
     It was hunting day and the selected persons from the Elementals and Spirituals were out for a hunt.
     In wolf form, it was easier to distinguish which wolf belonged with which pack. Black wolves with grey accents along the snout and belly means they belong to the Spirittuals. Their most eye catching feature was that the paw of their left hind leg looks like it's been dipped with red paint.
     The Elementals, on the other hand, were white wolves with dirty white and extra bushy tails. Another hint that they're in the Spirituals is the illusion that the wolves look like they're wearing brown necklaces against their fur. Their most outstanding feature, however, is their right ears; They are tipped with dark green fur.
     In the forest, there are many wolves. The only way to know that you've encountered either an Elemental or a Spiritual is to look at their eyes. If their eyes are a deep shade of purple then congratulations. Other than that color, you've only seen normal wolves of nature.
     Luhan was in his wolf form and is silently stalking a large Caribou, thinking that its size is enough to cover both lunch and dinner of the pack. He was relaxing his shoulders and was ready to pounce when he saw another wolf leap and attack the prey. His eyes widened and immediately pounced onto the groaning Caribou, growling at the other wolf after clawing the large deer's throat.
     The two wolves backed down when the prey fell silent and dropped dead on the ground with multiple scratches and a bleeding neck. Luhan looked back at the opponent and stared at it deeply. It was only then that he realized he was up against a Spiritual. Of course. Why didn't he notice the green fur. He scoffs and just thanks the violet eyes that took away evey ounce of Luhan's will to take it easy.
     'They sent you?' The Elemental wolf said, via telepathy. Emphasizing on 'you'.
     'Problem, loser?' Luhan spat back.
     'Look who pounced first,' he mocked.
     'Shut up, Kyungsoo. No one likes you,' he retorted.
     'Aaaw, that hurts,' Kyungsoo mocks some more.
     Luhan's patience is wearing thin. He looked at the dead Caribou then at Kyungsoo's wolf form. He smirked inwardly then positioned himself into a fighting stance and Kyungsoo did the same.
     What Kyungsoo didn't expect was Luhan to raise up his tail and flick the tip. In a swift, the Caribou flew up in the air then landed at Kyungsoo. The latter wolf didn't do anything but just whimpered as the heavy carcass squished him.
     Luhan smirked then went ahead to bite at the prey's foot then lug it over to their cave happily.
     After the praise from the leader and cheers from fellow members, the Spirituals began eating the lower half deciding to eat the upper half for dinner instead. They were halfway through when a white wolf with dark green fur tipped ears interrupted.
     Wufan simply stared at the wolf while Chanyeol did all the growling.
     'Luhan!' The white wolf growled.
     'What happened?' Wufan asks calmly.
     'He injured my member, that's what!' Joonmyun answered fiercely. 'No powers during hunting days.'
     Luhan was looking at Joonmyun mockingly until Wufan turned his head and glared at . Luhan responded by lowering his head and lightly whimpering.
     'Sorry about that,' Wufan bows. 'Take this as a peace offering,' he points at the carcass then lightly pushes it with his paw.
     Joonmyun heard the small whimpers of Wufan's pack. Joonmyun's a caring leader and he's only here at the Spirituals because of Kyungsoo but to take away Wufan's pups' food was too mean even for him. He shook his head, 'Handle tomorrow's breakfast and we'll be fine.'
     'Deal,' Wufan nods.
     Joonmyun nods once then leaves the cave.
     Immediately after, Wufan's pups tackled and dogpiled Luhan. Shouting out and barking even more playful phrases like, 'can't believe you did that', 'did you hurt the Elemental bad?', 'you should have howled for us' and 'did you hurt the second in line?'
     'Help,' Luhan panted playfully, trying to shove his co-members off.
     "Get off him," Wufan's human voice boomed across the cave. Whenever they'd shift into human beings, they automatically appear with long sleeved outfits and pants. Except that the Elementals had their motif in White while the Spirituals had black motifs.
     The playful wolves looked at Wufan's figure that has his arms crossed then back at Luhan. They backed away slowly, shifting into human form afterwards. Luhan had his head bowed the whole time. He was about to shift to his human form till Wufan's loud voice told him to not to. Luhan gulped and cowered at the corner of the cave with his tail in between his legs.
     "Tail," Wufan commanded.
     "I can't watch this," Jongin winced then exited himself from the cave.
     'But,' Luhan protested but was cut off by a growl from Wufan. He sighed then held his tail out. Wufan immediately grabbed it and twisted it.
     The other wolves looked away at the sight then turned their attention back on Luhan when Wufan had left the cave. The last thing they heard was Wufan telling Jongin that they're going to hunt again for the Elemental's food.
     The members immediately approached and petted Luhan's fur. Now that Wufan has twisted Luhan's tail, there are three outcomes. One is that Luhan can't switch back into human till it heals, second is that he can't use his powers until it heals and third, Luhan is in a lot of pain.
     "Poor baby," Baekhyun pouts as he lets Luhan's wolf head lie on his lap.
     "Those Elementals are gonna pay for this," Chanyeol growls, looking at 's pitiful condition.
     "Calm down," Sehun speaks up. "Yes, they think you're second in line but we all know you're not so shut up before you end up hurting yourself too."
     Chanyeol crosses his arms and pouts. He knew Sehun was right. He just busies himself with playing and trying to ease the pain in Luhan's tail instead.
     On the other side of the forest, Joonmyun just got back from the Spirituals and is entering his cave.
     'Well?' Jongdae asks, impatient and hungry.
     'They're sorry and they're going to handle the breakfast,' Joonmyun answers before changing to human form.
     'What about right now? I'm hungry, Joonmyun. We're all hungry,' Kyungsoo complained. 'Besides, it was rightfully my kill. I attacked first.'
     "Well I didn't have the heart to take the carcass away, okay?" He snapped. "The pups looked helpless when Wufan told me to take the half."
     'I guess if you put it that way,' Jongdae nods. Sympathy is still in his blood somehow.
     "Now, if you want to eat, go hunt for rabbits or birds. No humans," Joonmyun warns.
     'Yey!' Zitao cheers. He looks over at Minseok and nudges him with his paw. 'Let's go hunting.'
     'Alright,' Minseok pants happily then runs out the cave first followed by the youngest.
     Kyungsoo lets out a sigh then just stretches out his sore foot.
     "Feeling better?"
     'I guess,' Kyungsoo shrugs.
     'There it is again,' Yixing says out of nowhere.
     The remaining beings in the cave turned their heads to look at Yixing, waiting for a continuation.
     'Don't you guys smell that?' He asks, sniffing the air, gradually walking towards the entrance of the cave.
     'That's just human smell, Yixing,' Kyungsoo shakes his head at Yixing after taking a sniff. 'Don't get too hyped over that.'
     'No, no,' Yixing tsks. 'You guys don't understand. There's something wierd about the smell. It's sort of mixed with other smells I can't quite pinpoint.'
     'That's just the hunger taking over you,' Jongdae chuckles. 'Do you want birds or rabbits?'
     Yixing lets out a long sigh. No one gets him. He looks at Jongdae, 'In the mood for fish.'
     'Fish in a few,' Jongdae nods then runs out of the cave and goes to the direction of the river.
     Joonmyun sighs with a smile on his lips as he approaches Yixing's wolf form then scratches behind his ear, "What are you going to do without us, Yixing?"
     Yixing couldn't answer and just leaned his head closer into Joonmyun's touch.
     'Me too!' Kyungsoo whined as he limped a bit towards Joonmyun and nudged his head onto the leader's other hand.
     Joonmyun chuckled as he took care of his pups.
sentences 'enclosed with these' means they are talking in their wolf forms thus, communicating via telepathy
sentences with "these double quotation marks" means they are talking in their human forms
be keen on these things. X3
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xlmrclnsmnpk 24 streak #1
When the skies and the grounds were one, the legends, through their twelve forces, nurtured the tree of life. An eye of red force created the evil which coveted the heart of tree of life, and the heart slowly grew dry. To tend and embrace the heart of tree of life, the legends hereby divide the tree in half and hide each side. Hence, time is over-turned and space turns askew. The twelve forces divide into two and create two suns that look alike into two worlds that seem alike. The legends travel apart. The legends shall now see the same sky but shall stand on different grounds, shall stand on the same ground but shall see different skies. The day the grounds be kept a single file before one sky in two worlds that seem alike, the legends will greet each other. The day the red force is purified, the twelve forces will reunite into one perfect root, a new world shall open up.
Cool story! - Yuki