Welcome To My World


You're famous and aren't afraid to let people know of your stardom...

A story of how you deal with the girls you meet and your relationships with each...plus of course your only friend...well....the only one who seems to be able to cope with your cocky attitude and extreme confidence.


Lee Hi: One of your many fans, constantly follows you around like a lost puppy...

Choi Soo-young: Childhood friend, vanished out of your life seven years ago when her and her parents moved abroad due to work

Meng Jia: The only girl who does not seem interested in your so called fame, a wild girl who plays hard to get (In your opinion anyway)

Kim Dasom: Local Cafe worker, believes in destiny and fate, falls in love at first sight, nervous and clumsy but sweet

Park Yoochun: Your only friend, or at least the only person who puts up with your bad attitude and personality


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