Coming Back part 2

Will you leave?


I turned around while he was still holding on to me, and there he was with his big stupid simile.

"Hyun-ah~" I screamed with joy and hugged him back. 

All of a sudden he let go of me and made his signature pouty face. 'What's wrong with him?' i thought.

"What's wrong didn't you miss me?" I said. I was a little bit hurt by his actions but i tried not to show it.

"That's not it." he said in a soft tone.

"Then what's wrong?" 

"You still haven't . . . . . . ." he said in a low whisper so i couldn't quite make out what he said. Plus he was look at the ground so it made it harder to hear him.


"You still haven't call. . . . . .. . " and then again his voice trailed off and I couldn't make out what he was trying to say.

"Speak louder I can't understand you!" I said and sure enough he did.

"You still haven't called me oppa!!!" He said now looking up. He was red as a tomato.

"Pft. . . . . Hahaha is that what this is all about?" I tried to say in between my laughs.

"That's not funny I've know you for a while now and I also told you to call me oppa and you still haven't not even once." He said now looking at you.

"Pft. . . ." You tired hard not to laugh at his comment.

"_____-ah~" he wined as he saw you were about to laugh again.

"Aigooo, you are so cute Hyun-ah~" I said as I pinching his cheek.

"_____-ah~ can you take me seriously for once?!" He said still pouting.

"Yeah, yeah I know. Come on lets go, I'm really sleepy." I said as I grabbed his hand and started to walk out of the air port.

Suddenly I felt him intertwine his fingers with mine. Usually when he does that it means he got over what ever he was depressed about. 

"You feeling better now?" I asked as we were walking to the car. 

"Yeah I am." he said with a slight sadden tone in his voice.

"Aww don't worry it not your fault it's just fell uncomfortable saying that word, sorry Hyun-ah~" I said.

"It's okay" he said 

"But I'll promise you this, you'll be the first one i call by that name, okay?"

"Really?" he said. His voice seemed cherry now.

"Yup I promise!!!" I said and smiled very big. 

"Yay thanks ____-ah~" he said and then his grip on my hand tightened and he started to run for the car. so we ended up running the rest of the way to the car.

At the car

He opened the trunk of the car and put my bags in. 

"Come on get in." he said and I did just that. Then he got in as well. "Here." he said as he handed me a red bag. I opened the bag and saw this adorable stuffed animal inside 

"Ahh Hyun-ah~ its adorable!'

" You really like it?" 

"Yup it's the best." I said as i practically squeezed the thing to death. 

"Good." he said.

AT Hyun's house 

"We're here" Hyun-ah said as he parked the car.

"Finally!!!" I wined "I'm sleepy." I yawned. 

"Okay, okay I know  wait here and don't move." he said as he got out of the car.

"What?! you expect me to wait here?" 

"Yes!' he said and then he left to go inside the house taking my bags with him. I did as he said and just waited hugging my stuffed panda. Pouting of course.

Then he came back outside and and opened the car door on my side. 

"Okay now what I waited like you-" before I knew it he was carrying me inside the house. Once inside he put me down. "What was that about?"

"Well you said you were tired so I decided to carry to." he said as he walked into the kitchen.

"Pft . . . . .  hahaha you have never made sense to me with your random actions." I said trying to stop laughing.

"Yeah, yeah I know. Now go to sleep we'll be having guests later today."

"Who's coming?"

"You'll find out soon enough. Now go sleep in your room."

"Alright." I said as I walked into my room. (You might be asking why i have a room at my friend's house well it's because when ever I came to Korea I stayed at his house all the time. So he gave me a room I got to decorate it and everything it was fun.) 

"Don't forget to change into your pajamas, okay?" 

"Okay, Appa~." I said purposely teasing him.

"Yah!!! I'm not that old!" He screamed from the kitchen, I just giggled.

I went into my room and changed into my pajamas as he told me and then laid on my bed. then soon i drifted to sleep.


Yay chapter update. 

hope you guys liked it 

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