Date Night

Date Night

"Oh, it won’t be that scary!!!", Ken exclaimed. "And if it is….. MR. KEN-TASTIC WILL PROTECT YOU!!!", he bellowed as he leaped off the couch and struck a ridiculous superhero pose.

"PAHAHAHA!!!!", you cackled, smiling so big it hurt your cheeks.

Only your boyfriend could make you laugh like that, and he thoroughly enjoyed keeping you in fits of laughter as often as possible. You couldn’t believe Ken had suggested a scary movie for date night since he was almost as much of a scaredy-cat as you were. Completely convinced he just wanted an excuse to cuddle, you figured you’d play along.

"Alright, ‘Mr. Ken-tastic’," you said, making air quotations while standing up to face him, "but if I even get SLIGHTLY scared, I swear I’m gonna-".

"SILENCE FAIR MAIDEN!!!!!" he yelled, cutting your sentence short by yanking your face directly into his chest and holding you there to muffle your words. "I’LL NOT HEAR ANY OF THIS NONSENSE!!!!"

Your garbled cries of protest and arms flailing about sent Ken into giggles as you forcefully pushed him back down on the couch.

"Aish, my jagiya is so violent!!" he teased with a big smile. Sometimes, you were convinced he LIKED your playful abuse.

"Well, now that I’m no longer suffocating, your jagiya is going to make some popcorn." you mimicked his tone back at him with a smirk. "You start up the stupid scary movie you’re sooooo sure isn’t gonna be scary, and I’ll be back before you know it".

Ken quickly ran over to the dvd player.

"Ok, but you better come back quick! Cause I’m gonna get all lonely here without you and I’ll cry cause I’ll think you met someone new and that you’re never coming back to meeeeeee!!" he called out as you made your way to the kitchen.

Gosh what a silly boy you fell in love with, but you wouldn’t want him any other way. Ken’s wacky personality is what first attracted you to him. Well, his silky smooth voice was kinda hard to ignore too. Every day with him never failed to be exciting. He was an immense source of joy in your life, and you always tried your best to be the same for him.

Putting the “extra buttery” style popcorn in the microwave, you began searching for a bowl big enough to hold it all. That fatty, greasy goodness was gonna require more gym time later, but it was just too delicious to pass up. The popcorn couldn’t have been cooking more than a minute before you heard an all too familiar whine coming from the living room.

"I’m so lonely!!! Ottokaji-hee-hee-heeeeeeee!!!!"

Ken continued his fake cry until the microwave dinged to signal the snack was ready. While dumping the fluffy kernels into the large bowl you had managed to locate, you suddenly realized something. It was quiet…… TOO quiet.

"Mr. Ken-tastic better not be causing any mischief in there!!" you playfully hollered to Ken….. but no reply came. "Jae… Jaehwan?"

The silence was almost deafening. You knew he must be up to something but, trying to ignore your rising fear, you grabbed the popcorn and slowly made your way into the living room. It was dimly lit, the only light coming from the dvd menu displayed on the TV, but you could clearly see that Ken wasn’t there.

"…. Jaehwan?" you nearly whispered, your voice was trembling so badly. When no answer came it sent a chill up your spine. "He just went to the bathroom." you thought to yourself. "He just went to the bathroom". But to be safe, you slowly started to back your way into the kitchen once more. Suddenly you heard a floorboard creek behind you. You quickly spun around and…..

"BLAAAHHWWAAABBBOOBOOBALOOO!!!!" Ken wailed as he lunged at you.

"WAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!" you shrieked, and without thinking, hurled the entire bowl of popcorn at him, all of the kernels slamming into his face and showering over him, down to the floor. You were both silent for a moment as Ken’s face fell to a serious expression at the sight of his butter-splattered clothes.

"You…." he growled.

"Oh my gosh, Jaehwan I’m so sorry!" you exclaimed, "I didn’t know… I didn’t mean…".

Ken slowly looked up at you with an evil smile on his face.

"Oh you’ve asked for it missy!!" he said, suddenly turning into Ken-jumma as he yelled,"GET YOUR CUTE LITTLE OVER HERE, I’M GONNA TICKLE YOU UNTIL YOU SCREAM!!!".

"Oh ho ho NOOO!!!!" you squealed. Your face lit up as you darted away from his grasping hands.

"nnnnNNO!! GET!! ssstOP!! YOU CAN’T ESCAPE MY BUTTER-COVERED CUDDLES!!!!", Ken hollered as he frolicked after you, chasing you through the house and into his bedroom.

He quickly caught up and tackled you onto the bed, attacking your tummy with tickles and smothering you with kisses all over your face. You laughed and playfully screamed in protest, fighting back with your own tickles, but soon you both collapsed on the bed. You were completely out of breath as neither one of you could stop laughing at the other.

After resting for a brief moment, Ken rolled over and hovered above you, smiling. He bent his face down to yours and placed several long, soft kisses on your lips, pausing in between to smirk and nudge your nose with his. You brought your hands to the back of his head and playfully ran your fingers through his hair. He let out a few breathy giggles as he slid his arms under your back and lifted you up to a seated position.

"I love you, you know." Ken said as he pulled back to look into your eyes. "But do you know what I love about you the most?"

"What’s that?" you said as you grinned back at him.

"I love that thing you do…. where you screAM LIKE A BABY WHEN YOU’RE SCARED!!!!" he cackled.

"OH SHUT UP!!!" you exclaimed, shoving him back down on the bed and pouncing on top of him for more kisses.

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Chapter 1: this is so adorable!
hoping theres more of this! ;^;
Chapter 1: That is adorableness. I love it ^^
eenihshearti #3
Chapter 1: Ahhh so cute!!!!!!
Chapter 1: UGGGGGH IT'S SO ADORABLLLLE ! lol i ca'nt contain the giggles XD
2ABO2_Hwang #5
Chapter 1: Awwwww sooooo cutteeeeeeee