
Smile, My Sunshine

[Jendeul’s POV]


W-What was that just now? Did he hit his head had? He acts like he’s so good to me. After everything that I’ve done to him, he’s like this? Unbelievable

I looked at the ring on my finger. This is one of the most important things that I own. Only the heiresses of the Black Pearl Corporation own this kind of ring and also, our parents entrusted these to us since we were young.


I then caught the glimpse of him from the door since we’re sitting at the back of the room. My heart began to flutter upon remembering the scenes just a few minutes ago as he put back the ring on my finger.

The bell finally rang, signaling the start of the class and also stopped me from spacing out. I shook my head and blinked several times before entering the room. Aish. Should I thank him? Ugh. I’ll think about it.


I then entered the room and sat in my designated seat: beside tall guy. Unlike before, he doesn't give a damn  that I'm sitiing beside him. There were no complaints, no reactions, nothing! He was just staring at his hand and that when I noticed that he has a bandage on his right hand.

I was about to ask him what happened to it until I remembered that we are not in good terms. Aish. Why am I even concerned about him? Just because he gave back your ring huh?

The professor finally arrived and we stood up to greet him.

"So, class, as you've remembered, we've done a drawing activity last meeting. Today, I'm going to give it back to you and you're going to give a title on your artworks. Consequently, you are going to explain why you decided to give it as a title.Understand?" The teacher explained.


"Ne seonsaengnim!" The class replied in chorus.

Kekekeke.At last! I'm gonna know why he drew that funny drawing. Anytime from now, he's about to reveal everyone that unfortunately he's gay and his fangirls can die now. :) and I'm totally prepared to laugh already. Huh! This is going to be fun.

I looked at him with a smirk on my face and maybe, he noticed me staring at him so he looked at me and shifted his gaze back to our professor, showing lack of interest.Huh. Just you wait tall guy. Imma piss you off once again.


"When I call your name, come in front, get your paper and explain your work.

The first lucky student to explain is...


Wu Yi Fan"


I then heard a low growl from my left and consequently, he stood up and walk his way to the teacher's desk amd took his paper. He then faced the class and showed us his artwork. First, he cleared his throat and started to explain.




"As you can see, there are 3 guys holding plush toys with them."

Some of my classmates chuckled including me but others just continued listening.

"Yes. It is quite funny that they have these plushies with them but they aren't just plush toys nor stuffed animals."


"These 3 guys are me and my closest friends. I both gave them these plush toys as a sign of my friendship, as a symbol of my appreciation to everything that they have done to me, that their presence in my life in important to me."


There, I was kept silent with my jaw dropped.  I never thought that someone as cold and grumpy as him would be so sentimental when it comes to his friends. At first, I doubted him until I noticed that he flashed a genuine smile while talikng about them. His eyes show concern and gladness. They show that his friends are truly precious to him.


"When everything in my life already meant less, when everything seemed to be taken away from me. In moments of despair and uncertainty, they have given me and in return I've given then something that's not easy to earn...


Trust. I am also gratefull that they have shared this beautiful gift of friendship with me.This is the most precious gift that I have recieved in my life and something that I will forever cherish and fight for while I'm alive. That's all."

After that very heartwarming speech that he had just said, he gave back his paper to the professor without a sound from the room. He then walked back to his seat and finally sat down while all eyes were still on him.

Eventually, our professor started to clap. Slowly, also followed by my classmates, one by one until everyone (except me) was already applauding for him.

He looked around at our classmates with a surprised expression. Slowly, I noticed him smile but it faded when he turned to me and raised his eyebrow.


"What? You wanna laugh at me now?" He said then he looked away an ignored me once again. That really shut me up.


I ain't gonna deny that his speech was just so amazing. I have friends too and I can totally relate to what he's saying. Am I really that mea to his eyes that he thinks that I'm gonna laugh in such an amazing friendship story that he shared? Yes , I can be such  a troll but...

I'm no cold hearted. It bothers me. Big time.

No one ever though of me as a heartless individual except him. Just him.

Tss. When did I even care about that others think about me. Argh! Jendeul! You are obviously feeling guilty already so just accept the fact that he's really not that bad and he is not worthy of your oh so sissy attitude.

Afterall, It's your fault. Sigh.


All of us got the chance to explain our work but I barely listened to everyone cause I'm thinking of what I shoulf say to Mr Cold-grumpy-tall-guy. I kept glancing at him and when he catches me staring at him, he just kept glaring at me.

Finally, the bell rang and the professor dismissed the class. My classmates already have left while the two of us were left inside the room. He turned to his right and glared at me.

"Why aren't you leaving yet?" He asked with an annoyed tone.

"Easy there, tall guy"

"If you ain't leaving, I will"

He said. I was surprised when he stood up and exited the room in a flash.


I hurriedly put my things inside my bag and rana fter him but before I could,  I already bumped into someone. It had really a strong impact that both of us fell in the ground.


I really do have a bad habit of bumping people.


"AIT!" I complained.


When I opened my eyes, I caught a glimpse of an almond eyed, brown haired guy. He was looking back at me. His eyes were sparkling  and he had such really nice features. I can see them very well cause his face is so close to mine. 

I was finally brought back to reality when I heard his voice.

"Excuse me"

Just then , I realized that I was on top of him. With that, my eyes widened in shock and immediatelt stood up. Consequently, he rose up and dusted the dirt iff his shirt and pants while I, stood there still in a daze with this handsome creature infront of me. He walked closer to me and looked straight through my eys, making me tensed.

"Gwaenchanhayo?" He asked me.


I just nodded. Dammit. What's happening to me? Just a sudden, my body seems to be malfunctioning.

I heard him chuckle and saw him smile. Reallt dammit. He's just like the prince from the fairytales!Get a grip of yourself Jendeul.

"Uhm. Mianhae!" I told him and he smiled.

"It's okay. I'm kinda more worried about you. Are you relly okay?" He asked me.

I nodded and smiled at me.Just then, I remembered why I stumbled on him.

"Don't worry! I'm okaySorry again. Bye!"

I was ready to leave when he grabbed my wrist so I immediately turned around.

"Wait" He said.

"What is it?"

"Do you have a class right now?" he asked

"I don't have any at the moment. My next class is still in an hour and a half."


Eventually, a smile crept up on his lips upon hearing my statement. I don't know why. He's being so creepy.

"Can you accompany me to the Cafe then? I'm kinda new here so I still don't know where the buildings are located."


Without a second thought, I replied

"Oh. Sure"

Just then, I noticed that he's still holding my hand so I looked down to our hands and suddenly, he slowly raised it and kissed the back of it. Ii left me frozen at the moment and I swear that I can feel my cheeks burning up . ODD

"Im Jung Jinyoung. It's a pleasure to meet you--Uhm.What's your name?"

"J-JenD-Deul..Jung Jendeul -imnida" I stuttered. He then nodded and smiled.

AAAAAAH. Stop the smiling!I'm slowly dying here!

"Ah. Jendeul-ssi...Kaja?"

I smiled back at him and nodded too and started to walk down the building.



Author's Corner



I haven't updated. So a KrisDeul..uh KrisJen..UH..Whatever ship name it is. Oh. And here come Jinyoung.HOHOHO

What do you think is Jinyoung's role in the story? Is the story slowly being lame?Tell me!!! ^0^

I need your oh so lovely comments cause I'm slowly running out of inspiration that's why I can update that often. Hmm.I love you gys!


Yeorobun, Saranghaja ♥

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ClaraLuvvLuHan #1
Chapter 29: Ohhhh I love this story and i dont know who should i ship yeonna with? But I know YiFan is out of this ship because i think he will end up with JeunDeul its either YiXing Or Lu Han but if Yi Fan end up with JeunDeul who will JinYoung end up with? Omg this is so complicated!
tamacutez #2
Chapter 26: Wait, is that really me that you mean, or anyone in same name? *smiles*

Anyway, don't give up~ I'm dying to know the continuation of the story till the epilogue, and maybe another sequel? *chuckles*

Hwaiting author-nim~ \(^○^)/
Chapter 26: Oh, eonni. Thank you so much, I appreciate that :) *touched*
ClaraLuvvLuHan #4
Chapter 26: Oh i pray for u authornim. I will always support yr story. So u mean JinYong would like Jeudeul? But if YiFan and Jeudeul end up together Who will Yeonna end up with?
Chapter 24: Nice, eonni :) Haa,,, just want to give you a view for my story, 60 Seconds. If you have times :D
Chapter 23: The sweet one <3
ClaraLuvvLuHan #7
Chapter 22: Can authornim label whose -Pov- is that? I am sometimes confused anyway thank you for the update and update soon...
tamacutez #8
Chapter 21: The sequel is just, DAEBAK~~
Three person liking the same girl, never crossed my mind before...
Good story you make, author-nim.

Will wait for the next chapter~
Chapter 13: Eonni, I understand your condition. Huh same with me. I have a lappy but connection to Internet? Fail! Hahaha~~~ But you must be strong to continue your story. Fighting!
ClaraLuvvLuHan #10
Chapter 17: Update soon... who Will Jin yong like?