Chapter 3

Hello Sunshine, My Love
It was the day of my birthday, we're eating our lunch like we always do, when suddenly out of nowhere  Kwanghee-oppa decided to take me out.
"_____________-ssi, it's your birthday today, let's go out after school and have some fun!!" he said excitedly. 
I smiled widely at him, his witty sense of humor never fails to make me smile.  I nodded,
"asa! where should we go? hmmm" he asked,
there is nothing that come to my mind but the thought of it makes me want to call oppa if he can go, then i realized that we are not together anymore. My heart suddenly felt sadness, that Kwanghee-Oppa noticed this.  
"aye, what's with the sad face all of a sudden? You should be happy, it's your birthday.  Perhaps, are you missing someone?" he teased as he was smiling at me.
This i can not deny, yes, i do missed Kevin oppa, and I wish on my special day that he was with me. Happy being with me, even that i become ugly or i gain so much weight. All i want is to be with oppa, that would be the best birthday for me. I was in a deep thought when suddenly Kwanghee-Oppa nudge me on my arm, that I almost fall down with my face in the table, on my food.  I look at Kwanghee-Oppa with a displeasing look and scream "AH! CHINCHA!!!" but all he does is pushed my face to the side to see what he was seeing.  
Yonghwa, was smiling as he stand right infront of me with a bunch of pink daisy's, my favorite flower.  He lean down and hand me the daisy's, I smiled as i gladly took the daisy's. Then out of the blue he kissed me, in which im not aware of, and say" Happy birthday, ________-ssi".
But what come's next is far more scarier than it seems, Kevin Oppa saw what Yonghwa did. My eyes widen as I see him standing behind Yonghwa. I strattled, my eyes started to blink unstoppable, I felt like heaven has drop a big rock on me.  I couldn't breath, tears suddenly fell down on my cheeks. But why am I feeling this way? It's over between me and Kevin Oppa, but why do I feel this way? I could not hold on to myself that I immediately got up, drop the daisy's into the ground and run as far as i can from anyone.  Kwanghee-Oppa started to get up and about to follow me, when Kevin oppa stop him. 
"Kwanghee-ssi, let her be, I'm sure she just need a time to herself." he said
I run and run as far as i could until i reached home, without even realizing. I lay down in my bed and just cry endlessly, what happened today is far more humiliating than i could imagine. Now I feel that i don't have any face to showed Kevin Oppa. His eyes, his eyes when i saw it as Yonghwa was kissing me....Ugh! why did he do that?? That jerk don't have any right to do what he did...this is not right...I feel uneasy after that moment of my life.  As i thought about it all night, my eyes suddenly fell and suddenly I fell asleep with tears falling in my cheeks.    The next day, I woke up with the thought of giving up on love, I got up and washed up. Eat my breakfast and get ready for school, today is exam day 'What a horrible dream do I have last night'  I thought, or is it a dream? it felt real that my whole body don't have the energy or stamina to go to class today, something is not right, perhaps, i was just so tired and fed up from being hurt.  My family suddenly noticed this, the alwasy so cheerful me seems to be not so me today.  Kwanghee-Oppa suddenly appeared infront of me as I was leaving from home.
"Oh! Kwanghee-Oppa, What are you doing infront of my house?" I asked.
He just smiled at me and suddenly he hugged me, I'm confused? Did something happened that I don't know about?
 "_________-ssi, If you have anything to say to me, I'm right here, Oppa will always be here" Kwanghee-Oppa said.
I look at him with such confusion, "what are you talking about, Kwanghee-Oppa?" .
He smiled at me once again and pat me in the head as he say "Aigoo, Did my dongseang forget it again?, You really do have the tendency to forget things, don't you?".
It's true, I do have the tendency to forget what happened the day after, all the bad things dissapear as soon that I closed my eyes, but the good things remain in my memory. I don't know why, but that's what it is. Maybe because I have a short span of memory, I do forget other important things that Kwanghee-Oppa has to remind me. Like my parent's anniversay which is...where was it again?? Ah, i don't know but I'm sure sometimes next week. 
"__________-ssi, are you ok though? I mean despite what happened yesterday" he said.
I look at him, still confused on what the heck he was talking about, I just slightly smiled at him and pat his shoulder, without knowing what he meant by yesterday.  Kwanghee-Oppa shake his head and started to walk besides me to class.  On our way to class, we saw Yonghwa who seem's to be happy, i just smiled at him and go on my way but as I was passing him by, he stop me, hold me on my arm and pushed me towards the wall.  My heart was beating faster than a bullet train in tokyo,Japan.  As he was about to lean on me, someone pushed him away, as i seen, it was Kevin-Oppa. Angry like the game of angry birds, ready to attack it's opponent.  My eyes widen, I know i have to do something, like stopping them to make a scene in the school hallways. But deep inside me feels happy that Kevin-Oppa fights for me, a part of him that I have never seen.  As i was about to get in between them, Kwanghee-Oppa beat me to it.  
what did I just hear coming from Kwanghee-Oppa? Did he just say what I thought he said? Ah! this jerk, who i call my friend say things towards me, when I'm just right infron of him? The nerved of this guy! I felt furious towards Kwanghee-Oppa, he look at both of them without anyt words said, then suddenly he came up to me and pushed me towards between two men who seems to be fighting over me. 
I never seen Kwanghee-Oppa this furious, wait I should be angry at him not him angry at them, and why am I in the middle of this? i wanted to run away but Kwanghee-oppa seems to see that passed me.
"__________-ssi, don't you dare run away, solve this at once." he said, with a soft tone now.
 I couldn't answer Kwanghee-Oppa's question towards me, I know in my heart  that I like Kevin-Oppa still but something deep in me that i wasn't ready for something like this.  I stood there without any words coming out of me, Kwanghee-Oppa let a sigh and leaved. I wanted to stop him, but i end up leaving the two men standing as I walk away from them.
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