
The flourist

"Daehyun??!".Mrs.Jung was calling for his son.
"Aish...!". Daehyun rolled back under his blanket.
"JUNG DAEHYUN!!". Mrs. Jung is now shouting from the kitchen.
"5 minutes omma~!!" He was whining like a 4 year old.
"Come down here young man or no DESERT for you tonight!!". She stressed out the word 'desert' purposely.
' Desert?? Aish what so great about lemon cake anyway'. He was about to driff back into sleep but then he remembered something. ' Why omma wants me up early in this Saturday mornin-...wait Saturday???!!' He quickly searched for his phone and unlocked it. ' SATURDAY' was written on the phone's calender. Then his brain started to registered SATURDAY+HAPPY OMMA = CHEESECAKE FOR DESERT.
He quickly grabbed his shirt and wear it while running down the stairs but fail miserably as he missed a few steps and ending up rolling down the stairs and landed face first."Oomph..ow" He rubbed his now reddened face.
He make his way to the kitchen. "Morning omma!!" He back hugged her.
"So you finally realise its Saturday eoh??"She asked.
"Nae" He rubbed off the sleepiness in his eyes."Omma why did you wake me up this early??"
Mrs.Jung knocked his head "Aish didnt i told you to get those flowers at the flower shop
today?? Aish sometimes you're more forgetful than your granpa."She shooked her head. "Eat you breakfast , then take a bath first...i dont want you wonder around town and talk to people with your morning breath ..and then come back down arasseo?"Mrs.Jung patted his head. "Yes ma'm" He salute her and munched off his breakfast.

After bathing he then went to the living room."omma??"..he then went to the kitchen.."omma??" He called out. 'Where's omma?' then a yellow sticky note on the fridge caught his eyes.

Daehyun,omma is going to mrs.Yoo's house so please send the flowers there okay??

                                                                                          >Saranghae <3

Daehyun then put on his nike sneakers and went out the house and make his way to the flower shop.
When he arrived in front of the shop he took in its features...It white and only the frames of the windows and the doors are yellow.
"Wah, this shop looks cozy and kind of....cute!!..I wonder the flower seller is cute too." He smirked. He then entered the shop. "Excuse me?? Is anybody in here??"He asked loudly.'That's weird..i was sure that the sign said open"He thought.
He then heard a loud crash and thud from behind the door behind the counter. He quickly walked towards the door and open it. There were flowers scattered everywhere and a ladder laying on the floor. "ouch!" He heard a voice from behind a table. He walked slowly towards the table and peeked behind it. His eyes went wide as he saw a boy...a cute boy wearing a white t-shirt with short black pants and a bunny apron(that daehyun thought that it was way too girlish) rubbing his sore . The boy's eyes suddenly made contacts with daehyun's. "AAAAHHH!!! A ert!!" He grab a nearby box and throws it towards daehyun. "Eh?? W...wait! I'm not a -" A pail suddenly landed on his face 'oh my face, my handsome awesome face T T'..."Take this you y!!!" Deahyun looked up and saw the boy lunging forward with a broom stick.By using his hapkido skills, he managed to avoid the boy. The boy then tripped and was about to fall but daehyun caught his wrist and turned him around and hold him by the waist."Gwenchana?"he asked to the boy. The boy blushed at how close they were and pushed daehyun away."MM i'm ok"He then started to picked up the flowers that were laying on the floor.
"Uhh excuse me...umm i came here to pick up a flower for Mrs.Jung??".The boy turned" you m..must mrs.jung's son..."He stuttered.'Awwww he's sooo cute!! I want to squish him now!!' " Jung Daehyun and you are??"He asked." Y..Y..Youngjae."He blushed."So Youngjae you worked here? I've never seen you here before." "No...i umm my omma is busy with her i have manage th..this shop.Your omma wants a bouquet of baby's breath right??" " Yeah" "OKay i'll prepare them...j..just w..wait here nae??" "Okay!!"Daehyun answered. When Youngjae was preparing the bouquet Daehyun could not stop staring at him 'woah he's soo cute and pretty'. He then mindlessly walked towards Youngjae and his cheeks.Youngjae was surprised and jumped back."W..what're doin?" "You're too cute...your cheeks looks like a bunny!" "Jjinja?? Oh..erm i like bunnies" "i can see that" Daehyun points to the apron and youngjae Blushed. Daehyun kept staring at Youngjae."Youngjae can i kiss you??" Daehyun asked suddenly. Youngjae's eyes widened as he looked at Daehyun. He was frozen.Daehyun then casually leaned in.Youngjae was about to backed away but was held back by strong arms embracing him. He struggled but it didnt work. He then closed his eyes then felt a pair of plump lips against hislips. His face was red.

After daehyun let go youngjae knocked his head."Yah!! Whats wrong with you??!! You cant just come in and kiss a stranger!!"Youngjae stomped his feet like a kid. He then crossed his arms and pouts."awww mianhae!!...its your fault being cute!!"Daehyun then received a kick on his shin."Ouch fluffy is grumpy"."Yah is there somethin i can help??"youngjae blinked at daehyun,"help??..Y..You want to help me??" "Sure".."oh okay"

they spent all day making bouquets , coursages and anniversary gifts.

Youngjae was locking the door and suddenly Daehyun received a call.
"Jung Daehyun!!!"
'o oh its omma'
"Annyeong omma!!..eerr erm wait i can explain!!"
"Explain my lemon cakes!! You were suppose to be here hours ago!!"
"Omma mianhae...i forgot..i was helping Youngjae out an-"
"Youngjae??...oooh that sweet boy??"
"Oh arasseo just bring those flowers to mrs.yoo's house okay?i'll be there"
"Wait you're not mad??"
"Why should i??? now get back here or this cheesecake dies!!"
she ends the call 'omma is weird'
"oh youngjae are you ready to go home?? do you want me to accompany you??"
"nevermind i can take care of myself"
Daehyun then held youngjae's hand.
"Nope im not letting you go...a person who is cute like you needs a bodyguard like me."
"bodyguard my "
they held hands and walked home together.
"Youngjae are you sure you lived here?"
"Because my house is right there!!" Daehyun points the house too houses away.
"Wait youngjae..what is your last name??"
"Yoo...yoo youngjae..wae??"Youngjae was confused.
Daehyun grins"Youngjae i think i'll see you more often."He then pecks Youngjae.
Daehyun dragged youngjae to the house he's familiar with. The Yoo's.
"'d you know where i live??"
daehyun just drag youngjae and push the door bell.
the door opens and there were two women grinning at them.
"Youngjae you're back!!" she hugged her"oh and you must've meet daehyun!"
"Nae..umma how'd you knw daehyun??"
"Aish this kid...yah you and daehyun were bff but then we moved away..remember??"
"Omma you know youngjae??"Its daehyun's turn to ask.
"Nae!!..isnt he your jaejae pwincess??"
"jaejae pwincess....wait jaejae??!! the boy whom i kiss when i was at the playground when i was 5??!!"
"Nae!!..aish you guys are forgetful!!...youngjae here got scared out of his life when you did tht" Mrs.yoo chuckles.
"Wait then...omma then he's daehyunnie??!!! the y kid who likes to still kisses from me??"
"no wonder you were like that at the shop!!!"
"jung daehyun did you kiss him again??!!Mrs.Jung asked
"kind of.....i cant tolerate it~~~"he whined.
"Aish thats enough....lets go inside and eat the cheesecake okay??"mrs.yoo said
they all went inside but before youngjae went in,daehyun pulled him and kiss him passionately.
They pulled back and youngjae pecks daehyun quickly and went in. daehyun grins like a moron...but then..


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Chapter 1: Long live cheesecake~~
Chapter 1: or the cheesecake dies!! LOLOLOL funnur mrs. jung
Chapter 1: Cuuttee <33 Also, that little part about their past was adorable ^^
Chapter 1: That was so cute!! xD
Like this fics~^^
Chapter 1: ahhhh this was sooo cute =]