silent scream


he wasn't like others

he never got the chance to express his feelings

he couldn't comunnicate with others

he is totally stuck in his own world

he's luhan

he's mute but if your really got to know him you would have realized how much of a beautiful person he is.


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Chapter 2: its such cute story. home u update soon ;0
Milielitre #2
Chapter 1: I don't want to sound y (too late...), and I was really about to read your story but... do you actually expect people to read a fiction without any capital letters? Maybe you're trying to look for your own style, but killing grammar isn't going to do the job. Please fix this, it can only be positiv for you (and don't forget ponctuation, it was invented for us to use it^^).
kris_jaemin #3
Chapter 1: :(( omfg sehun is sweet and caring and luhan so adorbs! Kai.... Flirty as always..... Godbless you authornim!