Daunting Task

My Lord

The young lord of Fengsia was awoken by the soft chirping of the early morning birds outside his window. Rubbing his eyes, he sat up in his king-sized bed and looked out his window at the steadily rising sun. This morning was just like all of the rest, but for one exception.

But before we discuss this "exception", let us learn more about the young lord here. Lord Xi or the Duke of Fengsia were his formal titles, and his given name was Xi Luhan. His land—Fengsia— was a large expanse of land gifted by the King to his ancestors. His father and mother loved him dearly, and being born into a noble family gave him the benefit of a privileged life. Pampered as a child, he was. 
But then The Lord, Luhan's father, suddenly passed. His death was unforeseen, and his wife was thrown into despair. She soon followed him, unable to bear the loss and selfishly leaving her son to be with her husband in Heaven.
The poor child was left all alone, with enormous shoes to fill as the title as the Duke. Naturally, he matured faster than people his age, and by fourteen, he had accomplished much more than an average fourteen old would've. 
Now at the ripe age of 21, the young lord of Fengsia had one task he had to fulfill. Marriage. After all, what would a duke be without his duchess? And this would hardly be a difficult task. Luhan was quite the handsome young fellow himself, with a skin complexion even the most fair maiden would be envious of. Not to mention the  authoritative and regal air about him made him seem like the ideal husband–strong, protective, reliable. 
But caring? Now that was a bit of problem. For someone as he, whose parents left him to life's perils all alone so young in age, it was given that he did not have the capacity to care, much less love. In the fair maidens' eyes, it was somewhat like a game; who would be one to break down the walls of the stone faced charmer? So even though the one flaw Luhan had would have played a big role in his proposed marriage, it did not deter the ladies at all. In fact, they flew at him even more so! Ladies love a challenge, I suppose.
A light knocking at the door roused Luhan from his reverie, and he quickly composed himself. "You may enter," he said, already knowing it was his right hand man, Xiumin.
Xiumin walked in and bowed deeply, eyes never straying from the ground. "Rise," Luhan said, giving Xiumin  permission to lift his head. Xiumin straightened his back and faced the young lord, avoiding eye contact. It was considered disrespect to look into the eyes of someone of higher rank; the boundaries between master and servant were distinct. 
"Xiumin," Luhan started, trailing off. "Yes, my lord?" Xiumin asked. "You know how much I detest it when you avoid eye contact. You are older, are you not? Please excuse the formalities for now, I'd like to get this day going," Luhan stated, a bit irritated. For some reason, he hated the fact that every had to use the polite tone with him as he was of a higher rank. He wanted to be on equal levels, to be able to share experiences and engage in conversations without feeling like the other was forcing himself to be nice. 
"Yes, my lord. My apologies," Xiumin stated, lifting is eyes to meet the cold orbs of his master. Getting right done to business, he pulled out a few papers, reading each one off one by one.
"The first, is a letter from...." 
Luhan didn't bother to continue listening as he already knew what the subject of the letters were. Word of his coming of age had spread fast, far, and wide. And as a result, countless offers of nobles' daughters' hands in marriage came pouring in. He hadn't even bothered to read thought the lot of them; he knew that it would consist of the typical "perfect wife" description of the daughter and a few business deals here and there as well. Luhan wanted nothing to do with people who wanted nothing more than to cash in on his power and wealth.
All he wanted was a wife who was obedient and stayed relatively out of the way. He knew nothing about "love", and he had lived without it so far so why would he need it now? Better an obedient and unaffectionate wife than a clingy lovesick one. Luhan didn't need a wife to interfere with his work or daily life. Bringing in someone he could love would only complicate his serene and simple lifestyle. 
By the time he had stopped contemplating the desires qualities of his future wife, Xiumin had finished. "You are dismissed," Lihan said, with a wave of his hand. Xiumin left and Luhan was left alone. Quickly cleaning and dressing himself, he descended the stairs in his manor down to the dining room, where his breakfast was waiting. 
After sitting through his morning meal, the young lord immediately retreated into his office to sign some papers– and reject yet another stack of marriage proposals. By the type he was done with the paperwork, it was noon. 
Just the other day, Xiumin had proposed the idea of having all the ladies and noblewoman over to their humble abode. It was a perfect chance for Luhan to get to single out the qualities he wanted in a wife and possibly even find one, as well as putting them in their good graces for future business deals.
But Luhan didn't want to to think about that now.  Looking outside at the clear sky and sun, he spontaneously decided to take a stroll down to the town. 
Little did he know, something drastic was about to happen.
It was pouring outside and Alexandria lay in her queen-sized bed, kept awake by the sound of the howling wing and endless pattering if the rain against her windows. 
It had been a stressful day...
"Why can't you understand that I want the best for you?!?!"
"The best for me? Ha! You mean the best for you! I know you care more about your material goods more than your own daughter, mother, you don't have to pretend"
"I will not stand here and argue with an incompetent daughter!"
"Then disown me!"
"I will never disown you, honey, you're my daughter! You know I love you!"
"I am NOT a possession of yours mother!"
"I housed you for nine months in my womb, raised you into a fine lady, and now you do this? Disgrace me?"
"No! I will have none of it! You will be marrying Andrew and that is final!"
Lady Colette her heel and swiftly exited the room, not giving her daughter any time to respond. 
Alexandria let out a cry of frustration. She did not like being cut off in a heated argument. She did not like being used as a pawn in one of her mother's plots to gain wealth and power. And she most certainly did not like having to marry a man she barely knew just to please her mother.  
Sometimes she just wished it would end. She would stay up wondering if things would be different had she been a daughter of a higher class family, or even as a commoner....
Seven days until she had to wed this "Andrew" whom she had never heard of, or even met. Seven days to try and persuade her mother to give up. Seven days was all she had, and she planned to make the most of it.
First chap guys! ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
I like where this chap is going! Oh and for those who have been reading my other stories, I'll be updating those soon (hopefully)
If you haven't checked out my other stories already, please do!
Oh and make sure to CUS. No I don't mean swear(cuss), I meant CUS as in comment, upvote, and subscribe.
It'll totally make my day! Thanks!
PS. If you haven't already, CUS now! It'll be like an opening gift for the new story!
PPS. Lol the poster . ;p anyone wanna gift me one for Christmas? Wink wink....
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Chapter 2: HIATUS?! *sobs*
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Chapter 1: NICE ONE THERE!
Chapter 1: This is really interesting. I think I'm going to LOVE where this is going!