Chocolate for You

Oops… I Confessed to The Wrong Twins !

Boyfriend practice their dance moves seriously. “Break time!” Doinghyun shouted then they quickly sat on the floor, breathe heavily. Youngmin looked at his phone then frowned, he don’t get a reply from Chaeri. Jeongmin sat beside him then glanced at him.

“What’s wrong ?” He asked as he drank his water.

Minwoo come from his behind. “It must be about Chaeri.” He said casually. “She don’t give you chocolate, right ? Poor you.” He said with a small chuckled.

Youngmin glared at him. “Yah! You’re so annoying.” He grumbled. Kwangmin patted his shoulder. “Maybe she’s too busy.” He said tried to comfort his twin.

Hyunseong looked at his phone. “It’s already 11PM, I bet Chaeri already sleeping.” He said simply. Youngmin looked at them unhappy. “Hey, it’s only chocolate.” Donghyun said.

Youngmin stomped his foot. “But, I want her to give chocolate to me!” He whined.


Chaeri woke up from her sleep then glanced at the clock. “Eh ? It’s already 11PM.” She walked to kitchen to drink then she remembered something. “Ah! The chocholate! Youngmin!” She slapped her forehead frustrated.

“Aish.. It’s already 11PM. What should I do ?” She asked to herself in panic. Then she quickly took a chocolate ice cream from the refrigerator. She looked at it then shrugged. “Luckily it’s chocolate flavor.” She mumbled going out from the apartment and stopped at the park. She sat at the park bench.

To : Youngmin

Hey, are you still awake ? Come to the park near the apartment, I’ll wait you there :)

She looked at the sky then sigh. “There’s no stars tonight.” She mumbled. She looked at the ice cream box. *I hope it’s not melted quickly.* She looked at her phone wallpaper then smiled. It was Youngmin picture, smiling happily.

Suddenly she felt pair of arms wrap around her waist. She gasped turned around and found Youngmin smiled brightly at her. “You scared me, oppa.” She said with a sigh.

Youngmin let out a small chuckled then sat beside her. “I never know you use my picture as your phone wallpaper.” He said casually then glanced at Chaeri with his warm smile.

Chaeri’s face flushed pink. “I- I’m not!” She denied as she looked away.

Youngmin smirked. “I already saw it.” He said.

Chaeri give the box of chocolate ice cream with a pout. “Here.” She said not looking at him. Youngmin took it from her hand then looked at it curiously. “Chocolate ice cream ?” He mumbled as he looked at it for a while.

“I’m sorry I can’t give you a chocolate. I fall a sleep when I’m back from my cousin’s café. So, I decided to give you this. Is it okay ?” She asked carefully while looking at Youngmin’s expression.

Youngmin give him a look. “But, I want chocolate. I don’t want this, make me the chocolate now.” He demanded.

Chaeri stood up from her seat then looked at him. “Sorry, I will make it for you now.” She said then walked away but she stopped when Youngmin hugged her from behind.  She turned her head and found Youngmin smiled sweetly at her that make her heartbeat faster.

“Hey, I’m just kidding. Thanks for the ice cream.” He said then kissed her cheek softly. Chaeri’s face flushed pink. *He must to stop doing something like this!*

Annyeong! I hope you like this boring chapter >.<
I'll try to update faster :)
hope to see your comments!
Ppyong~ :)
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Chapter 17: we really want a sequel for this one....

i'm so excited.. authornim...

good story^^
Angelz6 #2
Chapter 17: I know I'm late but if only I said this when you updated.....

kwangminshypika #3
Good story!!

Sqeul!!! I hope there will be one!!

Update soon!!
I like your story :) Its amazing ^^ but I spotted a lot of grammar mistakes but oh well~
I would really love if you made a sequel O u O
Nice story!
Iqa_ELF #7
love the story!!!! nice work!!
ezamy83 #9
Youngmin!!! Youngmin !!! Youngmin!!! the story!! heheh
ParkAhRin604 #10
Loving this story since the vry beginning ^_^ Nice one! >_<