
The brokenhearted
"I'm a great at it duh" he said while chuckling. "Whatever yo dummie" I said while rolling my eyes. He laughed. We go to a restaurant and then we ordering some foods. 
When we're done, he drive me home and then I get off from his car. "Thankyou so much of today. I really enjoyed it with you" I said. "Yup. Me too. Take care!" He said and then I nodded. I open my door and then I tidy the stuffs. I go take a bath and I watch some movies alone. When I was about to go to my bedroom, someone texted me. 
From: 하라 
Unniya. Can G7 come to your house? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 
I chuckled when I read it. I click reply and write:
To: 하라
Of course darl!!! I miss you all! Come here quickly!
From: 하라 
Thanks unniya! 사랑 사랑!!!!!!! 
I didn't reply again. I wait for them. Its gonna be fun. 
-ringring- the bell ringing. I open the door and then saw them standing in front of my house. I hug them all. "Shinyeong unni. Why you look so.... Hmm" I joked. "Yah! Stop!" She yelled. I just chuckled and the others too. We play together until the night ends. They sleepover in my house. 
"Come on girls! Wake up!" Narsha unni wake us up. "Ah unni. You're so annoying" I said irritating. She laughed. "Wake up!" She shouted. We all sat up. We take a bath one by one. And then someone knocking my house. I open it and then I saw baekhyun and kai standing there. Oh no. Not just them. There's.... Tiffany and taeyeon. . I just greet them all. "Come in" I said coldly. G7 greet them too. 
I sit between hara and narsha. "So, wassup? Why are you all here?" I asked. "There's nothing. We just want to visit you" kai said. "For what?" I said. Baekhyun look at me. "What?" I added while raising my note. "SM said that baekhyun can't dating with you again. That's why" kai said. "Oh" I said coldly. "And baekhyun's new girlfriend is... Me!!!!!" Taeyeon said excitedly. 
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Yonalee88 #1
Chapter 9: Baek and boras relationship moved too fast like they get married after like three months
boicepika #2
Chapter 9: Hell Baekhyun and taeyeon dated before and brokeup 3 months ago wtf xD
jhamella #3
Chapter 9: Yay . I liked it .
afiercesong #4
Good story! I liked it!
Chapter 8: Is it going to end sooon? Finally they can get married!
Exosis #6
Chapter 7: i love it already waiting for your update =))
claudy #7
Chapter 7: please update soon...