Chapter 1

Beautiful Girl

Yongguk waited patiently in front of the gate. A brown teddy bear clutched tightly in his hand as he paced back and forth along the sidewalk. He was anxious. He hoped that she would love his little gift. He hoped that would smile that pretty smile that he adores so muh and laugh that cute chuckle that always made him happy. He didn't care of the people around him watching his nervous steps. He continue to look down at the teddy bear and smiles to himself as he imagined her reaction. It amazes him how he couldn't live a day without her since she came into his life and it continue to amaze him as he finds himself looking forward to having her back in his arms. 

Then the bell rang and Yongguk looked up anxiously. The children filed out of the building with their excited giggle and happy faces as they reunite with their parents outsdie the gate. Yongguk waited patiently right in the middle of so she won't miss him. Then he saw her and his smile grew even wider. She took careful steps down the marble stairs making her ponytail bounced lightly behind her. Once she made it to the landing, her eyes looked up and she smiled that bright smile he adores and sprinted straight towards Yongguk. Once she was close enough to him, Yongguk knelt on one knee and opened his arms just as she jumped straight into his embrace. Yongguk wrapped his arms around her little body as he carefully lifted her up, one hand cupping the back of her head.

"Appa, I drew a picture of you!" The little squeaked as she continue to wrapped her little arms around his neck. Yongguk pulled his head away to look at his daughter.

"You did? Can you show me later?" The girl nodded her head furiously and smiled at him. "Heejung-ah, Appa got you a present today." Yongguk shifted Heejung in his arm and pulled the teddy bear in front of her. Heejung squealed in excitement as she grabbed the fluffy bear and hugged it on her chest.

"Thank you, Appa." Heejung said and gave him a peck on his cheeks. Yongguk smiled proudly at her before making his way to the car. As he tucks her in her carseat, Yongguk took his seat in the driver's side and adjusted his rearview mirror so he could see his daughter. The little girl chuckled and giggled as she discovered her new teddy could make a sound. Then he saw it. She has her eyes and her lips and everytime she smiles, his heart breaks but at the same time he could not deny the warmth that spread around it. This little girl reminded him so much of his greatest love. 

Yongguk focused on the mix he had produced over and over again and as he continued to listen, he still couldn't point out what was missing from the mix. With a heavy sigh, Yongguk peeled off his headphones and leaned back on his seat. He bit his lip as he run his thoughts in his head. His stress immediately went away as he saw the reflection of his daughter sleeping on the couch behind him. He turned and smiled to himself and every memory ran through his head. He shifted his chair closer to her and ran his hand along her wispy hair. A single tear trailed down his cheeks as recalled the day she came into the world. 

Don't be sad, Yongguk. I'm here, her words ringing through his ears as he looked down at his daughter. He clutched his heart feeling the warmth where his wife had touched him before she passed. 

Thank you, God. She is the best gift in the world. I know she's proud of her, Yongguk prayed silently as he recall his late wife. Heejung was an exact replica of her and as much as it saddens him that he had lost the love of his life, he was still just as happy because now he has a new love in his daughter. The little is everything to him and all he ever wants to do for her is to make sure that she is always happy and always smiling because when she's happy, he knows deep in his heart that Heejung's wonderful mother is happy too as she watches her daughter growing up.

Heejung's eyes pops open and Yongguk made a sound between a chuckle and a sob as at that moment, she looked exactly like her mother. Heejung sat up from the couch and wipe her tired eyes with her small hands. Yongguk's hands continue to run through her soft hair. His smile grew wider and wider as he adore her cuteness. When Heejung tilted her head, Yongguk chuckled and slowly he watches her two hands moving to his face and with her little palms, she wiped the tears that's trailing own his cheeks.

"Appa, are you sad?" Yongguk shook his head, smiling.

"No I'm not, sweetheart. I'm very very happy." Yongguk moved closer to his daughter and kissed the top of her head. Heejung wrapped he hands around his neck and leaned her head on his shoulder.

"Was Appa thinking of Mama?" Yongguk smiled and nodded slowly.

"Yeap, I was. I was thinking how she would be so happy to see how pretty you are. And how smart you are too."

"Is Mama pretty, Appa?"

"As pretty as you are, baby." Yongguk said, petting he small back as she continue to lean onto his shoulder. Without realizing it, he sniffed as a few tears fell from his eyes.

"Don't be sad, Appa. Heejung's here." Yongguk clutched his daughter closer and sobbed.

"I know Heejung. Appa's here for you too." He choked. I'll always be there for her.

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