lets have fun

Will you leave?



“Wow 10 minutes new record” Hyun said.

“Yup, I know I fell so proud” you said as you walked towards them, “So can we go now?”

“Yup” Hyun said as he gave you a big grin.


No one’s POV

You grabbed onto Hyun’s arm and walked out the door after the others. Hyun locked the door behind him and then you guys went to catch up with the others.

“So I take it you had fun dressing him up?” Hyun asked as you both walked steadily behind the others.

“Yup, it was but, it was hard you get him dressed at first, because he wouldn’t stand still.”

“Yeah I can tell, we heard your conversation all the way to the living room,”

“Haha, I’m sorry about that, but he acts like a total baby.”

“Well he is the magnae of the group.”

“Ah, I guess you’re right, but where are we going anyways?”

“Well I can’t say for sure. The thing I planned isn’t till 7pm and its only 5pm, so for now we are just wasting time, and doing whatever those two magnaes want to do.” He said as he pointed to Dongho and Taemin; who were ahead and just goofing off.

“Ah, I see.” You said as you stared at them.

“Make friends okay?” he said in a light tone.

“What?” you said puzzled at his comment

"Just make friends okay?" he said as the grip on your hand became tighter.

"I'm not sure if I understand." you said as you turns your head to face him.

"You need to make friends in order to get places, you know? You have to come out of your little secluded world. I mean you've come to Korea several times and not once have you made a new friend. If you treat them kindly they won't hurt you, not like those people in the past. All I want is for you to have more friends," then he let go of you hand, placed it on your back, and gently pushed you, "Go ahead make new friends, they won’t hurt you, because there not that those types of people.” Then he lowered his hand and gave you a warm smile.

“Really?” you asked as you looked back at him.

“Yup” he said, he still had that same smile on his face.

“Alright I’ll do my best!” you said as you gave him a big grin and ran to hug him. “So who show I become friends with?”

“Ah, I guess you should start with the magnaes, since they are the closet to you age.” He said as he hugged you back.

“Ah okay I’ll try my best.” You said as you looked up at him.

“Good now go”

“Okay!” you said and then you ran off to catch up with the magnaes.

Hyun walked faster so that he could catch up with Amelia, Kevin, and Onew.

“So what you tell her?” Amelia asked as Hyun caught up to them.

“What do you mean?” Hyun asked as he walked steadily beside the rest.

“Well, let’s see shall we?” she said as she started, “She ran past us, and caught up with those.”

“I don’t get what you are talking about.” Hyun said as he walked and watched the people in front of him playing around.

“Oh, don’t give me that! You know very well what I’m talking about. I mean come on she never leaves your side, when she’s in Korea, nor when you went to visit her in the states.”

“Well maybe she wanted to hang out with them this time, ever think of that?” he said bluntly.

“You know that’s not the case here, because she doesn’t know them that well and you know quite well how she is with other people.” Amelia said in a stern voice now becoming inpatient.

“Well you seem to know your dongsaeng very well, now don’t you?” Hyun said as he began to walk faster.

“Dongsaeng?!” both Onew and Kevin shouted.

“Huh?” Amelia said as she turned to face both of them.

“That little weirdo is your dongsaeng?!” Kevin shouted.

“Well yeah, why wouldn’t she be?” Amelia asked questionably.

“Well, because she’s so weird and you’re perfectly normal.” Kevin said.

“Kevin that’s not very nice.” Onew said as he just stared at him.

“Well it’s not my fault it’s true.” He said bluntly trying to avoid their gazes.

“Yeah I know,” Amelia said as her tone saddened.

“Huh?” Kevin said as he stopped in his place and looked at Amelia, “What do you mean?”

“Well from an early age she found out that people only became friends with her out of their own convenience. I guess it was because she was smart, nice, and mostly because she was naïve and easily taken advantage of. And the fact that we were rich really didn’t help her case that much either. So the fact that she is trying to make friends right now is kind of shocking. She doesn’t trust people nor can she ever seem to fall in love.”

“Yup it is shocking, and I’ve never seen her like anyone either” Hyun said still trying to avoid her question.

“But still, don’t avoid my question and tell me, what did you tell her?”

“Don’t worry about it, just be happy that she’s trying to make friends”


“Wow it looks like she is getting along quite well with those two.” Onew said as he pointed at the three people in front of them.

“Wow it really does.” Amelia added

“Wah!! It looks like your magnae is blushing, Kevin-ssi” Onew said as he nudged Kevin with his elbow.

“What we have to stop that!” Kevin shouted.

“Yah! Don’t worry about it I’m sure nothing will happen. Plus I’m sure that he won’t develop any feelings for her, it is their first time meeting each other. He’ll be fine, so don’t worry,” Hyun said as he just stared at you guys.

“Come on they went to that ice cream shop and if I know my sister, and I do, she won’t buy us any unless we are there. Come on hurry!”


Yay next update

Next I will show you how you dress up Dongho and what you three were doing while the others had that conversation.

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