



Seohyun’s Fascination


There was a moment when Seohyun and Yonghwa casually did something and suddenly Seohyun just stayed silent and staring dreamily at Yonghwa. She was in her own fangirling world towards her own boyfriend.

Seohyun looked at his round eyes. His eyes always twinkling when he told her about something. His eyes were so lively, playful, tempting and flirtatious. In short, Yonghwa had a pair of beautiful eyes.

“Hyun?” Yonghwa called.

And that was the moment Seohyun snapped from her daydream. Yes, She surely love this man. Someone who had a beautiful eyes.




Seohyun and Yonghwa was sitting side by side on the couch. Yonghwa was busy fiddling with his phone while Seohyun discarded her book and looked at his side figure. Seohyun pouted and was about to say something. She opened then closed it again.

Seohyun back in her trance mode. She scanned his side figure. She bit her lips as she looked at his pointed perfect nose, his sharp jawline and last his full pouting lips. She blushed in instance and unconsciously cleared .

“Thristy?” Asked Yonghwa.

“A-aniya..” Seohyun stuttered.

“You are blushing.. Ey~ what are you thinking?”

“Oppa, stay still.” Said Seohyun then she straddled his lap.

Seohyun lifted her hand and traced her fingertips on his face. She touched his nose, caressed his jawline and lastly her forefinger lingered on his lips. Her eyes focussed on it as she felt herself getting hot.

“Don’t just stare.” Said Yonghwa.

“Eh?” Seohyun gasped.

“I said, don’t just stare. Kiss me now.” Said Yonghwa in a hoarse voice.

Like she had to be asked twice.   



Yonghwa’s Fascination


Yonghwa looked at Seohyun who happily eat her cotton candy. He observed her intently. How she pinched the candy then brought it to and it deliciously. Yonghwa gulped at the sight, somehow felt so turn on.

“Wae? Wanna some?” Asked Seohyun.

“Yes.” Yonghwa whispered.

“Oh, okay. Here.” Seohyun handed him the cotton candy.


“Eyy, Oppa!” Seohyun pouted. “Are you remember you are on diet or something?” She continued eat her cotton candy.

“I’m not on diet.” Said Yonghwa as he kept staring at her.

“So? Just taste this. It’s so sweet.” Said Seohyun.

She pinched another bit of cotton candy. When she was about to eat it, Yonghwa grabbed her hand and eat the cotton candy. He the candy on her finger. His tongue danced and teased. Even though there was no candy left, he kept and her finger. Seohyun bit her lip and escaped a moan. Yonghwa snapped and stopped. He looked at her and smirked.

“You are right. It taste so sweet.”




Looked at Seohyun in her casual home attire was much more difficult than looked at her in her stage costume. How could it be? In home, Seohyun bared from any make up, she had her messy yet y hair, thin cotton tank top and short. In addition she was lying on Yonghwa’s bed while read her book.

Yonghwa took his phone and snapped her candid picture. Seohyun was too engrossed on her book so she didn’t realize what Yonghwa did. After a countless picture snap, Yonghwa transfered all her picture to his laptop. He browsed her picture then set it as his phone and laptop wallpaper. He grinned giddily, enjoying his fanboying moment.




Yonghwa always realized every change on Seohyun. Recently, her cheek chubbier, her thigh and plumper and her fuller. Her chubby cheek made Seohyun looked cutter and made Yonghwa tempted.

Out of nowhere, Yonghwa would palmed her cheek and pinched it. Or suddenly, Yonghwa kissed her cheek nonstop. And yes, he did that in front of people. Yes, it made Seohyun embarrassed but not with Yonghwa. He kept kissing her cute chubby cheeks.

“Oppa, stop it! Not here, okay..” Said Seohyun.

“Then where?” Asked Yonghwa, pouted his lips.

“Later in your room or mine, when we’re alone.” Said Seohyun.

“Aigoo.. Hyunnie so naughty.” Yonghwa teased. Seohyun just glared.

Yonghwa stayed still but seemed he couldn’t get enough of her. His eyes now roamed on her chest. His eyes lingered there for full ten seconds and it didn’t cease from her attention.

“What a Oppa.” Said Seohyun, “Where exactly you’re looking at?” Seohyun smirked then  leaned forward and gave him the sight that he wanted.

“You know what it is.” Said Yonghwa who kept staring at her.

“Now you just only can see.”

“But i’m allowed to touch though..” Yonghwa winked at her.

Seohyun shook her head. She stood and walked away from him. Wrong move, because Yonghwa followed her and hugged her from behind.

“Got ya!” Yonghwa whispered on her ears.






Author's note~~~~

I don't know but i feel that i make these two looked so naughty and .. haha. 

anw, thanks for reading ^^

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Chapter 1: haha .... byuntae
ShinHye24 1340 streak #2
Chapter 1: hahaha this pyuntae couple hahaha Yonghwaaaa oppa you're a naughty guy lol
mela_elyza #3
Chapter 1: Wahhh telat bgt aku baru baca yg ini.. Haha ini pasti ff nya dibuat karena lagi kangen yongseo. Hehe. Simpel tp berhasil bikin nyengir2 sendiri. *cubit mela*
Chapter 1: nice one author...
lady_fida #5
I really can imagine Yonghdwa like that I already read this but today I read it again
blue48 #6
Chapter 1: Melaunnnn kok aku baru baca ini yaaaaa >.< telat abissssss
Apa udh pernah baca trus lupa hha.
Unnie i misss your fic hho write more okkkk :333 unnie jjang! Love love love your fic ^^
Chapter 1: Just found your story here, and I've got to say what an awesome piece of writing you got here!

I usually read Yongseo fanfics from other sites, and yours is the first fanfic that I read on AFF.

Thank you for sharing your writing here, hoping to read some more stories from you author-nim!
oqyoiko_89 #8
Chapter 1: gyaaaa i just miss this kind story of yours mel... the bitter sweet yongseo moment,, make me missing them moreeeee...
cant get enough for a one shot like this,, please make something like this again.. hihiii, smiling face when i read this bcoz i just imagine they're really do this in their apartment right now.. kekekeke.... thx so much for this one mel, keep writing..
Ay_yongseo #9
Chapter 1: we want more..we want more
ceu your style keluar lgi.. "kentang" kkkk
we want more "sodorin yong biar bkin lg*
RizqyNL #10
Chapter 1: Uri authorr naughty naughty naughty.....
Gantung meell sekalian bkin 1 chapter lagi rated M.....