The Mistake

Is This What They Call Love?

   "Why is it always like this...?" Kibum thought to himself as he walked out of the front door, a slight frown on his face. He had had enough of his parents fighting, it was like that every evening and he hated it, he did he best to find something to do every night, even if it was just sitting in the park, he never went back before his parents were asleep, he didn't want to hear them, he didn't want to see them, talk to them. He didn't care about his parents, cause apparently they didn't care about him either, they didn't even notice him missing as he had tried running away once in a while, but since he didn't have a place to go, he’d always go back to the place he had to call home. Kibum hated his life, he hated himself.

   So, once again Kibum was walking towards the local park, he plugged in his earphones and tired to do his best to stay invisible, to avoid all the people that were passing him and at least he himself could say that he was doing a pretty good job at it. It was something he had always done, staying invisible was his speciality and it was probably the only one thing he was good at. He didn't have any friends and he didn't mind it, he had never had friends, he was fine on his own and he could never admit to himself that deep inside he was lonely, that he needed someone by his side.

    He shook his head a little and kept walking, he had been looking at a couple walking across the street, he knew he'd never have something like that, he would never have someone who'd love him, he could feel himself get even sadder than before. He walked a bit faster, suddenly bumping into a stranger, a male not much shorter than himself, he didn't look up at the stranger as he mumbled an apology and fastened his walking speed even more, he had no intention to socialize today, the little bit of talking he was willing to do was when he thanked the cashier as he was buying himself a drink from the small store near the park.

   Soon he found his way to the bench where he spend most of his evenings, he sighed sadly as he leans at the back of the bench, tugging on the hood of his jacket and opening his drink. All he could think think about was his parents fighting, how horrible his life was.

    For a brief moment he had dozed off, his drink fell on the ground and what had made Kibum open his eyes was loud scream not far from where he was sitting, he stood up fast, he could immediately tell that it was a girl, even though he knew it was a horrible idea, he ran towards the continuous screams. His eyes widened as he saw a bunch of grown up men harassing a young girl, his took a deep breath and yelled out "H-HEY, WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING? LEAVE HER ALONE..." Kibum had hoped that it would stop the guys, he was wrong, now the guys were after him, slowly he backed away while seeing the girl run off, he was kind of relieved but at the same time he knew he was in trouble, he knew he had no chance of escaping, the others looked way more faster and stronger than him, he was afraid. He gasped as he was grabbed by the collar by the tallest of the group, his feet barely touching the ground, he gripped onto the other's hands and looked at him with a stern look,he didn't want to show out how scared he really was as the other spoke. "What did you say? What do you want you little ? Do you want us to you instead, huh? I'm sure you'd love that, you ing " Before Kibum could say anything he was pressed against a tree.

   He was ready for the worst so he shut his eyes, but he wasn’t expecting what was about to happen, he fell on the ground with a loud thump, hitting his head against the root of the tree, the last thing he saw before blacking out was a man dressed in black, fighting back to the others. Kibum let his eyes close, he felt weak and for him it felt like he had been laying there in the park for hours.

   As he finally opened his eyes, Kibum let out a loud groan and held onto his head, his eyes closing again, the pain was horrible. „Ugh...m-my head, it hurts so much. The did I do last night“ He rolled on the bed, groaning because the pain, the sudden realization of what had happened last night made Kibum sit up fast and open his eyes, he looked around and panicked. „W-where am I? What is this place?“ He gasped as he heard a sound coming from the next room, he panicked more and gripped onto the blanket under which he was laying before. „W-who is there? S-show yourself!“ By now he was trembling, he was scared and his head was hurting, he didn’t know what to do so he grabbed a pillow, the moment as the door opened he threw the pillow at the man standing in the doorway, making the other spill the water he was holding. „Who are you? Why am I here? What do you want from me?“


Should I continue? Do you want to see what will happen between Kibum and the mysterious stranger? Please comment and let me know...thank you

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AidenChase #1
Chapter 2: Haha I am laughing so hard with Kibum!! why he is so innocent xD.. I 'LLC be waiting for next part. I am curious yeahh
AidenChase #2
Chapter 1: This is cool ~ I think Jinki there^^ YES U SHOULD CONTINUE THIS ,PLEASE!!
yes please continue with the story, i want to noe what happens next thanks
taemin_mom #4
Chapter 1: Hi, please continue your story. I'd like to know what will be happened next.
the mysterious stranger is Jinki, right?