Rose of Bleu de France

Rose of Bleu de France

She was a dancer, moving quickly but elegantly from streetlight to streetlight. Was she really the one? - Hyuna x Daehyun (AU)


“Ms. Kim! I’m here,” I announced with a smile plastered onto my face. Now, don’t get me wrong, Ms. Kim was a nice woman. However, she was the mother of her and I didn’t want to be reminded of her. Though, I guess I didn’t really have a choice- she was kind enough to let me work in her shop and I needed the money. It was an offer that I could not have refused even if I wanted to. Plus, the kids that linger around the place were all nice and helped me with things sometimes.

“Oh, Daehyun-ah, come in. I have a lot of work for you to do and after this- I’ll let you have the week off.” She told me nicely. Even when she was old, she was still so energetic. It was something that helped me get through life- knowing that I was the one that made her so happy.

Wait… Did she just say she would let me have the week off?

I had no time to think about it as I was pushed to an aisle and being told by Ms. Kim to stack the items in an orderly way. I was always an orderly person, even when I was younger. Whenever I see a mess, I have a slight urge to clean it up. When I was younger, I always acted on that urge. It was… embarrassing to say the least. I remember her just giggling away while I cleaned her room- which was always messy.

But… the shelves weren’t so messy. Not that it was in the first place. It was actually really neatly placed; all the things were sectioned perfectly and stacked nicely. Confused, I started to walk towards Ms. Kim to ask her what’s wrong. While doing that, I took another look towards the aisles. I couldn’t see anything wrong with them; nothing was out of place so far…

I was not paying attention to where I was going apparently and bumped into a person. Judging from her obviously curvy frame and long hair, I guessed that it was a girl. Then, I noticed the books on the floor. Strange, she had probably come back from school. Not many people are released this late, not many schools allow their pupils to go this late. Though, I guess she stayed back for her own purposes.

“Are you okay, miss?” I lowered myself onto my knees to help pick up her books. She slowly looked up and grinned.

“Of course!” she replied. Taking a closer look at her, she seemed familiar. Oh... Jun Hyoseong. She was the girl that my little brother had a crush on before his girlfriend, and she had a crush on me. Wonder if that crush has gone away.

“Jung Daehyun?” she asked when she finally recovered from the slight fall.

“Yes. Jun Hyoseong, right?” For the first time today, I smiled genuinely. She was quite an old friend after all; she had left seven years ago to study in America. It was great that she was back. We didn’t talk during the last seven years and I sort of miss practicing singing with her.

“Aw… My little Daehyun is all grown up. He doesn’t feel the need to call me noona anymore,” Hyoseong turned away and pouted while crossing her arms over her chest. She was just acting, I know, but I felt bad nonetheless. She was a close family friend. So, without thinking mind you, I hugged her back awkwardly. I was still shorter than her, though not by much. Not like we were younger at least.

“Mianhaeyo, Hyoseong noona,” I muttered into her hair that I was hiding my face in. She sure had grown a lot in the past seven years. Her body developed a lot I can say. She wasn’t the same Hyoseong I used to know, though her personality sure didn’t change.

“I was just joking, Daehyun-ah.” She removed my arms that were around her waist and turned to look at me. “You’ve grown a lot Daehyun. I can barely recognize you,” she smiled while looking into my eyes. Her cheeks looked lightly flushed, but I couldn’t be sure. She lowered her eyes to look at the floor, or her shoes. I’m not so sure.

“Do you want me to take you around Seoul? I’m sure I you have forgotten some parts of it, am I right?” I asked with that silly smile still on my face.

She looked up and smiled brightly while smiling, “Not all of Seoul. I can remember some parts.”

“Besides the shopping district, Hyoseong noona,” I continued. With that, she turned around and puffed the right side of her cheek out- a signal that I had won the argument. Hastily, I grabbed her forearm and led her out of the shop. At first, I had wanted to tell Ms. Kim where I was going- but the look she had shot me told me that she had known. As strange as it was, I didn’t question it and continued to drag Hyoseong out of the store.


See, I told you I would update sooner. And since it is a new year, I decided to post this faster- meaning you get a double update! Yay~ Also, I feel like the New Year's greeting and reselutions question would be more fitting here but whatever! Since this is also the second to last part that I have properly written out, it might take a long while before the next one. It won't be too long hopefully but it will be longer. I promise I won't take an exteremly long time and wait for three months, okay? And I also finished my first week of school- so far so good. But it's kind of hard adapting to a new one so fast,especially since I'm used to my older school's system.

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4niahyun #1
Chapter 3: i need hyuna lol~
update soon^^
kokoya15 #2
Chapter 3: keep updating!!
sheryin #3
Chapter 3: Please update soon
Chapter 1: Hyuna and Daehyun. Hope their interaction come in soon
AhJinzxzx #5
Update soon!
Dragonfly96 #6
Cool story,I also like the pairing,anyway,update soon,cant wait for it ! ^^
BabyJoQueen #7
I shipp them too :)
Please update authornim