10 Reasons Why I Hate Sulli

10 Reasons Why I Hate Sulli

10 Reasons Why I Hate Sulli

1. Her hair.

I hate how it looks so shiny and silky that it makes you want to run your fingers through them. I hate how her long hair cascades so disgustingly down her back. Especially the way the wind blows on her hair and hits me in the face - it’s irritating.

2. Her scent.

I hate how I smell a whiff of her strawberry and vanilla scent whenever I’m in class sitting behind her. She smells so swee- I mean sickly! I don’t know how I haven’t vomited sitting behind her since the start of the year.

3. Her voice.

I hate her annoying voice. Whenever she talks, her voice has this bright, cheerful tone to it. Not that it’s a good thing - it’s the opposite. Sooner or later, I swear I’ll be deaf.

4. Her eyes.

I hate her attrac- I mean, UNattractive brown eyes, it’s a lot brighter than mine and they makes you want to just gaze at them which is bad because you’ll get distracted. It actually happened in class one time and I got detention from the teacher. “You’ve got it bad for her”, Key would tease me. Ugh.

5. Her skin.

It looks so smooth, delicate and porcelain like. Almost all the guys comment on how they want to touch and feel her skin - except me of course. Especially Heechul, he keeps on getting too close to her. 

Not like I’m affected or anything.

6. How she’s too naive and dense for her own good.

Why can’t she see that I lik- DISLIKE her? I swear, she’s so stupid. Everyone else in the company knows that I dislike her except for her. Doesn’t she know that most of the guys literally drool as soon as she starts talking to them? That's why I have to keep a look out on her everywhere she goes. Some guy will probably snake his hand below her waist without her even knowing it and she'll be standing there clueless as ever. 

That's reason number 6.

7. How she’s too friendly.

Mostly with guys. She should start being mean for once, like me for example when I tell the guys off for staring at ‘inappropriate’ places at her.

8. How she’s always so bright.

I hate how when a bad thing happens to her, she just continues to smile and says, “There’s always a bright side to things Minho”. Shes’s so… optimistic. It’s annoying the hell out of me.

9. How she always greets me a “Good morning Minho!” in her cheerful voice before dance practice starts.

Seriously, it’s so loud that even the whole class hears it. Furthermore, I get death glares from the guys. Ha, I bet they’re just jealous they don’t get greeted at in the morning. ANYWAYS, according to Taemin, I blush a deep shade of red which causes her to put her hand up on my forehead asking if I have a fever which then causes me to go even more red - if that’s even possible.

10. I hate how I just realized that these reasons aren’t good enough for me to hate her at all. Her smile lifts my mood up even when I’m down. Just being with her makes me feel happy and at ease. The world seems so empty when I’m not with her.

No matter how much I try to deny it, I love you Choi Sulli.

Scratch that, there's actually 11 reasons why I hate her.


11. I hate how she doesn’t notice that I love her. Haven’t she noticed the signals I’ve been sending her since we were trainees?


Stupid girl.

Hope you enjoyed it! :)

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hassanah9099 #1
Chapter 1: Why did you say like that, She Not Stupid girl!? Do you understand!?!?
korinna26 #2
Chapter 1: Sequel plz..
sulli29 #3
Chapter 1: Sequel, authornim
Chapter 1: wow, i just read it now.. i was a bit hesitant at first i thought you are a hater of Sulli authornim.. only to find out that it was Minho who was talking... keke i love it!! :)
Chapter 1: Awww so cute Minho-ah. Tsk tsk tsk....you have 11 reasons to hate her but hundred of reasons to love her. Authornim thank for this oneshot of this babbling guy, I love it :-)
as3ani92 #6
Chapter 1: So cute,,,
Did minho tell you that author-nim?
Chapter 1: wow... :D what a nice story
minho talk about the reason why he like sulli
nana4ever #8
Chapter 1: Awesome.... Really enjoyed the story...

Enjoyed how Minho expressed the way he really feel about Sulli. It makes me wonder how she feels about Minho lol

Thank you !!!
Chapter 1: whoa!! such a cute! really cute story! :D
soosone #10
Chapter 1: This is soooo cute! Could you make like what happen after it?
Thank you so much dear author ^^ do keep on writing!