Opposite of Serendipity

The Waiting Game

Love, it's a wonderful feeling

It is, until you feel a block

A block that is made by that other half

Should I lie to myself and say it's just my imagination?

I should, I know he loves me a lot

but we're drifting.....



"Can you tell me why? Why do I feel like we're drifting? Why do I feel like someone, somehow, is creating that distance between us?" Jieun thinks to herself as she walks next to her loving boyfriend, Yoseob. You know, who knew that these two would be together? It was out of curiousity if they'd last for a very long time, if there actually is happiness. If there could actually work out together, not as friends, but as people who actually loves each other. They waited, they waited to see what they could find that would make it impossible to be together. Yet, what did they find? They found serendipity.


"I love you," Yoseob whispers into her ears randomly every single time they're together. He has been doing that over a span of a month, and he has never done that like the first time he has told her those three powerful words. Jieun wonders, "has he been saying that to convince himself? to ensure that he really truly still loves me? or is he saying that to make up for the horrible outcome that is bound to happen of their relationship? Who honestly knows, right?"

Yoseob and Jieun walk a safe distance next to each other, like about the length of three hands. It has never been that much space between them, not even when they were trying to hide their relationship from their parents when out in public. Jieun turns to her left to Yoseob, opens to ask what is happening to their relationship, but she snaps shut, faces down to the sidewalk and closes her eyes. "WATCH OUT!" Yoseob pulls Jieun closer to him, she opens her eyes and sees a construction hole out in the open with only a few cones around it. She catches her breath, and pushes herself off of Yoseob and walks pass the construction hole. Yoseob stands there, wondering why did she seem so angry when he just saved her, yet he catches up to her.

Jieun randomly begins to think of how Yoseob rarely even wants to be near her; how he let's go of her hand when she reaches for it; how he just stands there and not hug back; how he disses her for his friends; how he talks to other girls when they're together; how he seems to be drifting, drifting farther away every single time he says "I love you." Why now? Why when she almost hurts herself, does he want her to actually be safe, to feel safe?

"What is wrong with you?" Yoseob says as he catches his breath due to running after her. They both end up at the entrance of a park, the park where they first met, but not meeting with the purpose of knowing each other; the park where his eyes were not on her.

"What is wrong with me? Are you annoyed with me, to the point you don't want to be even near me anymore?" Jieun whispers loudly only for both of them to hear.

"What are you talking about? I always want to be near you," Yoseob responds.

"Are you sure of that? It awfully seems like you don't," she replies back with tears beginning to form in her eyes.

"Yes, of course," he says. Jieun begins to walk away but is force not to due to a hand holding her arm, preventing her from running away again. "Why are you asking this all of a sudden?" Yoseob asks her.

"Why? Why, you ask? Have you not seen your actions for the past couple of months? You barely want to be with me. You barely even hold my hand now a days. All you do is hang out with your friends, but when we're together, you're there texting other girls. Am I boring to talk to now? Am I not good enough to talk to that you have to talk to other people in order to make it lively? Why is it that when you're with your friends, you smile more than with me?" Jieun begins to softly shout with tears falling down her face. Yoseob is taken aback and tries to say something but it just doesn't come out.

"You don't look at me the same anymore. The way you used to look at me, it was filled with love. It was filled with certainty that you love me, but now... now it doesn't," Jieun pauses for a while staring at Yoseob, "When you look at me, it's filled with annoyance, like you're obligated to be with me, like it's filled with a sense of being too tired of the same thing." Yoseob just stares at Jieun's tear streaked face.

"I.... I don't know," Yoseob says while looking at Jieun.

"What is it that you don't know? Do you even love me, or at least like me still?" Jieun cries out.

"Of course I still do!" Yoseob responds.

"Do you even want to be together anymore? Do you want to be 'us' or just 'me' and 'you'?" She responds.

"I... I don't know, Jieun," Yoseob says as she takes a step back. Jieun watches him step forward as he says, "I don't know what I want." Jieun gives him a confused glare, thinking to herself, "how can you still love me, but not know what you want?!"

"I'm confused as to what I want. I feel netural about our relationship," Yoseob speaks out. Jieun's heart crumbles down with that last sentence. A girl never wants to hear about her significant other feeling neutral, 'cause that means it's soon to fall apart. She turns away from Yoseob and runs, runs so fast to the other end of the park.






hello, another unfortunate even happend

of course I would turn into a story in order to get my feelings out.

what is said, my voice, it can't say a thing

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OMG a iuseob fanfic?!?!? -SPAZZING MODE-