2 Different Kinds of Love

2 Different Kinds of Love

“Where is he” you mumbled, running around the school. Spotting your best friend, Luhan, you rushed towards him. “Lu! Have you seen Baekhyun?” Smiling he patted your head.


“He’s at his locker.” Thanking the deer you continued down the hall. As you approached Baekhyuns locker you thought about your feelings in your head.

‘Baekhyun or Luhan, Baekhyun or Luhan.. Bacon or Deer....’

“Hey _________”  Baekhyun spoke, interrupting your thoughts.


“H-hi Baek.” you stuttered. The brown haired boy raised an eyebrow.


“You okay?” he questioned. Nodding your head you answered.


“Yep!” chuckling, Baekhyun draped his arm over your shoulder as the two of you walked down the hall. When you felt your heart beating a little bit faster than normal you mentally slapped yourself.

‘________What are you thinking, Baekhyun is like a brother to you! Snap out of it!


“Ned Bacon.


“mmmm?” He hummed, hearing his nickname.


“H-have you ever thought  about relationships?” you mumbled. Baekhyun stopped walking.


“Where are you going with this _____” he said seriously. Looking at the ground you mumbled.


“Just curious.” Bekhyuns gaze softened and he hugged you tightly.


“Actually... I have thought about relationships.” he answered.


“Anyone in particular?” you asked, anxious about what the answer might be.


“That’s still a surprise.” with a grunt of frustration you slapped Baekhyuns arm. “Aigoo~ here’s a hint, I plan to confess to her after tonights concert. “ your heart clenched.


“That’s great!” you sadly heered. Baekhyun gave you a thumbs up.


“You’ll be there right?” you nodded. “Great see you there!” he cheered, before running down the hall to meet up with Xiumin. Feeling someone pat your shoulder, you turned around to see Luhan quickly hugging him you spoke.


“Love is confusing” you groaned. Deep inside your heart you knew you had feelings for both Baekhyun and Luhan but you felt confused about it.


“Hey cheer up.”” Luhan held your chin, making you look at him. “The right one for you will come soon.” you blushed under his intense gaze.


“I know.” you sighed. “Thanks Lu.” smiling he patted your head.


“You better come to the concert alright?”



“Yay!” Luhan cheered, grabbing your hand he dragged you down the hall.


“Where are we going?” you asked.


“The concerts in a few hours, go home and get ready.” Luhan stuck out his tonge, shoving you out the door. Turning back to face the deer you asked.


“Where will you be going then?”


“Rehearsals duh.” Luhan teased before running off, waving back at you. With a sigh you turned towards the bus stop, heading home.


At le concert


Walking to your spot near the stage you spotted Luhan backstage waving at you. As you approached the backstage entrance Luhan spoke to the security guard.


“She’s with me.” Blushing you nodded politely as the security moved aside. “You look great!” he complimented.


“Thanks.” you smiled, giving your friend a hug. “You look amazing as well!”  


“Luhan, we’re going to start the concert soon.” the manager spoke. Luhan nodded before heading towards the stage.


“See you soon” he called back to you. Smiling you headed back to your seat. Soon the concert had started and all of Exo came out to greet the fans.


“We are one! Hello we are Exo!” they said in unision. You laughed as Xiumin poked Baekhyuns side, making him giggle loudly. As the concert continued your eyes drifted between Baekhyun and Luhan.

‘Baekhyun is a great guy’ you thought to yourself as Baekhyun sang a high note, bringing cheers from the crowd. ‘But Luhan on the other hand....’ you grinned as the big eyed boy spun around cutely ‘he’s special’ you concluded as Luhan slipped, landing on his back. Soon you’re eyes seemed glued to Luhan, watching his every dance move, smiling when he looked at you, blushing at his.... y dance moves.

Eventually they were singing the final song, 3.6.5. Watching Luhan dance around you chuckled then watched curiously as Chanyeol tapped him on the shoulder before walking backstage, Luhan following him. At last the concert ended and all the fans, including you started to head outside. Since you had planned to meet up with Exo at the side entrance you walked to the side of the room. But before you could even take a few steps from your seat, a guitar chord rang throughout the area. Turning to the stage you spotted Chanyeol sitting on a chair on the left side of the stage. Suddenly the lights shut off, except for a single spotlight at the centre of the stage. Out of nowhere, Luhan walked into the spotlight singing 1-4-3 (By Henry) as Chanyeol played the guitar. Suddenly you felt a hand hold your wrist. Letting out a squeak of surprise, you felt yourself being pulled towards the stage. Trying to pull your hand back you heard Kai’s voice next to your ear.


“It’s me, now hurry up!” Relaxing, you let Kai guide you up onto the stage until he pushed you out of the darkness and into the spotlight with Luhan. Locking eyes with Luhan, you found yourself captivated by his voice.


“I’m sending 1-4-3, you are 4-8-6....” Luhan sang, taking your hand in his. Still confused about what was going on you opened your mouth, trying to speak but no sound came from your mouth, leaving you standing there, mouth opening and closing. As the song came to an end, the crowd cheered. Luhan squeezed your hand encouragingly before speaking.


“__________.” You have been my best friend for ages, but I have to tell you this now. I can’t take it anymore. __________, I love you so much. Will you be my girl?” you hugged Luhan tightly.


“Luhan I-”  you spoke only to be cut off.


“Wait!” a voice spoke from the side. Looking to the side you spotted Baekhyun rushing to your side. “_________! I love you!” he burst out. Gasps were heard all over. Your breath hitched.


“W-what?” you gasped.


“Be my love! I’ve loved you for such a long time and I... I need you in my life!” Baekhyun cried out. Stumbling backwards you bumped into Luhan. Turning to face Luhan, then back to Baekhyun you found yourself getting dizzy.


“What do you think you’re doing?” Luhan yelled, pushing Baekhyun back.


“I’m telling _______ how much I love her! “


“I love her more than you ever could!” In the midst of their argument, you spotted Chanyeol reaching out to you as your vision went blurry. Calling out Luhans name you collapsed in Chanyeols arms.


At hospital

Waking up in the hospital you blinked, feeling a slight headache. Looking to your right you see Baekhyun staring at his hands.


“Baekhyun?”the boy looked at you before jumping to his feet.


“____________! You’re alright!” with a smile you patted his head before asking.


“What happened?”


“You collapsed at the concert....” Baekhyuns face turned serious. “Look _______ I really do love you.”


“I love you too Baek, but only as a brother....”


“I know...” you looked at your friend in surprise.


“I see the way you look at him... But remember I’ll always love you and I’ll always be here for you”


“Thanks Baekhyun” the boy was about to speak but a knock on the door was heard. Standing up Baekhyun walked to the door.


“See you later” he spoke before opening the door for Luhan. The two looked at each  other before giving each other a hug. “You take care of her Lu.” Baekhyun ordered.


“Absolutely.” Luhan simply answered. As Baekhyun closed the door behind him, Luhan rushed to your side. “Are you okay?” A smile appeared your face to see the worried deer.


“Of course I am.” with a sigh of relief, Luhan took out a bouquet of roses and a deer plush.


“I got these for you.” Squealing, you grabbed the deer plush and hugged it tightly.  


“Thank you! It’s so cute! I.. I’m going to name you Lu!” you gasped in awe, staring at the plush. Luhan smiled.


“About what happened earlier at the concert...I’m so sorry! I was just so afraid I would lose you!” Luhan cried out.


“Luhan!” you yelled, gaining his attention. “I love you.”


“You do?” he breathed.


“With all my heart.” you confessed. Luhan smiled, pulling your face to his, smashing his lips against yours. As the two of your pulled away, Luhan spoke once more.


“I love you, i love you, I love you. I love you so much that nothing can silence me. I.. I want to sing it to the world!” you cute Luhan off as you pulled him into another kiss before speaking again.


“As much as I love you, don’t you dare sing it to the world, sing it to me instead.” Luhan laughed.




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