The Mysterious Guy Behind Me


He kept walking.. Behind me.

Stalking me, every minute, every hour, everyday. Why is he so desperate on following behind me every single day? 

Did I caught his attention? Of WHAT? Or is he just playing around with me?


What can I do?


Hey guys! I guess I'm back! This fanfics is inspired by my best friend! She told me about it in school and gave me some little ideas, also her work to me! So, I'm gonna write what she practically gave me! I hope the story will be okay and not dissapointing much hahaa xD Basically, all credits goes to my lovely best friend, Annie :3


its just a short little boring story, I guess. Nah, I don't know. Just read if you want to. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ


anyways, maybe it'll be out for a few days. Till then :3


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Cutekyufan1996 #1
Update soon:)