One More Night


A side story to One Night

In 2017, you move to Seoul from London hoping to start a new beginning. Heartache and loneliness seems to follow you in the new city you live in. One night you encounter another lonely soul in the city who was left broken by his past relationship. A mysterious figure under the black cap eating by himself. He seems to be unable to relax in front of you. Yet, the two of you seems to run into each other more. Who knew that this one night could change your whole life? Maybe love could be given another chance...













Beautiful clothes, high class restaurants and expensive cars surrounds you. Those chaebol like men would have given everything to you in an instant once they saw you. Those girls who spent hours at the salon just too look half as good as you is secretly taking a glimpse at you with their date wishing they were you. The guy sitting across from you dressed in his Tom Ford blazer knows he has the most beautiful woman in this expensive restaurant. You two were the main focus. From an outsider's point of view you and the man would looked like two movie stars together. Your table was in the center and the most elaborately set up. He isn't that much different from the other guys you went out with. He has a smug smirk on his face as he drinks his red wine and it annoys you. He's your second sogaeting for the week, set up by your co-worker. Apparently, they went to the same university...Seoul University and he was the most sought after man there. His father being a well liked politician also helped his popularity.

He's smiling at you like he wants to get to know you, but he asked nothing about your interests. He may be attractive, his smile is charming you should add. But he sounds just like all the men you have met in Korea. He's bland. He keeps complimenting you and flirting with you. However, he only talks about how much money he makes and the things he could buy for you. You asked about the things that he likes, as you try to deviate from the number talks, however he continues to talk about money. You try again with a different conversation, however it never transcended anywhere.

He's taken you to a club only the elites and the popular actors or musicians were invited to after dinner, or so he says, and you feel his arms snake around your waist as the bass trembled in the background. You continue to smile and just let the music run through your body, you know this meeting isn't going to go anywhere. Although, it was better than being alone in your apartment for the night.

You excused yourself from his grip. Maybe alcohol would make him more interesting as you make your way to the bar. You looked around the packed club. You couldn't decipher anyone and seperate who were the actors and the musicians. You knew nothing about Korea's entertainment industry and wouldn't be able to tell who were the the popular figures in the media.

You reached the bar and asked for a shot of ketel one vodka or maybe you should have asked for three or more. You looked around and surveyed the scene in front of you. People were gyrating and having the time of their lives. It was all superficial and temporary. The next day they will be waking up with hangovers and awkward one night stands. You've experienced all this in London and it was nothing new and it didn't excite you anymore.  


You smiled, this isn't your type of scene anymore and this isn't the place to meet a good guy. Your date could at least pretended to wants to get to know you. It was so all so annoying, couldn't people be a bit more interesting and caring?


"One more shot please," you tell the bartender as he smirks at you.

Maybe you'll forget all these heartaches with all these shots.

Maybe you'll learn to open up and trust again. Maybe your list of requirements wont be so long and maybe you'll fall in love again.




        He pays attention to the ground, refusing to look up. He doesn't need fans surrounding him and making it difficult for him to get out. He doesn't need cameras blinding him with every shots that they would take. He doesn't need high pitch screams piercing his ear drums. He doesn't need to run for his life. He's too tired for that tonight. He walked with his head down, refusing to make eye contact with anyone. Though, he is dressed casually, he still sticks out like a soar thumb in the airport. He emulates that celebrity aura even though he is all covered up. Even if people did not recognized him as a star, no one could deny his presence. He was aesthetically pleasing to the eyes. Tall, toned and handsome. He garnered attention wherever he went even though he tries to be discreet. He grabbed his black luggage as it came out of the rotating machine. He gripped his bag tighter and made his way out the airport. He  breathes in relief as he walks with his head down averting his gaze from strangers. He made it outside with out chaos. The feeling of relief takes over his body. Yet, he still yawned and rubbed his eyes. He really wants to go home now.

             A gushed of wind came by and it made him shiver as he rubbed his hands together trying to make friction. He casually leaned on one of the walls as he waited for his manager. He pulled out his cellphone and no surprise there- no text messages from anyone anymore. He bit his lips down, why does his heart it still hurt? He shook his head and looked across the street and noticed the poster for her fashion brand again. He sighed. He had seen that ad a million times now and no matter how many times he refuses to look at it, his eyes would always betray him and he would stare at it, hoping that maybe a glimpse of her would come back in his head once again. Her ads were everywhere he was in and even in abroad, it still dominated the billboards around the city. It wasn't necessarily her in the poster, but it was her company and anything that related to her would always bring him a sharp pain in his chest. He still can't help but to think of her.


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lilissafitri #1
You're not updating this again?
Chapter 3: This story is so good!! :D I was really mad at Sehun for butting in at first, but after I've read the whole story I'm okay with it XD
mickey789 #3
Chapter 3: author-nim update soon... ^^
Chapter 3: Love this story very much.. I love One Night the most!!
kiyahfiyah #5
Finally Kai ♡♡♡♡

Author-nim please don't do plot twist again I want Kai to be really happy now T.T
Chapter 3: I am happy to knoww that kai was happy too with his new love at least it will be fair for him cause haera end up with sehun. I love your story and I will re-read One night again , I miss it!
LyndyWu #7
Chapter 4: Authornim, I'm glad you write this for Kai. You know, I didn't finish & I don't want to read the last few chapters of 'One Night'. It really breaks my heart that Haera ends up with Sehun though the story was suppose to be about Kai & her, & everything they've been through just end up like that. It hurts that he suffers every time he will see them since him & Sehun are always together. Well, I'm hoping this story will mend my broken heart & Kai will end up to a better girl, & make their story blossom & touching like what you did on Kai-Haera love story & much better.
Haebby13 #8
Chapter 3: aaaaaaaaaa. this is what I'm talking about! Ahrin is slowly growing on me. I know this time, it'll be different for Jongin. please no mooore third wheels. :)
Chapter 4: Yes.... Kai start to open his heart :D
WinterRain #10
Chapter 4: i think you update :(