The Christmas Present

The Christmas Present
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Minho sat on a park bench, gazing at the kids playing on the soft grass ahead of him.

It had been five years since SHINee had gone solo.

It was not disbandment, as Onew had said; it was finally time each one of them could work hard in their own way; shine in their own way.

And they had.

Onew and Jonghyun were successful solo singers; releasing hit albums, doing concerts, sometimes collaborating for duets, and what not.

Key had pursued his career as what he always wanted to be- the owner of a fashion house. He did some variety, and a few musicals in between, and Minho would be able to meet him now and then.

Minho had stayed an actor, doing dramas and movies- many of them being blockbusters.

All of them had did just what they had wanted; all of them were shining, and all of them were happy.



That one name would make Minho exceedingly curious; curious as to what the youngest would have chosen to be.

After separating, all of them went their own ways; but Minho could still see Onew, Jonghyun and Key around. Taemin was the only one missing in his line of sight.

The first year after separating, Minho had remained oblivious of his absence. He was too happy with his independence, he was too happy to finally be able to break out of the restricted image of an idol. He had drowned himself into so much work, that he did not realise where that boy had gone off to.

A small break in between, and it hit him.

He asked Key; who was easier to meet up than the other two, and Key only told him that Taemin had relocated to New York and was pursuing higher education.

Minho’s curiosity was calmed, and the next four years, he worked diligently, forgetting about everything else, except for the pure pleasure and respect his work brought him.

But five years is a tedious period of time. He finally got wearied of his work, there was emptiness in his heart; an emptiness the excitement of his work could no longer fill.

“Go live it out for a while, Minho.” His manager had said. “A long vacation; that’s what you need.”

And so he decided to take a vacation. Go to a calm place where no one would know him and spend a peaceful Christmas alone. Maybe this getaway would finally fill his heart of what it lacked.

And there he was, watching kids play in front of him, in a park in New York.

New York.

Minho wondered what made him choose this place.

When he had logged into the site to book his ticket, the only place that he could think of going to, was New York.

He denied it, but he knew as well, the reason for his spontaneous choice.


He wanted to see him again; see how different he had become; see how much more he had grown; see how happy he was; see if he was alright or not.

These five years that had passed like a breeze, now seemed like ages to the actor who sat on the bench.

How much would have time changed that face?

Did he still remember his existence?

Did he still think of him, like he was doing now?

He was like a younger brother after all; and with the amount of years they had spent together, Minho had grown overly affectionate of him. He had kept his affection to himself, knowing that Taemin was growing up; fearing that the boy wouldn’t think right of excessive skinship or gestures.

That safe distance which Minho had maintained ever since Taemin had become more mature, had just stretched out to max after the group had separated.

Minho closed his eyes, trying to remember the image of Taemin that his memory had held onto.

The image was bright…blurred too.

All Minho knew and could remember was how bright the younger was, and nothing else.

The memories- they were there, but the presence of Taemin in them, wasn’t.

He opened his eyes, his sight filling with the kids playing again.

He sighed and got up. He walked to the nearest café with the help of the map on his phone, his heart still in that confused and empty state.

He took a table, and glanced outside the window, thinking how his choice of vacation was wrong.

Hoping to see Taemin who could be anywhere in this big city, was pointless. He must not live here anymore; after all it had been quite some time even Key had spoken to Taemin as well.

Now that he had more than enough time to let his mind go astray, his confusion reached a new height.

Why was he so curious about Taemin?

He was living quite well, then why did he suddenly want to check up on him?

His affection…hadn’t it lowered due to their distance?

Hadn’t he completely forgotten his presence over these five years?

Then why did his heart and mind decide upon the one location he knew he could find Taemin at?

He sighed again; this vacation was getting wearier than his actual work.

An empty mind was far more tedious than an empty heart.


“What would you like, Sir?”

The sweet voice made Minho look up, making his eyes widen at the smile that greeted him.

A smile that had faded in his memory, which now bounced back with full remembrance to tug at his heart at its reappearance.

Lee Taemin, standing in front of him, in an apron, holding a notepad and a pen, was going through the previous orders, as he roughly glanced at all other customers, smiling at each of them.

“Taemin?” Minho said softly, making the man in the apron look at him closely.

“Yes…?” Taemin replied back, his voice filled with un-surety, as he dished his free hand in the pocket of his apron to reveal a frame which he fixed over his eyes immediately.

“Ah, I am sorry-” Taemin’s voice died down as he finally recognised the one sitting in front of him. “Minho hyung?”

Minho just nodded, his gaze still stuck at the man before him, as he saw surprise build up on his soft face.

Taemin just stared back at Minho, forgetting his purpose to approach him in the first place.

“Taemin!” A woman called out, snapping Taemin away from the sight his eyes still refused to leave.

“Yes!” Taemin replied, finally getting back into his senses. He turned to Minho, and turned to a new sheet on his notepad. “Your order?”

“A coffee, please.”

Taemin nodded. “I’ll be back in a couple of minutes.” He bowed slightly and rushed away to tend to the other tables.

Minho watched how Taemin darted from table to table, as he collected orders, settled the bills, and also served the coffee to the bunch sitting in the small but cosy shop.

He hadn’t changed much.

He was still lean-fit, with a soft face and unkempt hair. His voice was still the same, and so were his facial expressions. He still worked hard, and was happy at what he was doing.

To think that the now close-to-thirty man was a clumsy, yet adorable boy once…Minho could only blink in awe.

He had remained the same, but still seemed totally different.

Some questions calmed down in his head, when he saw the smile on Taemin’s face, proving that the latter was presently content with his life.

Taemin placed the coffee mug in front of Minho, smiling as he did so. “It’s been quite long, hyung.”

“Yes.” Minho smiled back a little. “I would have asked you to join me, but I guess this is your rush hour.” Minho added, when he saw a couple of more customers enter the café.

Taemin turned towards where Minho looked, his hands automatically shifting to turn to the next page on his notepad. “You are right.” He grinned. “I am sorry.”

“No need to be.” Minho said, as he smiled at him, this time wider. “I’ll wait. I have got loads of time.”

“Um…” Taemin contemplated a couple of seconds. “Okay.”

And he showed the new customers to the table, as he rushed back into the kitchen, with the orders in his hand.

Minho watched Taemin for about a couple of hours, and finally seeing the crowd disperse, he got up as well.

He saw the woman at the cash counter pack up and leave with a wave, and found Taemin fumbling around as he made sure all lights were off, and all doors and windows were tight shut.

Minho exited, and leaned near the entrance, and five minutes later, Taemin joined him, clad in a black coat, as he smiled slightly, before locking the door of the café.

“I am sorry you had to wait.”

“I don’t mind at all.”

Taemin started walking, and Minho just walked beside him, making sure to keep up with the relaxed pace of the younger. The silence stretched out, making him uncomfortable.

“How are you, hyung?” Taemin asked, finally breaking the spell of quietness that had made Minho feel awkward.

“I am fine, Taemin.” Minho sighed. “What about you?”

“I am fine too.” Taemin replied. “How come you are here?”


“I see. How many days?”

“Another day. I was roaming around the attractions all this week. Though it’s November, the Christmas fervour has already started.”

“The Christmas here sure is different.” Taemin said.

“Is that so?” Minho asked, smiling a little.

Taemin smiled back, and silence engulfed the two again.

“You attended college here, right?” Minho asked.

“Yes. It was quite hard at first, but it turned out just fine.”

“I have heard of it…from Key, that you were juggling two courses.”

“Ah, yes.”

“Then why do you work in a café?”

“I own it.” Taemin smiled.

Minho stopped walking. “Then why work so hard?”

“I don’t mind getting dirty in the kitchen. Besides, it’s Christmas soon…” Taemin stopped as well. “I wouldn’t want to burden my staff.”

Minho smiled. He pointed towards the park. “Let’s sit there.”

Minho headed towards the bench he was seated at before, leading Taemin the way. He sat down, patting the space next to him, and gesturing Taemin to sit as well.

Taemin sat down as well, making himself comfortable, as he wrapped his thick coat tighter around himself.

“I have been watching all four of you these past years, hyung.” Taemin started. “I am happy that all of you have finally found your own path.”

“But, have you?” Minho couldn’t help but ask.

Taemin’s face faded a bit, but the smile was back again the next instant. “Yes. The café is what I have, and it’s all I need.”

“You could have stayed in the entertainment industry. Acting, singing, dancing- you know all of it. You are exceptionally good at everything, with almost a decade of experience as a member of SHINee. Pursuing higher education is fine…but to disappear off the radar completely? To turn away from a brighter future-”

“My life is just as bright as I want it to be, hyung.” Taemin cut him off. “I don’t regret any decision I have taken.”

“If you say so.” Minho grew silent.

“Your life as an actor…how has it been hyung? All I could see was the character you play, not the one behind it.”

“Busy, but fun. But it’s gotten tiring now. Hence I escaped to here.” Mino smiled a little. “Is your family here as well?”

“No; they are in Florida. I used to travel back in forth, but after getting married, I settled here.”


“Yes, two years ago. She was one of my customers.” Taemin smiled.

Taemin’s smile had done nothing but calmed Minho…but after he mentioned his marriage, he felt his heart drop…for a reason he couldn’t comprehend.

“Congratulations.” Minho managed to let out.

“Thanks, but I guess it’s quite late now.”


“We separated. It’s been almost a year. I signed the divorce last Christmas.”




“She is a doctor. I guess it just didn’t work out between a doctor and a barista.” Taemin sighed. “She was always away, sometimes out of town, sometimes out of the country. It got lonelier for me…and burdensome for her.”

Minho remained silent.

“Does hyung have anyone special in his life?” Taemin asked, turning to him, with a small smile.

“Not yet.” Minho said.

“You are over thirty! It’s high time you find someone.”

Minho shrugged. “There is no one in my line of sight.”

“You’ll find her, someday.” Taemin said softly.

“I wonder…”

Both of them sat in silence, this time the silence quite comfortable. They smiled at each other whenever their gazes met, and continued to enjoy the now quiet evening atmosphere of the park.

After staring at the darkening sky a while more, Minho got up. “I guess I should get going.”

Taemin nodded. “Drop by again…would you?”

“I am not sure, Taemin.” Minho hesitated.

“I understand.” Taemin got up as well. “Well…Merry Christmas in advance,

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970 streak #1
Chapter 1: '".. when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want to start the rest of your life as soon as possible" by Harry from When Harry Met Sally. This came to mind when Minho made his decision about his life. He definitely wants to start 'the rest of his life as soon as possible'.
Thank you so much for sharing.
Btw, have you watched When Harry Met Sally?
Chapter 1: Cute 🥰
Shinee2020 #3
Chapter 1: So cute..... :)
turyka #4
Chapter 1: So sweet....
Chapter 1: Five years of separation and they’ve finally found each other again. It’s adorableee
Chapter 1: It's getting winter & I'm reading this, so, it really matches. So adorable! 2min!<3
SashaHRH #7
Chapter 1: Dawwwww! Our cutie-pies!
crysalizo5o7o9 #8
Chapter 1: Haaa....!! So this is how you prepared for your CO Exams.. hehe.. ^^Fantastic..! Just read this fic again..
Chapter 1: so Minho hadn't talked to Taemin for five years T_T i think i've read this oneshot before! but like a really long time ago~
ahhh i can't stop gushing over your writing style T_T it's beautiful~ ;A; this makes me feel all warm inside bc i love café au's (suddenly craving for hot chocolate)
Chapter 1: How idiot Minho was! At least he had feelings for Tae, n how could he even spend whole 5 years without seeing him?! Idiot Minho! Anyways, this 'thick-head' has been 'thin' at last.hehe. . Nice story! I'm wishing now, to have a Minho-like thick-headed handsome person as a present! It'd b nice, wouldn't it? *dreamy eyes*