Posters And Make Up

Bacon and Squishy

The next day

Baekhyun tapped his pencil on the table, eyes locked on the clock as the seconds ticked by. Tearing his gaze from the item, he looked out the window, letting out a sigh as he did so. It was raining, just his luck. Instead of his half an hour detention he'd gotten an hour, he didn't care at the moment though because of the weather. He just hoped that it'll stop when he was allowed to go.

After another twenty minutes, the teacher let him go, relief being heard in his voice as he could leave as well.

"Damn weather, it's gonna ruin my hair" Baekhyun mumbled to himself, eyes on the screen of his phone, a shout making him jump and drop the device on the floor.

"Hey !" Baekhyun scowled, bending down and picking up his phone and clutching it in his hand as he turned to see Kyungsoo standing there with his arms folded, "I stayed for maths tutoring so you wouldn't have to walk home by yourself, you're welcome" Baekhyun rolled his eyes.

"You just wanted the rain to stop didn't you?" Kyungsoo pouted, it was supposed to be summer but it was raining, but it was still bright out, "Yeah, I did"

"I don't want to walk home" Baekhyun stayed still on his spot, "What are you gonna do then? Fly?" Baekhyun huffed, turning to the younger, "Let's just go the the reception area and wait for someone with a car to give us a ride" Baekhyun fast walked down the hallway, Kyungsoo following.

"What if we get in the car with a ert? Oh! Or a murderer?!" Kyungsoo looked at Baekhyun, the male looking out the windows of the reception area, at the parking lot, "Don't worry Soo, if they try anything just swing em one, I know you can be violent when need be" Kyungsoo huffed but looked out the window as well.

"Oh! That's Chanyeol!" Kyungsoo swung open the door, shouting out to the guy opening his car door, "Chanyeol!" Said male turned his head at the sound, spotting Kyungsoo waving at him from the door.

"Can you give us a lift home?! Please!" Kyungsoo ran out into the rain, dragging Baekhyun who was complaining about getting wet, "Kyungsoo! I wasn't ready!" Kyungsoo ignored the protests and stopped in front of Chanyeol's car, looking up at him with wide eyes.

"Please?" Chanyeol nodded his head, closing his umbrella and getting in the drivers side. Kyungsoo opened the back door and climbed in, Baekhyun following him.

"God, I'm all wet, I need to change my clothes" Baekhyun ran a hand through his hair, ruffling it and water droplets falling onto his lap, "Need to take my clothes off" Baekhyun took off his blazer.

"Why aren't you driving yet?" Kyungsoo peeped through the middle of the front seats, face close to Chanyeol's, "Chanyeol?" Said male coughed nervously, Kyungsoo tilting his head to the side.

"We have to wait for Kris first, he's at basketball practice" Kyungsoo's mouth formed a little circle, head nodding in understanding, "Can I sit in the front?" Before Chanyeol had a chance to reply, the short black haired boy was climbing through the seats and getting comfortable in the front.

"You have a nice car Chanyeol" Kyungsoo smiled up at the brunet, "I like it, a lot" Chanyeol stared at the small boy who was now humming away to himself, Baekhyun mumbling in the back being heard as well.

"You're ticking all the right boxes Chanyeol, but I can't date you, it's against my contract" Chanyeol's cheeks heated up and his eyebrows creased, Kyungsoo was looking out the window.

"But you're really stupid, in fact a lot of people are really stupid, right Baekhyun?" Baekhyun hummed in agreement, tissue wiping at his face, "Yeah, boys are so stupid" Chanyeol looked back at the boy, seeing him with dark smudges around his eyes.

"Are you wearing make up?" Baekhyun glared at the boy, turning away from him, a tissue in one hand and and a pocket mirror in the other, "I was! Damn rain washing away all my hard work!" Chanyeol turned back around in his seat, lips pressed into a thin line.

"Boys wearing make up huh?" 

"Yeah, what's wrong with that?" Chanyeol turned to Kyungsoo, "I wear make up too, but not unless I need to" Chanyeol hummed, not quite understanding but showing that he did anyway.

"It makes me look pretty, like a girl" Kyungsoo continued staring out the window, throwing hints at the tall boy to see how dumb he really was, "Anyone can look pretty and like a girl with make up on, people use it to change how they look anyway" Chanyeol tapped his fingers on the wheel of the car.

"Yeah, but you can also use it to enhance the natural beauty that you already have" Baekhyun jumped slightly when his door was opened, Kris staring at him, the boy drenched in rain, "Move over" Baekhyun scurried over to the other seat, pulling a face when Kris ruffled his hair, sending water flying right at him.

"Dumb boy" Kris raised an eyebrow, looking at Baekhyun, "Why didn't you bring an umbrella?" Kris frowned, replying, "Why didn't you walk home, hmm? Obviously you forgot yours as well" Baekhyun frowned, going back to removing his smudged eyeliner.

"You don't have any idea who you're talking to, do you?" Kris raised an eyebrow, Chanyeol starting up the car, "You're Baekhyun, a boy who wears make up" Baekhyun stilled his movements, looking the blond boy up and down.

"I'm gonna give you hints and if you don't get it, well then I'm sorry but you missed out big time" Baekhyun flicked his hand at the boy, turning away from him and choosing to ignore him.

"Missed out on what?"

"Dating the person you like so much" Baekhyun heard a scoff, "I don't like you, you're a boy" Baekhyun rolled his eyes, "Yeah I know that, who do you like more, bacon or squishy?" Baekhyun changed the subject, looking at the drops of water running down the window.

"Bacon" Baekhyun felt the smirk on his lips, hand going up and placing his chin on his palm, "She has a more mature aura to her than squishy, she's really pretty close up" Baekhyun hummed.

"You've seen her up close?"

"Yeah, her hair was really soft as well" Baekhyun peeped over at Kris, seeing him staring forward, "I know it will probably make me sound like a crazy fan but I think I like her" Baekhyun raised an eyebrow.

"That's not weird, lots of people have crushes on celebs" Baekhyun saw the blond crease his eyebrows, turning and looking directly at him, "No, I mean like like, I think I love her" Baekhyun's eyes widened in shook, head whipping back around to look out of the window quickly.

"Meeting her made me realise my feelings, she's my dream girl" Baekhyun his lips, checks burning up.

"Yeah, but that's all she is, your dream girl, you can't actually date her because of her contract" Baekhyun wiped his hands on his wet trousers, "Even if she wanted to date you she can't" 

"How do you know that?" 

"Everybody knows that!" Kyungsoo spoke up from the front seat, "You should already know that these types of people can't date becuase of the public. Fans might react badly to it" Baekhyun agreed, sighing when Kris didn't say anything else.

"There" Kris turned to Baekhyun, "I gave you a hint, please remember it"


"Sorry, but you didn't tell me where you lived and I just kinda drove home forgetting to ask" Chanyeol laughed a little, apologising to Kyungsoo and Baekhyun, "I'll take you home right now" Kyungsoo shook his head, hand landing on Chanyeol's upper arm.

"It's okay, we can hang out then" Kyungsoo opened his door, the rain having stopped and the sun peeping through the clouds, "This will be fun, I haven't been to a sleepover in ages" 

"Yeah! Can we sleep over?" Baekhyun bumped into Kyungsoo, both boys looking up at Chanyeol, "It's Friday and you can't say no to these faces can you?" Chanyeol blinked at the two ganging up on him, turning to Kris who just shrugged.

"Whatever, I don't care" Kris unlocked the door, turning his head when he felt something on his back, "Hi" Kris sighed as he walked into the living room, Baekhyun's hands clutching onto the back of his wet blazer.

"Hello" Baekhyun let go as Kris took his blazer off, hanging it on the door, "Are you wet?" Baekhyun nodded, "Yeah, but I don't have any clothes to change into" Kris frowned, watching the short boys lips turn into a pout.

"Baekhyun~ come into the bathroom to get undressed with me~" Kyungsoo dragged his best friend in the direction that Chanyeol had shown him the bathroom was, "Okay" Once inside Kyungsoo shut the bathroom door, undoing the buttons on his school shirt.

"Chanyeol said we could borrow some shirts" Both boys quickly slipped out of their wet clothes, hanging them over the side of the bath, "So cold!" Baekhyun crouched down, arms wrapped around his bare legs.

"Kyungsoo" Chanyeol knocked on the door, "Here are the shirts" An arm appeared from around the door, shirts in the boys hand.

"Thanks Chanyeol" Kyungsoo took the shirts, the door closing once again, "Baek" Baekhyun looked up, a shirt landing on his head, "Put it on" Baekhyun did as he was told, standing back up with the large shirt drowning him.

"So we're just gonna spend the rest of the day half ?" Kyungsoo opened his mouth, it forming a circle, "If they don't catch on after this then god help them" Kyungsoo frowned, hands holding onto the ends of the dress shirt he had on.

"I mean I don't mind looking like this, it's no different to wearing shorts" Baekhyun headed out of the bathroom, finding his way back to the living room.

"No trousers" Chanyeol's eyes widened at the sight of the short boy standing there, hands on his hips and waiting for them to say something, "A-are you wearing anything u-underneath...?" Baekhyun nodded, squeezing himself inbetween the two boys and eyes going up to meet with the blonds.

"Did you look? Notice anything familiar?" Baekhyun smiled cutely, arm going through the taller males, "Uhm, you're still Baekhyun? You look the same apart from the lack of trousers" Baekhyun pouted, shifting closer to the boy.

"Kris, I can't wait to see how you react when you finally realise" Baekhyun leaned his head on Kris' shoulder, the same action he had done the day before at the shoot, "It will be so funny, I'm really looking forward to it" Kris ignored the smaller boys words, instead focusing on the t.v. 

"Baek" Baekhyun ignored Kyungsoo, the boy frowning at not getting a reply, "Baekkie" This time he got noticed, Baekhyun turning to him and raising an eyebrow, Kyungsoo finding this little game fun as well.

"Yes, Soo?"

"Here" Kyungsoo handed over the older boys phone that he had left in the bathroom, "You forgot your phone" Baekhyun happily took the phone from his friends hand, the boy settling down between him and Chanyeol.

"What are you watching?" Kyungsoo placed his hands on his knees, the question not directed at anyone in particular, "The news" Kyungsoo hummed, leaning back on the sofa and crossing his leg over the other.

"I like to watch the news too" Baekhyun pulled a face at what Kyungsoo was saying, "I only like to watch the news when I'm on it" Kyungsoo didn't say anything after Baekhyun spoke, both boys giving glances to one another, throwing out yet another clue for the brothers to pick up on. Or not.

"When were you on the news?" Baekhyun creased his eyebrows, arms leaving the blonds and going through Kyungsoo's instead, "All the damn time you idiot" Baekhyun glared at Kris, the boy raising his hands up in front of himself in defence.

"Woah, calm down. You must appear on the ones I don't watch" Baekhyun rolled his eyes, scoffing, "Yeah, that's right. I appear on the ones you don't watch, seriously Kris, are you blind or something?"

"He's not blind, he's just stupid"


"Isn't it a bit weird that we're sleeping over a guys house considering we only met them yesterday?" Kyungsoo was sitting on the counter in the kitchen, Kris and Chanyeol deciding that it was better to go out and get food then to order for a delivery.

"I guess but they're hot"

"And that makes it okay?" Baekhyun pouted, legs swinging back and forth underneath the table he was siting at, "Well no, but they're not gonna do us any harm, I'll scream my arse off if it comes to it" Kyungsoo chuckled, watching Baekhyun carefully reapply his eye make up using the mirror he had found in the bathroom.

"What are you doing?" Kyungsoo hopped down of the counter, sitting down next the Baekhyun and looking at his face, "Practicing, I'm trying to create the same look as Taeyeon noona" Baekhyun swiped the glitter liner by the inner corners of his eyes, it silver and shimmering in the light.

"You look weird" Baekhyun pouted, checking himself out in the mirror, "I meant without a wig on. You have make up done but you still have short hair"

"Girls can have short hair Kyungsoo, don't be rude" Kyungsoo huffed as Baekhyun put a shiny coat of lip gloss on, "Hey, do I look like bacon?" Kyungsoo stared at his friend, coming to the conclusion that yes he did even without the long wig on.

"You were giving him hints, not shoving it right in his face" Kyungsoo took the lip gloss away from Baekhyun, clearing up all of his cosmetics and putting them back in the pouch.

"I know you just spent ages putting that on but you're gonna haft to take if off" Baekhyun whined, sliding further down in his chair, "But Kyungsoo~ baby~ I don't want to~" Kyungsoo looked at the boy, eyes fluttering at him and lips in a pout.

"But you'll get caught, is that want you want?" Baekhyun stood up from his chair, "Don't you want them to know? It's exciting don't you think? I wanna see the looks on their faces, I bet they will be shocked!" Baekhyun threw his hands in the air before running out of the kitchen.

Kyungsoo followed his best friend up the stairs, they had been left alone in the house belonging to the two boys they had only just met, it was pretty weird and they just wanted to look around.

"Oh, it's tidier than I thought it would be" Kyungsoo agreed, stepping in side the room, "Oh look, what a surprise" Baekhyun walked over to the poster on the wall, turning to face Kyungsoo and doing the same pose that he was doing in the photo.

"Wow, it's like seeing double!"

"That's cause it's me!" Both boys laughed, Baekhyun searching the room for something, "What are you looking for, ?" Baekhyun scrunched up his face, looking at Kyungsoo disgusted.

"Ew, no, why would he have when he can look at me all day? Jesus Christ Soo that's disgusting" Baekhyun picked up a pen laying on the desk at the side of the room, up capping it and walking back over to the large poster.

"I'm gonna sign it for him" Kyungsoo widened his eyes, "But he'll probably say, 'wow, you copied bacon's signature perfectly!' or something like that" Baekhyun huffed, "He's so stupid, makes me so mad" Baekhyun signed the poster, large enough that the boy wouldn't have any trouble not seeing it.

"That's a large autograph" Baekhyun stood back, admiring his work, "Yeah, I know" Baekhyun went back to the desk, flicking through the pages of the photo book he had seen the blond looking at yesterday.

"Gonna sign every page that I'm on in this too" Kyungsoo rushed over, mouth open as Baekhyun signed away, "So much for one per person, he's getting them all" Kyungsoo grabbed a pen as well, deciding to sign the book until he was sure the pen was going to run out.

"How much do you think we could sell this for?" Baekhyun held the book up, examining it, "Probably not a lot, people will think that they're fake because of the amount of times it's been signed" Baekhyun let out a chuckle.

"But it's not fake because I'm the real bacon and you're the real squishy!" Baekhyun put the book down and bit on the end of the pen, eyebrows creasing, "Maybe I should write Kris a little message..." Baekhyun turned back to the poster on the wall, starting to write on it again.

"To Kris" Baekhyun tiptoed to reach the top left corner, "Are you really this stupid? And you definitely do like boys~ Lots of love" Baekhyun didn't sign his name after writing this, it was already there.

"Damn, if he doesn't realise after this I'm gonna personally go back home and bring your wig back, put it on your head and lock you two in a room till he puts two and two together" Kyungsoo stared at the poster.

"I wonder if Chanyeol has a poster of you in his room?" Both boys were still for a minute before they rushed out of Kris' room, going into the one opposite, "Where is it?" They looked around the room, not seeing a big poster on the wall like the one in Kris' room.

"Maybe it's in his wardrobe?" Baekhyun pulled open one side of the said item, a laugh leaving him at what he saw, "Look! There it is!" Kyungsoo came over, stifling a laugh as well.

"That's pretty cute" Chanyeol had a smaller poster of the more girly of the two, hearts and other things stuck around it, "Looks like Chanyeol's got a crush on you!" Kyungsoo felt his cheeks heat up.

"No, he's got a crush on squishy"

"And you're squishy! Write something on it!" Kyungsoo stared at himself on the poster, eyes reading over the little messages on post it notes above the poster, "Okay" Kyungsoo signed the poster neatly, thinking about what else to put on it.

"You like him don't you" Kyungsoo nodded, "And you like Kris, even though he likes girls" Baekhyun rolled his eyes, "He just thinks he likes girls but he doesn't, he likes me" Kyungsoo hummed, writing on the poster again.

"To Chanyeol" Kyungsoo peeped over his shoulder, Baekhyun watching what he was writing, "Baek, don't look" Baekhyun huffed but moved away, going over to sit on the bed.

"You looked really handsome at the shoot and I like you a lot" Kyungsoo frowned at what he had just written, mentally scolding himself for putting his feeling out there like this, "Done? Let's go back downstairs, I heard the door open" Baekhyun and Kyungsoo rushed out the room and ran down the stairs, heading straight into the kitchen.

"Yes! Finally!" Baekhyun sat at the table, opening the pizza box and taking a slice, "I love pizza sooo much" Kyungsoo sat down next to Baekhyun who was stuffing his face, taking a slice as well.

"Baekhyun, are you wearing make up?" Baekhyun looked up at the person talking, seeing Kris looking at him with straight lips, "You are aren't you? Why do you have make up on? You're a boy" Baekhyun stared at Kris as the blond sat down at the table, moving the pizza away from him.

"Make up isn't just for girls, any one can wear it if they want to" Baekhyun huffed, fluttering his eyelashes, "You're just jealous that I look better with it on than you could ever hope to look" Kyungsoo stifled back a laugh, having been listening to the conversation.

"Why would I want to wear make up? You're so weird" Baekhyun pouted, "Aren't I pretty though?" Kris shrugged his shoulders, focusing on his food rather than the trying boy in front of him.

"You just look like someone who's trying too hard, I don't like you Baekhyun" Baekhyun's gaze went down to the table and he stopped eating, the others words effecting him for some reason. But then he realised that Kris was just being difficult and that he shouldn't be upset because Kris was the one that would have that feeling when the truth come out.

"Who said I wanted you to like me?! I don't need your opinion anyway! I already know I'm perfectly fine the way I am!" Baekhyun stood up from his chair at the table, "Whatever, I don't care anymore, you're being crossed off the list" Baekhyun walked out of the kitchen.

"What list? He's so weird" Kris turned to Kyungsoo, the boys eyes wide and teeth biting at his bottom lip, "You're kinda weird too Kyungsoo, what's up with you two?" 

"Don't be rude Kris" Chanyeol spoke around his pizza, "He's perfectly normal" Kyungsoo fidgeted on his chair, no longer feeling all that hungry after the little outburst.

"I think we should go home, sorry for bugging you two" Kyungsoo excused himself from the table, "I'll go get Baek" He walked out of the kitchen, going to find the older boy.

"See what you've done now Kris" Chanyeol narrowed his eyes at the blond, "Now they're gonna leave cause you're rude and don't know how to turn down someone politely" Kris scoffed.

"Well at least I told him and I'm not just leaving him hanging, you should tell Kyungsoo that you're not interested as well" Chanyeol placed his pizza down on his plate, "But you can do it politely of course" 

"I don't think I'm gonna tell him that" Kris glanced up, seeing his brothers eyebrows creased, the boy obviously thinking, "I think that I'm gonna accept his advances, I think I'm starting to like him"

"But you hardly know him" Kris scoffed, rolling his eyes, "And he's a boy, what about pretty girls Chanyeol? Hmm? Or do you only like pretty boys now?" Chanyeol pouted at the words.

"I don't like boys and I certainly do like girls" Chanyeol poked at his half eaten slice of pizza, "But I can't help it if I think he's attractive and really cute, I can't deny that" Kris sighed, leaning back on his chair.

"I guess I like Kyungsoo and it doesn't really matter that he's a boy, he's flirting with me and I think it's about time I got myself a boyfriend"


"Baekhyun, what are you doing?" Kyungsoo picked up the brunets legs which were on the couch, the older boy laying on it, "What does it look like? I'm laying on the sofa" Kyungsoo sat down, placing the lightly tanned legs over his lap.

"How dare Kris say something like that to me, me! God, he's so stupid!" Baekhyun clutched the cushion he was holding closer to his chest, "He needs to take a good hard look and realise just who it is he's talking to" Kyungsoo patted the older boys thigh, letting a sigh pass through his lips.

"I think it might be a good thing that they haven't realised you know, I sorta like Chanyeol and want him to like the real me, not the me that dresses as a girl" Kyungsoo's finger trailed little circles on the lounging boys thigh, "Chanyeol seems really nice and I think I'd be able to keep it a secret from our manager"

"You like him that much?"

"Well he's tall and he does have a nice car"

"And he's not an ?"

"No, he's not an " Kyungsoo smiled, hand slapping the skin his fingers were dancing across, making Baekhyun jerk forwards a little at the impact, "! Don't slap me so hard!" Kyungsoo laughed as Baekhyun rubbed at the sore spot.

"You left a red mark, thank you very much Kyungsoo" 

"You're welcome~" Kyungsoo smiled sweetly, the older huffing, "You're lucky that I love you or I'd have slapped you right back" Baekhyun narrowed his eyes at his best friend, hands sorting out his fringe.

"Aww, Baekkie, I love you too~" Kyungsoo moved and layed on the older, arms wrapping themselves around Baekhyun, "Oh, so now you want to show me some affection? You didn't even want oppa's kiss yesterday" Kyungsoo squished himself between the sofa and the brunet.

"Do you want oppa to kiss you now?" Baekhyun shifted as well, getting comfortable on the sofa, body pressed up against Kyungsoo's, "Or do you want something else?" Baekhyun patted the youngers , earning a playful slap to his chest.

"Oppa!" Both boys laughed, arms wrapped around one another and Baekhyun's hand still on the dark haired boys behind, "C'mon baby, give oppa a kiss~" Kyungsoo moved his head back as Baekhyun's moved forward, the older boys lips pursed in a pout.

"Are you two gonna make out?" Both boys heads turned to the deep voice, Chanyeol standing in the doorway, "I have to admit though, that would be pretty hot" Kyungsoo felt his face flush at getting caught in the little act he and Baekhyun were carrying out.

"I know Kyungsoo said no but I can't help but want to join in" Kyungsoo's eyes were nearly popping out at the statement, Baekhyun's loud laughter suddenly filling the room, "We can swap Kris for Baekhyun, sound good?" 

"Perfect!" Baekhyun got off the sofa and before Kyungsoo had the chance to follow in his lead, Chanyeol was pushed down onto it, crashing into him, "But I think it would be better if I was taken out of the equation!" Kyungsoo closed his eyes, cursing the older boy in his head as he heard Baekhyun leave the room.

"Yah, Chanyeol! Move!" Kyungsoo pushed at the largers chest and when that didn't work, he tried sitting up but was stopped by the arm draping over him, "Oh, so you'll play with Baekhyun but not with me?" Kyungsoo glanced up at the curly haired boy, seeing the pout situated on his lips.

"Baekhyun's been my best friend since forever, I'm very comfortable doing stuff like that with him"

"Would you sleep with him?" Kyungsoo's face heated up and his hands flew to cover it, "Have you kissed him? I bet you have" Kyungsoo groaned at all the sudden questions, turning away from Chanyeol and trying to disappear into the crease of the sofa.

"Have you?' Chanyeol poked Kyungsoo in the side, the smaller wiggling away from him more, well trying to anyway, "Well?" Kyungsoo felt Chanyeol shift on the small sofa, the olders chest pressing against his back.

"I'm waiting" Kyungsoo bit his lip as Chanyeol spoke right by his ear, hot breath making him almost shiver.

"Yes" Chanyeol raised an eyebrow, "But I'd never sleep with him, we just joke around, it's all fun and games" Kyungsoo felt a hand place itself on his hip, head turning to look back at the hands owner.

"If you don't like it, just tell me and I'll stop" Kyungsoo turned his head back around, staring at the sofa he was trapped on, "It's okay" Chanyeol moved his leg, knee hitting the back of Kyungsoo's and bending it forward, body fully pressed against the smallers.

"Still okay?" Kyungsoo's fingers clutched onto the shirt he was wearing, head nodding slightly, "Yeah, totally fine" Chanyeol slid his hand down from the smallers hip and over the rather long shirt, it was his afterall.

His fingers soon left the the thin material and glided across Kyungsoo's thigh, dancing lightly on the exposed flesh.

"Can I touch you?"

"You already are" Chanyeol chuckled and Kyungsoo swore it made his face redder, his fingers that were clutching onto the light blue shirt tightening their grip, "I don't understand half the things you say but that's what makes you all the more interesting Kyungsoo" The hand on his side trailed back up, going under the shirt and finger tips brushing against the only other piece of clothing he was wearing.

"Maybe you should check to see if your school uniform is dry, you can wear some trousers then" Chanyeol's hand stayed still, lightly pressing on the pale skin and thumb rubbing small circles onto the the area underneath the dark haired males boxers.

"Hmm, maybe, maybe not" Chanyeol grinned, forehead rubbing against the back of Kyungsoo's head, the smell of flowery shampoo floating up his nose, "I don't care if I don't have any trousers on, it's just like wearing shorts, doesn't faze me" 

"What about other pieces of clothing?" Kyungsoo kept quiet as he thought about the question, "You mean being ?" Chanyeol breathed out a 'yes' eyes closed and heartbeat slow as he enjoyed the close proximity.

"Well, I guess being in front of the person I like wouldn't be a problem for me either" Kyungsoo closed his eyes, the hand leaving his side and arm draping over his waist instead, "But you haven't found that person yet, have you? Someone who is tall, has a nice car and isn't an " Kyungsoo smiled when he felt a hand land on his own two, fingers being played with.

"That was so yesterday Chanyeol, get with it" 


Baekhyun rushed into the kitchen, seeing Kris still sitting at the table, phone in his hand. He looked around, spotting the pizza box on the counter and walked over to it, opening it and taking out a slice.

"You'll get fat if you eat too much pizza" Baekhyun rolled his eyes, "I didn't even finish my first piece because of you and you don't even care about me so don't tell me that I'll get fat if I eat one slice of pizza" Baekhyun placed his on the counter top, next to the open pizza box.

"I wouldn't get fat anyway, it'll all just go to my curves" Baekhyun heard the scoff and focused his eyes on the sitting blond male, "What?" 

"Goes to your curves? SureI totally believe you" Baekhyun frowned, hopping off the counter and walking over to Kris, "Look" Kris looked up at the brunet, eyes immediately going down to the exposed skin, shirt having been lifted up, the side of Baekhyun's boxers being seen as well as a little bit of his stomach.

"What's this then? It's totally a curve you idiot" Kris stared at the lightly tanned skin belonging to the short boy standing in front of him, "My pelvis is absolutely, without a doubt, my best facial feature" Kris' eyes glanced up at Baekhyun's dark, make up covered ones.

"But my legs come a close second" Baekhyun nodded his head as he took a bite of his pizza, looking down at Kris who was staring at his showing skin, "You like them too, don't you" Baekhyun felt a smile spread on his lips as Kris' hand reached out, fingers tracing the outline of his hip.

"Hey, you shouldn't touch things you don't like" 

"You should just shut up" Baekhyun stifled a laugh at the comeback, letting go of the shirt, Kris' hand retreating as the area he was touching got covered up once again.

"Keep telling yourself that you don't like me Kris, I'll prove you wrong in the end"


Second part! It's nearly been a whole month, time sure flys by :)

Of course there's a third part, it's not finished here so please wait once again for the third, final(???) part~ Chanyeol's cool with Kyungsoo but Kris is still being stubborn, but Baekhyun's not giving up~ 

Thanks for subscribing, commenting and upvoting, I'll update whenever, and I really like the picture I used for this chapter, I don't know why but I think it's kinda pretty.



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11/02/14 I have not forgotten this fic, >_< sorry for taking so long to update ;A;


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sparks103122 #1
Chapter 2: I love your story. Please, I'm addicted to it, continue the story!
Chapter 2: Your style is quite strange and difficult sometimes to read, but still I can't stop reading it, so amazing kkkkk I'm waiting impatiently for the third part!
Chapter 2: i love this story. Kris bring denial, baek being a diva and of course, chansoo being lovey dovey. Yay! I really love this. Please update authornim.
Chapter 2: LOL!!!! Baekkie, the number one... xD
He is so like diva while Kyungsoo is a innocent diva (?)
This is funny, really... xD
I love this story already. Baekhyun should work hard to make Kris accept him, whike Kyungsoo don't have to do it, since he already got one...
tearHEREband #5
Chapter 2: Omg update soon jebal T3T
I love this! please update soon authornim :)
Chapter 2: Kris is an idiot. Just admit you like Baek. Ugh. Why are you playing hard to get? Lol. Look at Channie. He's so comfortable with Kyungie already. Hehe. I can't see Krisbaek being all lovey dovey :3
Chapter 2: chansoo on the way!
and kris!stubborn!

thanks! ^^
Chapter 2: Kris is such an idiot!! just admit it that u like baekhyun! please update soon..i want to know kris and chanyeol's reaction when they knew that baekhyun and kyungsoo are bacon and squishy..