Tagging Game


1: Post the rules rule
2: Answer the questions the tagger asked, then make 11 new ones rule
3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post rule
4: Let them know you've tagged them

Tagged by: sicasica90


What is your favourite thing to cook?

I'm not really much of a cook to be honest but if I had to choose one then I guess it would be spaghetti because it's very easy to make. And chicken nuggets and french fires.

What's your favourite sport and why.

Volleyball because it's the only team sport that you can't really play dirty like in football or basketball for example. And well, I love team sports in general.

What is one of your Christmas traditions?

Hmmm, let me think. On Christmas day the whole family gathers at my grandparents house and we eat. That's all I guess?

Choose 5 people. They could be actual people in your life or friends here in AFF. Say something to them here. It could be a compliment, a sentiment, or something you just always wanted for them to know.

To my real life friends Fani and Konstantina. I just wanted to say how much I love you and how much I appreciate the fact that you immediately accepted me and supported me when I came out to you.I couldn't have asked for better friends and I feel so lucky and blessed to have you in my life. You are family.

Chrisostome, seriously, stop your girlfriend from getting the wrong idea about us. You know I'm not into you. So stop being such a coward and clear the air because it's seriously starting to get annoying.

Dora, you're the best friend I've ever made on the interent. I mean you're nice...for a straight girl (jk :P). And you still owe me a drink so I might be visiting you in a couple of weeks.

SicaSica90, thank you for writing Eyes. It is, and I'm not exagerrating here, the best SNSD fic out there, and that is coming from a person that doesn't really ship JeTi. The first thing I do every morning is to ckeck my phone for updates if that says anything to you. And you honestly seem like an amazing person in general. 

If you could choose any city to live in, where would it be and why.

Oh that's tough. So many. Probably London or Tokyo though. Well, London has always been my absolute favorite city in the whole world and the two times I've been to England just confirmed this feeling. As for Tokyo, I don't know, I think it's a very interesting city I guess?

Describe your favourite PJs

Blue pants and a grey Captain America oversized shirt (and overprized may I add. Damn you TopShop).

What is one sport you've always wanted to learn and master and be super good at?

Volleyball. And basketball. And soccer lol. But mostly volleyball.

What is one thing you want to accomplish by the same time this year?

Get decent grades at the first three semesters in my college so I'll be able to study abroad in the 4th semester. And maybe, be somewhat fluent in Spanish?

Barring emotions, what is the hardest thing you have ever had to do physically? (eg. climb up a sheer rock face, run up a hill, do 100 push-ups etc.)

About three years ago when I was on a school trip we had to climb a ridiculous amount of stairs (like I'm serious, I think we were walking for almost two hours)so that we can see a stone bridge or something and it was so damn tiring. At one point I was pretty certain I would pass out.

What's the craziest thing you have ever done?

I don' really do crazy things in general. One time though in middle school, I cursed at a boy pretty badly because he was kind of bullying me and as a result I had to go to the principal's office. Thankfully, it all ended there though and I didn't get expelled. 

What's the last thing you've eaten?






I don't know any people here so I don't have anyone to tag lol.



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