Glad you're here

I'm EXO's Stylist?!

The boys were at dance rehearsal for their comeback, and I was dragged along with them to get “a feel for their style” (whatever that meant.)As far as I could tell, it was a futuristic, robotic space theme. The music had a lot of dub step and the dance moves were sharp and animated. My mind was racing with creative outfit ideas. Suddenly, a loud scream rang in my ears. When I looked up from my sketchbook, I saw Tao on the floor with a cringing expression. I quickly ran over as the other guys crowded around him. “What happened?” “He was doing a wushu flip in the air when he suddenly slipped and fell on his side.” “urrghhh,” Tao groaned and clutched his leg. I rolled up his jeans to his knee and gasped. His knee was completely twisted to the side a purple tinge began to creep up his skin. “Tao, don’t move,” I instructed, “I’ll have to pop your knee back into place and it will hurt a lot for a bit.” “no,no,no…” he whispered and shook his head feverishly. “If I don’t it will only get worse.” I braced myself, clutched his kneecap, and twisted it forcefully until I heard a click. “Aooow!” he howled and then stopped in shock. Then he responded with a surprised expression, “It feels a lot better now, actually.” However, when he tried to stand up his knee buckled underneath him. Suho and Xiumin quickly supported him as he limped to the bench, his arms draped over their shoulders. At that moment, manager-ssi burst inot the room. “I heard the scream and ran as fast as I could.” He panted. “Tao twisted his knee when he fell,” I explained. “I popped it back, but he is still injured.” “Aigoo,” sighed the manager. “Tao, do you need to go to the hospital? No matter, we’re taking you anyway.” He dragged a limping Tao out of the room into a cab outside. “Well, I guess we need to keep practicing, then.” Kai’s voice filled the silence. “Actually, we’re done for today,” the choreographer responded. “And manager hyung told me you all have hair appointments at the salon in an hour, so go shower.” The boys looked at each other for a split second, then pushed each other out of the door. “Well at least Tao won’t be asking anyone to shower with him.” Sehun interjected. “Not helping,” muttered the boys. I followed them out into the main room and pulled out my stylist form for their hair:


Suho- dark brown, textured and medium length. Tufted bangs tipped blonde (ombre)

Tao- close shaved sides and turquoise hair, big bangs

Kris- ombre from icy blonde to dark blonde, close sides, straight

Luhan- dark purple with bangs, slightly curled

Lay- longer, honey-brown layers, bangs

Xiumin- black, textured, messy, medium length

D.O.- close cut, navy blue with curled bangs

Chanyeol- curly, honey-blonde hair, keep it messy and long

Baekhyun- dark brown (almost black) with curled bangs, short

Kai- black with a blue-gray streak, short bangs

Chen- sharp, angular bangs, medium brown, straight, but with texture

Sehun- blunt bangs, sort of a swoop-bowl style, keep it blonde

I sighed and went over my plans, making some last minute changes. I hope these turned out alright.

It was 3 and a half hours later, and the hair styling was finally complete after lots of dye, cutting, hairspray, and drying. I was allowed to watch and make changes as the hairdressers followed my plans. The boys, however, had no mirror and were itching in anticipation. I paced back and forth as the stylists made the final cuts. What would the boys think of my plans? What would the manager think when we got home? Finally, the curtains were lifted. “Wow!” “I look so good!” “I love it! Thanks Minnie!” I smiled and bowed in return. “I’m glad you guys like it. I was kind of scared.” Lay scooted next to me and said, “I’m so glad you’re our new stylist. The last noona tried to shave me bald- military style!” I chuckled at the sight; those boys were in trouble. “Well, no worries. No baldies under my watch.” I smiled and ran my fingers through his new, longer, blonde hair. “Now, we just have to stop at the studio to get photos taken to send to the SM leaders to authorize.”

When we got home, Tao and the manager were already home. I was surprised to see that his hair was bright turquoise, like I had requested. “The appointment was cut short, so we had time to stop at the salon after you left and get his hair styled.” I smiled, but then glanced at his dejected expression, “You don’t like it?” I asked feebly. “No, it’s…awesome Minnie. But, I was told I can’t dance for 3 weeks. And we debut in a month!” I perched on the arm of the couch and ruffled his bright blue hair, “When you comeback, it will be even better than before. And it’s only 3 weeks, 21 days. We’ll fight it out.” Tao’s lips twitched into a small smile and he replied, “Thanks, noona. You know, I’m really glad you’re here.”

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