contact with her soft skin he couldn’t seem to move it. His hand now cups her cheek. And his eyes fell on her plump, pink lips. And before he knew it hi,s head was already near Bom’s. 

When only a breath separates their lips, Bom whispers “Bae…”


Bom wakes up with a start. She places a hand on her lips.

Why am I dreaming about Seunghyun kissing me?

Bom shakes her head “I must’ve seen him too much for the past 6 days”

Just then her gaze landed on the clock by her bed, and sees that it’s already 30 minutes past 8 in the morning, she scrambles off the bed. She went out of the room to see Dara sitting comfortably on the couch, holding a cup in her hand. Bom presumes that its coffee because of the scent wafting through the air.

Bom heads straight to Dara, who got surprised when she grabs the cup and sips from it first before she launched “Dara-ah, why didn’t you wake me up? Now I’m running late”

“No, you’re not unnie. Your boss gave you a time off today.”


“I don’t know.” ” Dara says, shrugging her shoulders. “ Ask your boss. He said so after he brought you up here last night.”

“Oh” Bom walks back to her room.

Inside her room, Bom picks up her phone and is about to send a thank you message to Seunghyun when Dara’s words sunk in her brain.

He brought you up here last night

She goes out to the living room and heads straight back to Dara

“What do you mean by what you said?”


“He brought you up here last night… what do you mean by that?”

“He was carrying you in his arms. He said that you were so tired, you wouldn’t wake up”

Without any word, Bom scurries back inside her room and began to pace back and forth.

Trying to think of what she could say to Seunghyun. And then her phone suddenly rings. She gasps and almost drops her phone on the floor when she sees his name on the screen. It kept on ringing that she has no other choice but to answer it.


“Good Morning. I just called to say that you can take a time off today. You’re free whatever you want to do”

“Dara-ah informed me. But thank you”

“That’s all. Bye.”



“…err… could’ve just…” 

“Bom, you’re actually not making any sense right now”

She tries again “uhmm…woke me up..last night..uh…you didn’t have to…uhmm”

His deep chuckle could be heard over the phone, when Seunghyun finally understood what she meant to say “You’re welcome, Bom. Hey, I need to go. Bye”

“Bye” Bom can’t help but smile as the call ends. She decides to spend the day with Young Bae at the hospital.


Everything is set for the wedding set for tomorrow. Everything except the bride

Bom is inside alavish hotel room, whish Seunghyun has booked for her to stay in. He would’ve had Dara in a separate room if she hadn’t protested against it. Not just considering the exorbitant price of each room at the hotel where they are currently staying for the night but also because she needed Dara to be at her side.

It is 20 past ten in the evening, still Bom is wide awake and is staring blankly at the ceiling. Her thoughts are in turmoil. 

“Dara-ah, are you awake?” She calls out softly in the darkness.

Dara, who occupies the bed next to hers, shifts to face her and answers in a sleepy voice “Unnie?”

“Can I ask you a question?”

“Aren’t you already asking me one?”

“Do you think Bae would understand me if he wakes up?” Bom asks while she kept her gaze upwards on the ceiling.

Dara lets out a sigh, and then sits up on the bed “It’s only natural that he’ll be mad as hell of course. But he’ll get past it”

“Of course he will.” 

“Are you sure?”

“Of course, it’s Bae we’re talking here. He’s unlike Jiyong”


“Besides, if Bae would act like an around you, I’ll take a whack at him to bring some sense in his brain”

Bom couldn’t help but laugh lightly. Dara really knows how to lift her spirits up. Glancing at the side, she catches Dara yawning 
“You can go back to sleep Dara. Thank you”

Dara only grunted in response, and went to lie back on her bed.

The night went on and Bom is still awake. It was only when dawn arrived that sleep had decided to come to her.


Inside a waiting room at a wedding hall, Bom is standing in front of the mirror, staring at herself.

She couldn’t recognize her own reflection. Her hair was arranged were half of it was tied back and the rest falls on her back, some wisps at the side of her newly cut bangs. Her make-up was flawlessly applied. It was able to hide the dark circles under her eyes for not being able to sleep last night. Bom suddenly remembers the joke Chaerin, the stylist, made about it.

Looks like someone is excited for a wedding or had too much fun last night”


“Honey, you looked like you didn’t get enough sleep last night” ” Chaerin adds with a knowing smile on her lips “Or someone made you lose some sleep.”

Bom’ could feel her face turning red, as she understood what Chaerin meant in her last statement.

The door suddenly opens slightly 

“Unnie?” Dara calls as she pokes her head inside the room, breaking her from her reverie.


Dara enters the room. Dara kept her eyes on Bom as she walks towards her. Without any warning, she pulls Bom in for a tight hug, tears springing in her eyes.

“Unnie, you’re so gorgeous”

“Thank you”



“I want to back out from the wedding…”







posting the chapter where i last left off back in december

i do have plans of continuing this, but pls bear with the slowness

my brain's turned to mush....still swamped with work 


but nonetheless THANK YOU for the support




are welcome and appreciated



as always for reading



much ♥





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imnotokay #1
Chapter 5: I read it n this story was great.. really want to know what will happening next chap.
please continue to writing it.. hope you will read this n consider to come back ^^
Chapter 1: Can I spam your comment box author? Can I? Can I? kkk Daragon having ___ like rabbits is jjang!! heehee
Chapter 1: Crying for BomBae and yet my TopBom Heart is doing cartwheels... <3
Chapter 5: Please please don't abandon this fic..... its too precious..... me like it sooo muc.... author nim fightiing...
Don't leave us (╥﹏╥)
update please..hehehe.. Hope bom and top will have a beautiful married life soon.. And I hope youngbae get his new special one then..
Hi! OMG i just found this story today and I have to say it as absolutely AMAZINGLY FABULOUS!!! <3 will u be updating soon?
pleasee update this fic.. this is really amazing!!
hanbinxxi #8
please do update..can't wait! huhu
Please update this story~~~~I've been waiting for the next scene. >_<