First Kiss

First Kiss
There it goes again, Yoochun thought inside his head.
That look, the stare.
Jaejoong was doing it again.
Yoochun has been there watching the lead singer stare at Yunho, his eyes always more expressive when Dong Bang Shinki’s leader came to view.
The baritone didn’t know when Jaejoong started this habit of his, but he has seen enough people to know what this look means.
Okay maybe Yoochun was over thinking things, right?
Well, no. 
In the beginning Yoochun thought it was some kind of admiration from Jaejoong’s part, but as time passed he noticed it happening a lot more.
Usually when they were having an interview Yoochun would let his gaze fall on Jaejoong and then Yunho. He watched as Jaejoong literally ignored the camera and focused on Yunho who was happily explaining something.
What intrigued Yoochun the most was the way Jaejoong’s face was suddenly becoming serious and kind of melancholic every time he looked at Yunho in the midst of his ‘staring’ sessions. 
Yoochun really didn’t understand what was happening until he comforted Jaejoong about it. The fact they shared a room meant the soul mates were extra close; close enough to share secrets.
But of course Jaejoong denied everything.
Still though Yoochun being curious as ever didn’t let this slide; he continued to observe Jaejoong, who suddenly became more conscious of himself and started looking Yunho differently just after two-three years from the group’s debut.
Back to present Yoochun found himself in one of the rare day offs along with s playing games in their dorm in Japan.
It was late at night, slightly raining outside. The boys had consumed slight portions of alcohol, but they were sober enough.
That didn’t stop Yoochun from making things interesting.
“So what is it, Jaejoong...? 
Truth or dare?”
Jaejoong looked nervous for a moment before he answered a quiet dare with a hint of braveness in his voice.
Yoochun thought for awhile while Jaejoong fidgeted in his spot on the floor and the other three watched anticipating for the dare.
“I want you to…” Yoochun paused for a dramatic effect.
Jaejoong gulped. The earrings on his ears dangling as Jaejoong moved a little.
“…to kiss Yunho’s philtrum.” Yoochun smiled like he had said the most normal thing in the world. He certainly enjoyed Jaejoong’s shock, Junsu’s ridiculous expression, Changmin’s amused face and Yunho looking way too pale.
Silence filled the room.
“W-w-what?” Jaejoong shuttered.
“I said-…” Yoochun didn’t get to finish his sentence, Junsu laughing loudly interrupting him and Changmin next to him clapping like a retarded seal didn’t help either.
Yunho was still silent looking back forth between Jaejoong and Yoochun trying to figure out if they were having some kind of muted conversation.
Yoochun raised one eyebrow expectantly as if to challenge Jaejoong and the latter scowled in response.
“Fine.” He muttered.
“Hey, hey! Don’t I have a saying in this?” Yunho’s eyed widened, slowly processing how dangerous the dare is.
“Duh. No.” Changmin quickly replied.
“What if he wants to do the penalty?” Yunho tried to save the situation.
“No, I don’t.” Jaejoong shook his head negatively and continued. “Can you imagine what the penalty would be if the dare is like that?”
“He is right.” 
Junsu moved away from Changmin and went close to Yoochun. He grabbed his face and he pointed at Yoochun’s eyes. “Look at him and tell me you don’t want the dare, hyung.”
“Yah! Leave me and my face alone, okay?” Yoochun wiggled his way out of Junsu’s grip.
“Tch. Whatever, let’s just get over with this.” Jaejoong’s previous shy attitude was now gone, replaced with unknown determination.
Everyone stopped their movements as Jaejoong got up and sat directly in front of Yunho.
“Come on, Yunho. It’s just a dare.” When Yunho was about to protest, Jaejoong smirked.
“Think of it this way, he could have said a kiss on the lips.”
“He wouldn’t dare.” Yunho’s leadershii tone was here.
“Watch me.” Is all Yoochun said.
“Buuuurn.” Changmin enjoyed this way too much.
“Just do it already!” Junsu exclaimed.
Yunho’s thoughts raced inside his mind, recalling the image of a drunken Jaejoong falling against him in the middle of the hallway.
His memory is still blurry but he can remember clearly what happened that faithful night a month ago.
The way Jaejoong slurred his words his hair damp against his forehead and neck from all the sweat. His cheeks were slightly hued with a red color, his eyes bleary.
Their close proximity made even drunk Yunho realize how much the situation reminded him of Dangerous love. And Yunho didn’t want to remember that, not at all.
It makes him feel weird about his band mate and that is a big no-no.
Suddenly a flash of memory made Yunho’s heart beat a little faster than normal.
“Yunhoo...I don’t feel that well.” Jaejoong’s head lolled back.
“Of course you don’t, you silly! Do you know how many bottles of soju you drank?” 
Yunho tried to support Jaejoong as they made it through their apartment, after leaving their shoes at the entrance.
“No, not really.” Jaejoong tried to focus his gaze on Yunho’s eyes but gave up as soon as his head started hurting, making him wrinkle his nose.
They walked a few more steps before Yunho pushed Jaejoong gently against the wall trying to be as quiet as possible as he took off his coat and left some bags on the ground; the other three members sleeping contently inside their rooms.
“Yunho~” Jaejoong’s whiny voice resonated through the quiet apartment.
“M-my legs…hold me.” Jaejoong’s sad, helpless and pouty face along with his stretched arms made Yunho’s heart melt in buddle of goo. Now how could he say no to that?
Jaejoong’s eyes shined mischievously. The beautiful boy wrapped his arms around Yunho’s neck resting all his weight on Yunho.
“U-know...Yunho...” Jaejoong let his head bang against the wall as he laughed at nothing in particular. 
“Yah! Be quiet. You will wake them up.” Yunho tried to hold Jaejoong as he maneuvered them together through the hallway heading to Jaejoong’s and Yoochun’s room.
Jaejoong mumbled something incoherently; clearly not understanding what time it was.
They made it half the distance of the hallway before Jaejoong rested his body against the wall and pulled Yunho with him.
The oldest Dong Bang Shinki members were so close.
“You know something, Yunho?” Jaejoong asked; his eyes half lidded but still somehow focused on Yunho.
“I really like you-..” Jaejoong stopped and his quickened breathing was the only thing sounding between them.
Yunho’s heart almost stopped, waiting for the unexpected confession. 
Jaejoong’s scent mixed with alcohol filled Yunho’s lungs making him breath harshly against the pale boy’s face, almost feeling light headed.
“-your face. It’s so small.” Jaejoong smiled as he let his head bang with Yunho’s, their foreheads touching.
“I…thank you.” Yunho really didn’t know what else to say.
Jaejoong’s unique laugh was now replaced with a giggle, that latter not acting any sober still.
Seconds passed as the two stared at each other, trying to read each others’ thoughts.
Jaejoong titled his head to the right. Yunho broke the eye contact and let his gaze fall on Jaejoong’s lips.
“Look at me.”
Yunho quickly complied and gulped, now he too getting sweaty.
Looking at his band member’s eyes, Yunho realized how serious the other suddenly was.
Jaejoong let out a breathy sigh. His eyes shined with unshed tears and his lower lip trembled for a millisecond. Jaejoong on it making red, fighting to hold in the turmoil of emotions that wanted to explode.
Yunho knew he should have backed away by now. He knew it, but he didn’t. Jaejoong’s actions didn’t stop him but he still stayed there. All logic flying out the window the moment Jaejoong looked at him like that.
The only thing Yunho could think of right now was Kim Jaejoong and nothing more.
However when Jaejoong’s face came even closer, all sanity was lost.
The latter looked at him as if asking for permission to do the unthinkable and Yunho neither gave it nor denied it. Just impassive, but the way his heart felt like flying out of his ribcage told him otherwise.
Jaejoong suddenly took a deep breath looking determined.
And he did it.
He did what he wanted to do for a whole lot of months now.
He kissed Jung Yunho.
It was only lips touching, but the way Yunho’s lips felt against his made Jaejoong see fireworks behind his eyelids. He was so happy. He felt relieved.
He didn’t care about anything right now.
It was just him and Yunho.
Feeling a little brave Jaejoong used this godly chance to kiss Yunho some more. He didn’t know when he was going to have that chance again.
It was now or never.
Parting slightly his mouth and putting more pressure was the only thing Jaejoong did before he let Yunho continue this if he wanted.
Yunho did. As much as crazy and insane this was, he was light headed enough to do this. Not thinking about the consequences or the regret he might feel later. Though he was sure the regret he would feel later would be only a way he could lie to his heart that this is wrong.
Yunho let his hands touch Jaejoong’s face gently, his fingers rubbing Jaejoong’s hot skin on his cheek. He nudged Jaejoong’s lips apart and let his tongue feel Jaejoong’s texture.
They kissed intimately for a few seconds before they parted away for a breath.
It was then when they heard the toilet flush and they realized what was happening.
They parted away quickly and Jaejoong let Yunho to take him to his room, greeting a half asleep Changmin in the process.
When Yunho put Jaejoong gently on the mattress he realized the latter had fell asleep. The leader stared at the unconscious Jaejoong for a few seconds before he sighing and leaving the room.
Yunho still doesn’t know if Jaejoong remembers what happened but if the groaning about not remembering a thing about what happened last night the next morning is something then it’s an indicator that it’s only Yunho who remembers what went down between them.
When Jaejoong touched Yunho’s face preparing for the kiss, it was then Yunho woke up from his stupor.
Jaejoong was rather curious as to what Yunho was thinking but didn’t give it too much thought.
“Ready?” Jaejoong asked.
“Yeah, let’s just get over with it.” Yunho’s cold voice hurt Jaejoong a little but the latter didn’t know why. He ignored it anyways.
Before Jaejoong could come closer, Yunho hugged Jaejoong close to him and looked at Yoochun over Jaejoong’s shoulder.
“You. You better be ready for your turn. I am not going easy on you after that.”
Junsu wooed and Yoochun glared at him.
“Sounds scary to me.” Changmin said and Yoochun wanted to punch the amusement out of him.
In the meantime Jaejoong enjoyed Yunho’s embrace hiding his face in Yunho’s shoulder smiling to himself for no reason or whatsoever.
His enjoyment was short lived though as Yunho pushed him back, looking at him face to face once more.
“Go on.” 
Jaejoong didn’t know why but it was times like this he found Yunho attractive and manly, looking all pissed off.
Jaejoong made a kissy face and closed his eyes as to challenge Yunho.
When Jaejoong opened one eye he found himself cross-eyed a second later by Yunho’s close proximity.
Jaejoong pouted and rolled his eyes admitting defeat since he didn’t succeed in teasing Yunho.
The other three waited excitedly.
Jaejoong grabbed Yunho’s face and with one quick movement he kissed right above Yunho’s lips.
An image flashed in Jaejoong’s mind.
When he finished the dare he wasn’t that smug anymore, his face shocked. He didn’t hear the others cheering nor he noticed Yunho moving away to grab some more beers. He stayed frozen in his spot recalling one month’s ago night/event.
“Oh .” He whispered to himself, his eyes wide staring at the spot Yunho was previously sitting.
After the dare, Jaejoong was mostly quiet for the rest of the night. It was around 2 am when the other members said good night and went to their rooms leaving him and Yunho alone. Together.
Jaejoong didn’t want to spend time with Yunho so he hurriedly went to the kitchen to busy himself with something. However he didn’t succeed because he heard footsteps following him.
“Jaejoong.” Yunho called from behind.
Jaejoong ignored him and moved around the kitchen, his head lowered.
When Yunho saw that Jaejoong wasn’t going to cooperate he grabbed his wrist abruptly and made him follow him to his room where they could be alone, despite Jaejoong’s protests.
“No, Yunho. I don’t want to talk with you right now.” Jaejoong struggled using his other hand to free himself from Yunho’s strong grip.
“Stop being so stubborn. I know there is something wrong.”
“No, it’s not. Everything is fine.”
By the time Jaejoong had freed himself they were already in Yunho’s room.
Jaejoong knew they were going to have one of those fights again.
The raven haired boy tried to escape once more but Yunho pushed him against the white door and put his hands over Jaejoong’s head against that door, sealing his escape. It felt like déjà-vu for both of them.
“Now tell me what’s wrong.” Yunho looked at Jaejoong his eyes hard and face stoic.
“No.” Jaejoong looked away from the leader of the group and focused his eyes on something else.
Yunho was losing his patience and he feels like he knows the reason behind Jaejoong’s attitude. The strange behavior started after the goddamn dare.
Yunho put his index finger under Jaejoong’s chin and lifted his face.
“Will you please tell me what’s wrong, Jaejoongie?” This time Yunho’s eyes were tender.
Jaejoong sighed.
“I remembered. I don’t know if you do, but I do.” Jaejoong said and then bit his lip. He felt like he was going to destroy their friendship but Yunho was stubborn as hell.
Yunho came closer to Jaejoong. Their faces only inches apart.
“Do I look like I don’t remember what happened?” Yunho’s gaze was piercing. Jaejoong felt like his soul was being in looking at Yunho’s eyes.
Jaejoong’s pink lips stood out; pouting again.
“Goddamn Jaejoong, stop pouting at the most unnecessary moments, will you!”
Yunho sounds very impatient right now and Jaejoong doesn’t know what to do.
“Okay, fine. You do, happy now?” Jaejoong couldn’t take it anymore. He was starting to get pissed off too. It was always like this; they were getting angry for nothing and fighting for no reason.
Yunho banged his hand on the door, not caring about the other three sleeping anymore. He was really frustrated.
“Do you know how awful it felt knowing I was the only one who remembers? Trust you, Jaejoong to do something and not being responsible about it after that.” Yunho really doesn’t know what he is doing at this point.
He just wants to grab Jaejoong and…
“Tsk. Really, Yunho? You have a mouth; you could have said something to me! You only use that to do other things!” Jaejoong punched Yunho’s chest lightly but still made it hurt the other.
“I am not the one who initiated the kiss you know!” 
By now the two members were really loud.
“Of course I know! But you wanted it to happen too. Don’t you dare deny it.”
Yunho’s jaw looked a lot sharper now.
Jaejoong looked at Yunho knowing he had won this one.
Or maybe not?
Yunho turned his back to Jaejoong. He was ready to do something and this time he is not drunk.
“Ohh, leadershii, seems like to me that I am right this time.” Jaejoong tapped lightly Yunho’s shoulder just to piss him off more.
That was it, Yunho thought. That is the last straw.
Yunho turned around and before Jaejoong knew what was happening he was flush against the door with Yunho’s kissing him like his life depended on it.
Jaejoong wanted to protest. He tried to move but Yunho’s body was blocking him. 
“Mhn…No…” Jaejoong tore away his lips from Yunho. 
“Shut up, Jaejoong.”
Jaejoong’s face flushed.
Oh no, he didn’t, Jaejoong thought.
With some unknown power, Jaejoong could have used previously but he didn’t, he grabbed Yunho’s biceps and turned the tables. Now the taller male was against the door.
“After we are finished with this, don’t you dare tell me you regret this. I swear Yunho I-..”
Yunho shushed Jaejoong by putting his index finger on the latter’s lips.
“I won’t.”
“Are you sure?”
“I am.”
“You better be, Jung Yunho. You better be. Because Yunho-yah…?”
“Hmm….?” Yunho questioned.
“I am one hell of ride.” Jaejoong smiled, his eyes promising Yunho both heaven and hell.
A/N-2:This is what I believe really happened between YunJae! Legit! XD I want to see in the comments what do you believe happened? and did my writing improve?
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Chapter 1: Omygawd,,,, chunnie is really the president of the club,, yayy!!
Chapter 1: certainly is the most possible version to happen in rl, YJ admitted their feelings with a bit of help from Yoochun and alcohol. and a LOT of help from pent-up ual frustration, maybe? :p
no worries, i only found 1-3 simple grammatical mistake in this...nothing major, and they're not interrupting the flow of the story ^^
and as usual, your plot is simple but sweet...enough to melt me into a puddle of goo. thank u for writing this <3