Chapter 1

Just So You Know

  "You signed me up for what?"

  "It's a simple program, and you need the credits," Baekhyun told him, grinning. "All you have to do is show the new kid around."

  Kyungsoo really had to hold back his anger on the purple hair boy, especially when Mr. Kwon is in the room. He'd rather not get detention for punching his friend. Hmm, maybe they're right, he has gotten a bit violent this past year. But he had no idea about the program until Miss Lee suddenly came knocking, asking why he wasn't at the office alongside the new kid.

  "Go on then," Jongdae said, gesturing him towards the door, where Miss Lee could be seen waiting impatiently for him.

  He threw one last glare at the duo, before going to the teacher. He bowed a ninety degrees and apologized profusely for not realizing the presence of the new kid till then. She didn't say anything, but he could see her eyes eyeing him up and down, scrutinizing him. She gave a brief nod, and turned, expecting him to follow.

  "He's only a younger than you, so it shouldn't be a problem," Miss Lee explained to him, as they made their way to the office. "You are only excused for around fifteen minutes so don't dawdle. He will be in class 1-B. Make sure he gets to his locker before going to class, and the teacher introduces him properly. Then, you can go back to your own class. During lunch, you will have to pick him up and that is the time you show him around."

  Kyungsoo nodded, trying to take it all in. To summarize it all up, he has to show the new kid around. Got it.

  When they reached the office, he could hear the school nurse rambling on about the school's health policy to the new kid. She's probably giving him more forms than necessary to fill in. Miss Lee cleared to get their attention.

  "Sehun, this is Kyungsoo, he will be showing you to your class," she said, before saying in a low whisper. "Make sure he doesn't cause any trouble."

  "Hello, my name is Oh Sehun," the new kid said, bowing politely.

  Kyungsoo understood her worry judging by how Sehun dressed. He was the new kid but he looked more like the slackers that always hung around behind the school where they think no teachers could see. With his rainbow coloured hair and the bored look on his face, Sehun did seem like a rebel. Thankfully, he didn't seem as bad as the ones Kyungsoo had a run in a couple times before.

  "Do Kyungsoo," he replied, offering a smile. "Come on, I'll show you to your class."

  Sehun was quiet and possibly attentive as Kyungsoo began telling all the ways around school. He wasn't exactly quite sure since the younger didn't say a word except when he told his locker number and he kept looking around with the same expression. It made Kyungsoo wonder if he was actually doing a bad job.


  It isn't exactly quite fair that parents seem to have this control over their kids and the ability to decide what they do in life. Though Sehun knows this is not permanent, he still wish he had a say on their move to Seoul. He was only told that they were moving, before finding himself packing his stuff. He found himself having to do the one thing he didn't want to do.

  Starting over.

  To some people, this is a great opportunity. To Sehun, it was a terrible thing. He had finally found a way to face those homophobes at school. He had to leave the group of friends that actually stood by his side through the whole thing. Really, to find himself in a new environment. To lose his cool reputation at his old school to being the new kid in a new one doesn't really seem appealing to him.

  But what to do? He had absolutely no say in this.

  At least his tour guide, or whatever, seems nice. A bit creepy with those large eyes of his, but nice. He wonders how long the older would actually be stuck with this job. It would be nice to have some sort of company till he finds his way around.

  When they finally made their way to class, something Sehun had hoped he was able to prolong until maybe never. They could already hear the students chatting a bit too loudly for a teacher to be in class.

  "I guess Mr. Kim is not here yet," Kyungsoo the tour guide said, a bit uncertain. Should he leave this kid to his classmates? Surely, the younger could take care of himself.

  They were interrupted when a light haired brunette skip past them, bumping into Sehun in the process. The colorful haired boy glared at the brunette, despite his pretty features.

  "Oh sorry man," he said, glancing at the two. "Nice hair."

  Sehun huffed, trying not to comment how the other actually looked beautiful. He'd rather not reveal his uality to a random stranger for now.

  "Hi Kyungsoo hyung," the pretty male said, cheerfully.

  "Shouldn't you be in class?" Kyungsoo inquired, raising an eyebrow at him.

  "On my way, just stopping by here to give Kai some things."

  Sehun let his eyes followed the pretty male ran off till he disappeared around the corner. He turned back to Kyungsoo, who was glancing around the classroom. All the students in there were already gathered with their own cliques, save for a girl writing furiously in a book trying to ignore the two girls chatting animatedly next to her. A group of guys were tossing a basketball amount their group, discussing to meet up later for practise or something. A larger group of both guys and girls were sitting at the back talking and sharing food.

  Sehun began to wonder where he fits in with all of them.

  "Well, seeing that-"


  Sehun was startled when a tanned guy popped his head out, looking delighted to see them. Well, maybe not them, Kyungsoo probably since Sehun and him had never formally met. But he sure hoped they will cause this guy was gorgeous, his golden brown hair, his tanned skin plus those brown eyes and he's pretty sure there were some muscles hidden under that uniform.

  Sehun had to mentally slap himself. He hates it when he began to sound like some teenage girl fangirling over a hot guy. There is a hot guy, but Sehun is no girl.

  Kyungsoo on the other hand seemed more passive about the guy's arrival.

  "Hey, this is the new kid for your class, Sehun," Kyungsoo said, gesturing between them. "Sehun,this is-"


  "Kai," Sehun repeated, just wanted to test the sound of it on his tongue. "What kind of name is that?"

  Kai merely shrugged, in reply, before turning back to Kyungsoo, "Are you going to wait here till Mr. Son comes in?"

  "No," Kyungsoo replied, sounding colder than he did earlier. "I have class. I'll see you later Sehun."

  Sehun blinked, surprised by the sudden change before nodding at the older's statement. Kyungsoo turned away with no hesitation of looking back. Huh, he must've really hated this job of showing the new kid around. Well, at least he'll have the company of Kai, for now anyway.

  "So, Kai?" For a moment there Sehun thought he saw something flashed through the other's eyes. But the latter quickly shook it off.

  "Come on, I'll show you to your seat," he said, leading Sehun through the maze of students. "We don't have new kids much. This place is usually reserved for certain guests. But I guess you can have it, since its also the only empty one in this room."

  Sehun wondered how many 'guests' had actually stayed at the seat that was well hidden at the back of the class, alongside Kai's. All he knows is that he's probably one of the lucky ones.


not much for a start, I know. It was supposed to be longer, but this should do for now, right? My sister has been bugging me to update this anyway. Hope you enjoyed it!

also, any of you willing to beta this story plus another exo Fic (mama!au) for me? If there is, comment below or just pm me. I really need a beta.

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First chapter up. And is anyone willing to beta this story for me?


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Chapter 1: OMG, this is so interesting! Your doing such a great job at everything, the details, dialogue , the expressions, and I love how Sehun thinks! Please continue this, I will wait for your next update!