
My Guardian Angel

Kai smiled a little and leapt form the window with him, grip as secure as always. They flew for a little while, no demons in sight, but there in the distance was a huge, swirling cloud that Kai headed for. Kyungsoo held tightly onto Kai and looked worriedly. “K-Kai…what’s that?” Kai whispered softly, “Don’t be scared. It’s….my home.” He began to fly faster, the wall of clouds moving so fast that it swept his wings and forced him to fly sideways. Kyungsoo nodded and shut his eyes, holding onto Kai as much as possible. “Okay. I trust you.” Kai smiled and dove straight in, coming out on the other side after being blown around. A castle was in the center with billowing sheets of cloud, almost looking to be composed of the clouds itself. Angels flew around the top spires, playing games and going about their lives. “This is a safe place,” Kai hummed. Kyungsoo looks around, eyes wide with amazement. “I-It’s beautiful. Jongin…thank you for taking me here.” He giggles cutely and pecks the angel’s cheek. Kai looks far less excited. He just nodded a little, and as he flies closer, there are tears pricking his eyes again. The rush of the wind makes them spill down his cheeks. Kyungsoo notices the tears and wipes them away. “Jongin…are you okay? Did I do something wrong? Why are you crying?” the human asked nervously. Jongin leaned into the gentle touch and shook his head. “No, it’s…There’s something I haven’t told you yet, Kyungsoo…” He bit his lip. “I’m sorry…” Kyungsoo furrows his brows and looks at Kai with worry and confusion. “Jongin…what’s wrong?” Kai shook his head and wiped his cheek on Kyungsoo’s shoulder. “…I’ll tell you when we get inside…” He murmured sadly. Kyungsoo himself starts to get teary eyed and sniffles as he nods slowly. “Okay.” He whispers as he curls into Kai’s arms. Kai held him close and entered the castle, finding his room and sitting down on his bed. He couldn’t find it in himself to look Kyungsoo in the eyes. “Soon…I….I have to leave you…” he whispered. Tears began to fill Kyungsoo’s wide eyes and a few spill onto his cheeks. “No…no no no no…no…please no…” His bottom lip quivers as he starts crying. Kai whimpered and wrapped his arms tightly around the human. “I’m sorry…I’m so sorry. I wanted to be there for you…But I…I broke the rules when I fell in love with you, and when we kissed…” He was shaking at this point. “I ruined everything…” Kyungsoo kisses Kai with passion. “These have been the greatest days of my life.” He thinks. “I-I’ll kill myself! I’ll become and angel too and w-we can be together then, right?” He was desperate. He didn’t want to lose Kai. Kai’s lip trembled and he shook his head. “I have to explain something to you, Kyungsoo…We angels, we only become like this after years of building up our rank. I…I was so happy when I got to be a guardian… Because after that, when I was finished taking care of a human, I’d have my second chance at life. That’s why I wanted to be a guardian in the first place- so I could be human again and live the life I didn’t get to. But now….Now I have to start all over again… They’ll rip my wings from my back and I’ll….I’ll never get to see you again…” It was harder and harder to speak as he went on. He was shaking as he hugged Kyungsoo as close as possible. Kyungsoo sobbed and held onto Kai. “No! No! No! I need you! I-I don’t want to be without you! I love you, Jongin! So so much!” Kai held onto Kyungsoo’s shoulder and looked him in the eyes, tears streaming down his face. “You can’t kill yourself. Okay? You can’t! If you do, your soul will go straight to hell and it’ll be trapped there for eternity… Please, Kyungsoo, you have to forget about me and move on. We weren’t meant to be together….” The words were tearing him apart inside. Kyungsoo sobbed even more and shook his head. “No! I can’t forget you! I can’t!” Kai sniffled and went quiet, hiding his face in the boy’s hair as he held him close. “I’m sorry…” He whispered after a long silence. “I’m so sorry…” Kyungsoo buries his face in Kai’s shoulder. “I refuse to let you go…” “Kyungsoo,” he breathed, his shoulders trembling. “I’m scared…They’re going to take my wings away…And you…I…” He choked out a sob. Kyungsoo holds onto Kai tightly. “I won’t let them take you away. I’ll fight for you. I’ll risk my life for you. I-I’d do anything for you…” Kai managed a small smile. “I know you would…But this….There’s no escaping this…” He flinched when he heard knocking on his door, his wings drawing close around the two of them. Tears stung at his eyes. Kyungsoo rapidly shook his head and clung onto Kai. “No! No no no no no!” he screams at the door as tears flood his vision. “You can’t take him.” “Open the door, Kai!” a voice called, and the angel shivered, resting his face on the other’s shoulder. His tears staining the fabric. “Open the door..!” Kyungsoo held on tighter and shook his head. He wrapped his limbs around Kai and held on as if his life depended on it. When Kai didn’t respond, a group of other angels burst through and tried to separate the two. Kai held desperately onto Kyungsoo’s hand as they were forced apart, intertwined fingers straining to stay in contact. “Please…!” he begged. “Jongin!” Kyungsoo screamed as he struggle to keep ahold of Kai’s hand. After much struggle his fingers slipped away. He kicked and screamed, trying to fight the angels off. “NO! NO! NO! LET ME GO! JONGIN!” One of the angels placed a hand over the boy’s forehead, an overwhelming sense of sleepiness coming over him. Kai’s mouth was covered, his cries of protest muffled as he was take away. It was useless and finally, when Kyungsoo was out of his sight, he went limp and stopped struggling. Kyungsoo was unconscious as the angels dragged him away. Tears continued to fall and his mind was fuzzy and incomprehensible. Kyungsoo was left to wake up not much longer afterwards.

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Chapter 8: Wow it was good but is it gonna end?
Chapter 6: It was so sad. I almost cried when I read this. Update soon
Chapter 5: Omg!! I almost cried!! Thank you though!!! This is such a great story!! I love reading over and over again!
sailmyships #4
Chapter 3: Ohohohohohoh!!! Chapter 3 is just too fluffy.
You have no idea how much I needed fluff in my life after a ty week @ work....
sailmyships #5
Chapter 2: I'm loving this already... I can't wait to read more of this...
Great job for getting me hooked!!! (^___^)
Nice start. I'm looking forward to the story. Found rec on tumblr bcoz whole world is there and its only me cramming at this hour and there comes your fic like a ray of hope to me. Update soon