Airport Date

I'm EXO's Stylist?!

“Oppa!” “Over here, EXO!” “Oppa, I love you!” the fans screamed. I ducked underneath my beanie and pushed my sunglasses up my nose. The boys did a good job protecting e from the crazy fans, but I was suddenly terrified by this mass horde of crazy fangirls.

“Who’s she!?” cried a loud voice. “That dirty girl is with our EXO!” Crap! I quickly ducked under through the automatic doors and crashed into Xiumin. “Oh! I’m so sorry!” I exclaimed as I glanced back at the sea of fans. “It’s okay, you’re safe.” He embraced me in a big, teddy bear hug and patted my head. This boy was seriously like an older brother to me. He seems sweet and cute, but he really is much more mature and caring. “Thanks, gege.”I said as we checked in and got our tickets.

We arrived at our gate an hour early, so we had some time to kill. I scanned the boys up and down and smiled in satisfaction. Their outfits were casual, but still put together and edgy. Kai wore a custom designed leather jacket over a plaid flannel with black skinny jeans. Baekhyun looked adorable with black ray bans frames and his blonde hair curling out of a maroon beanie. And Kris…(sorry, blanked out for a second), was supermodel-gorgeous in a pink button down and dark blue skinny jeans. “Wow,” I thought. “Okay Minnie, snap out of it. I know I look hot.” Kris waved a hand in my face. “oh!” I shook my head and snapped back to reality. “I…need to go to the restroom,” I stuttered and hop-skipped away. *God, she’s so cute*

In the bathroom, I splashed my face with cold water to dissolve the blush on my cheeks. Then, I headed back to our gate. Baekhyun was reading a book; Luhan’s fingers zoomed over a Rubix cube, and Xiumin was timing him. Kris and D.O. were jamming out on their ipods. Chanyeol was furiously texting on his phone, and Kai and Lay were off marking dance steps. The maknaes, Sehun and Tao jumped around like pop rocks. Finally, Chen was catching up on some beauty rest. The leader, Suho, looked bored out of his mind, watching his bandmates lounge around. “Suho, you wanna go get something to eat?”I asked.

“Sure!”he popped out of his seat. We wandered through the airport, hand in hand, skipping like giddy 6-year olds. “Ice cream!” I exclaimed and tugged him toward a Baskin Robbins. I ordered a small mint chip and Suho got a strawberry shake. “2 straws?” I questioned. Suho nudged one toward me, “To share.”

I smiled at his thoughtfulness, but pulled the straw out and the end. Then, I took a sip out of his straw. “Thanks, but I like the green straw better.” He raised his eyebrows *Indirect kiss?*and wrapped his lips right around the same straw.

We enjoyed our treats as we chatted aimlessly about random things. “Hey,” he stated, “You had some of my ice cream. Can I try some of yours?” “Sure,” I scooped some ice cream. “Say ah!” He opened his mouth, and I smeared the ice cream across his cheeks. “Ahahahahahaha,” I laughed throwing my head back. “Aigoo, I’ll get you!” he ran after me with another spoonful of ice cream. I giggled and ducked behind a gate monitor. Just when I turned around, Suho’s beautiful face was in mine. He waved the spoon around tauntingly. “Eeeek!” I squealed and ducked underneath his arm. He grabbed my collar and pulled me so he was pressed against my back. I could feel his warm breath send shivers down my spine as he whispered in my ear, “Think you could get away that easy?” My breath faltered for a second, until his fingers embraced my waist and began tickling me. “No,no!” I protested while laughing. He knows me well; tickling is my weak spot. When he finally gave into my pleading in between hysterical laughter, we decided to head back. I fixed his hair and gingerly wiped off the dab of ice cream still on his check.

“So, have fun on your little date with Suho?”teased Kai when we got back. “Haha,” I said sarcastically. “What are you talking about?” I tried to wipe the interminable grin off my face, as Suho wiped a trace of ice cream off my lip with his forefinger. “That.” Kai smirked. I rolled my eyes. Suho would always be like a brother to me, not a lover. I sneaked a quick side glance at him, and saw a subtle smile hint on his supple, pink lips. Okay, well maybe not.

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