D.O Imagine

D.O Imagine

It was about midnight when my phone went of,  “Na eureurong eureurong eureurong dae Na eureurong eureurong eureurong dae Na eureurong eureurong eureurong dae Neo mulleoseoji aneumyeon dachyeodo meolla” ,signaling you had a text. I slid open the lock on the  phone and tapped on the text. It was from D.O my crush and best friend. “jagiya, I don’t feel good. The boys are all out at a party. Im all alone. Can you come take care of me?”  I sighed and threw the covers off of me. I pulled a sweater over my head, and finished getting dressed. On my way out I grabbed a bag and put a bunch of different medicines and stuff to make spaghetti into it. Snatching my car keys, I headed out the door. It was only a few minutes ride over to the dorm.


Getting the bag with the meds and ingredients in it, my purse and phone, and got out of the car. Pressing the lock button on my key fob, I walked up to the door. D.O had already sent me a text saying he unlocked the door for me, so I walked right in. Setting the ingredients on the kitchen counter i took the rest of my stuff with me to D.O’s room. Knocking on the door lightly, I cautiously opened it only to reveal a disheveled Do Kyungsoo trying to re tuck himself into his bed with tissue hanging out of his nose. I giggled at his appearance. Normally D.O would seem really cool and put together and clean, but this D.O was untidy and his hair was sticking out all sorts of ways some straight up and a few plastered to his forehead. He looked up at me, smiling shyly. I motioned to pull the tissue out of his nose, and his eyes grew wide like the owl he is. Quickly yanking said tissue from his nose and throwing it into the trash bin beside him.


 I walked over and sat down on the end of his bed. “I brought stuff to make you feel better oppa.” He smiled and said with a stuffy voice, “Thank you for coming in the first place. After we got back from practice Kris got a text from Amber, asking if we felt like coming to a party with the girls and of course everyone jumped for joy and went along without realizing little kyungsoo didn’t feel good.” I knew how miserable he felt because of the fact tat he was talking in 3rd person. He only does that when he is really upset. “Well your jagiya is here to make you feel better and to take care of you!” I said in a matter of fact tone. He tried to giggle but started to cough. I felt so bad for him. Upon instinct I got up from my spot and reached for the bag of meds handing him the ones that would work best right now. I went to the kitchen to get him a glass of water to take the pills with. Walking back into the room I handed him the glass and gave him the pills to take. “They will start to work soon, so try and get some rest. I’ll make you something to eat so when you wake up you can start to feel much better. Ok Oppa?” I said in a sweet voice. D.O nodded and turned over pulling out a stuffed tiger from under his covers, cuddling up to it and falling asleep immediately. 


I went to the kitchen to make the spaghetti. Pulling out the pot and putting all the ingredients in to it right away so D.O could get it faster. He sure does love his spaghetti. The fist time he came over he told me that.  Ever since then, every time he was tired from practice I would come over and make some for him and the other members. I reminisce about our time together as the spaghetti finishes cooking. A few minutes after its done cooking, I go to check on D.O to wake him up.

He is sound asleep, cuddling up to that silly looking tiger. I walk over to him and brush some hair off of his face. Not a single movement came from him. I always thought that he looked like an angel when he slept. So small like a child yet still a man with a serious attitude could be seen when he slept. A frown on his face to portray a serious attitude, but curled up in a fetal position with a stuffed animal like a child. I really didn’t want to wake him but he had been asleep for about 3 hours now. It was really late into the night or early in the morning I guess you could say. Still no noisy boys yet. I checked D.Os phone, not to snoop but to see if they had texted him anything important as to where they were. Sure enough a text from Kai but I needed a password. I guessed a few times all wrong. Silently cursing myself out I clicked one more time. This time however as my fingers hovered above the screen I heard D.O’s voice. “Its your name.” I looked up to see a sleepy D.O leaning over the edge of the bed. “Its ok, who’s the text from?” He reassured me and asked. “Kai.” I typed in my name and sure enough it was right and unlocked. “Hey hyung we are staying over at F(x)’s dorm for the night, the party was great missed you though. You feel better Kay?” I read out loud and in an irritating voice. This cause D.O to laugh lightly. I looked up at him and admired his cuteness while he rubbed his eyes. “The spaghetti is done.” I said. He sat up, and looked at me with a serious face. “You made spaghetti and wasted all that time trying to hack into my phone while there was SPAGHETTI!!! AND YOU DIDN’T WAKE ME UP?!?!” He yelled out in a strangled raspy voice. “Yep.” I retorted. I thought his eyes would pop out of his head. Throwing the covers off and swinging his legs towards the floor, but as soon as his feet touched he was on the floor. Dizzy as can be, D.O put his hands to his face and sighed. I kneeled down next to him and grabbed his hands, “Together okay?” I said. he nodded and we stood up. I walked him to the table and went to dish out 2 bowls, one for each of us.


We ate in silence for most of the time till, D.O started praising my wonderful spaghetti, as he usually did. When we both finished, he went to the bathroom while I cleaned up and disinfected everything. I went back to his room after grabbing a few DVDs from the shelf in the living room. He was trying to get comfortable again. I sighed and giggled. “Your helpless when your sick, you know that right?” I said. He just looked down as I finished tucking him in and then help up the DVDs for him to choose from. He picked out 21 Jump street a favorite of mine. I put it in the player beside the medium sized TV in the shared room, and grabbed the remote. I climbed over to sit between D.O and the wall. I pressed play and we settled in to watch. The movie had ended and I was on the verge of falling asleep. I didn’t dare move my head that was leaning on D.Os shoulder. In case he was to wake up of course, not because I loved the feeling of being that close to him. I felt my eyes get really heavy but suddenly I felt a movement next me I picked my head up to be greeted by big round owl eyes. D.O moved the covers from under me and placed me under them. He pulled me closer by my waist and snuggled into my neck. I put my hand over his,, relaxing into his touch. It only took a few minutes to fall asleep. It felt right to be in his arms like this. It felt warm and welcoming, like nothing could hurt me.


Morning came too soon. As day light spread over mine and D.Os face, I squinted my eyes open. I looked over at the clock. 10:00 a.m. Ugh. I don't even remember what time I fell asleep, or when the movie ended. I simply laid there thinking when I felt a hot breath on my neck moving up to my ear. “Good morning jagiya.” A y sounding D.O breathed out. I got chills from that. I felt him smirk into my neck. “Thank you jagiya, for taking care of me and making me spaghetti, and just being an amazing best friend.” Best Friend. That was all i was gonna be to him wasn’t it? I didn’t want him to see the tear that ran down my face so I turned over towards the wall. “Jagiya what’s wrong?” He knew immediately. I wiped the tears and rolled over. “So I’m just an amazing best friend then? Nothing else?” He looked baffled for a minute. I buried my face in his shoulder. His arms wrapped around me and held me close. “Do you know why I call you my jagiya?” “No.” I mumbled. Because of our close proximity he didn’t speak to loudly. “I have always liked you, since we first met actually. You were so sweet, so beautiful. You still are if not more than then. I call you Jagiya because you are my sweetie. You make everything better.” He said quietly. I lifted my head up and put it on the pillow. “Tell me why you were crying.” He said. “I was crying because I thought I would always just be the best friend. Never anything more. If I am just a best friend what will happen if you get a girlfriend and I lose you.” I said sadly. “Jagiya, I will never let anyone push you out of my life. You will always be mine.” he soothed. “But...But I like you and, you wont like me like that back!” I quietly yelled. “Didn’t you hear me earlier pabo. I do like you. As more than a best friend.” He said a slight giggle escaping him. “Oh you meant that?” I asked still not sure if it was true. True, that my crush could turn into my boyfriend at any minute. “Yes, Of course I meant that.” He smiled cheekily at me. “Now Its my turn to treat you as well as you treat me.” I looked at him confused. He only leaned in closer and place a soft and gentle kiss against my lips. I kissed back just as softly. It was that fairytale kiss every little girl dreams of. “(y/n) Will you be my jagiya forever?” He asked. Without even thinking, I nodded yes. D.O hugged me closer and soon we both fell asleep in each others arms again.

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Chapter 1: KYaaaaaaa...so cute
Chapter 1: Yiiiieeee ! <3 OMG ! Kyungsoo feels !
Kyungsoic #4
Chapter 1: i like it =)