

"Kris, seriously. How many times I have to tell you not to race again?!" She yells at me.

I bit my lip and let the silence cut through for a while.

"You could ing kill yourself, do you know that?!"

"I've been so stressed with my work that's why I race! Why don't you try to understand?!" I yell back.

"Fine then, do whatever you want." She says angrily as she walks to the bedroom and slams the door.

I sigh in frustration. This isn't what I wanted, but I was so mad that I lost control.


I open the bedroom's door and see her sits on the floor.

"Babe." I say as I reach out for her hand.

"Don't touch me." She says in a trembling voice.

I made her cry again, I start to feel guilty.

"I'm sorry." I whisper as I gently hug her.

"Sorry means nothing when you keep doing the same mistakes."

"I promise I won't race again. And this time I meant it." I say, wiping her tears away.

She meant the world to me and I don't want her to be mad at me.

"I don't want go to bed mad at you and I don't want you to go to bed mad at me." I say before lean to kiss her.

She smiles. "Okay, let's go to sleep then!"

"No way! Let's have ." I grin.


"What? What did I say?"

"Let's have ."

"As you wish babe." I say as I start kissing her neck.

"Yah Kris Wu! You're such a bad bad man!"

Looks like we are having a great night.

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happykidd #1
Ahahaha Kris, you're just... bad
Chapter 1: Bad boy Kris Wu haha

ert haha
vionalm #3
Chapter 1: i just love this story, at the first it's sad ( its make me cry for a while ;-; ) and then become a cute endingg xDD
kris is such a badboy thereee, but honestly i love it cx