The Young Adult

"Choi Minhee got first place again?"

"Yeah, she's always first. What's new?"

"I surely thought she would at least be third, considering she's holding so many jobs."

Everyday the same words come out of the assumed same people. The innocent bystanders and observers of class 3-B's Choi Minhee. Sitting at her table and reading attentively, she absorbs each word of her English text book. 

As she props her head on her hand, she notices a pair of legs before her. She smiles at Hana ecstatically. "Did you see the results of the mock exams!?"

Hana nodded. "I did! Congrats on getting first. It must've been easy, right?"

She shook her head. "No. Trust me. I was staying up all night just looking through each book without rest." She pursed her lips to the side muttering, "Not to mention, I had so much blood running down my nose."

Hana grinned. "You always work so hard. I never see you take a break...." She looked down at the corner of the desk discouragingly. "Do you want to come out with me and Roy? We're going to go get some barbecue later!"

She shook her head reluctantly. "No thanks. I have to work later. Thanks though."

Hana pouted. "Oh~ You always do this, Minhee." She let out a deep sigh. "Do you have a boyfriend? You're always refusing to go out with me." She crosses her arms. "Have you done it with him? Is he good?"

Minhee's face reddens. "What are you talking about?" She looks back down at her book, pretending to pay no attention to the other. "I don't have time for a boyfriend... Not to mention... I've never seen... that."

Hana's mouth cracks into a smirk. "Oh, really? It looks much like that banana you ate earlier. You probably eat a lot of those. I don't doubt that you've have enough experience when you see your boyfriend." She snickers.

Minhee glares at the other. "Shut up!!"

This had always been the norm for Minhee. Skipping out on plans with assumed 'friends' just to study and do other jobs to pay for the bills. 



By the time the last bell rang, announcing the end of the school day, Minhee walks out of the gates of the school coolly. She takes in a deep sigh and mutters, "Don't worry, Minhee. It's only two more days until your day off."

Passing by the attractive shops and stores, Minhee feels as if she's being followed. She turns at odd corners of the street, hoping that the eerie feeling would fade. 

Each moment she'd look behind her, she sees a strange man carrying a luxurious briefcase with him. She quickens her pace and enters in a small clothing store. Hoping he will lose her, in a moment's time, she glances at the shirts in the front of the store. The sweater with stars across the chest catches her eye. She takes a look at the price tag and whimpers. "What the hell? 40,000 won for a freaking sweater?!" She ponders on the thought. "I wonder how much underwear I could buy with that money..."

She checks her watch and curses under her breath. "! I'll be late!" She heads out the door hastily, bumping into the same man from earlier.

"Ugh, watch yourself," the man sneered.

Minhee bowed apologetically. "Sorry, I'm in a rush." And with that, she runs towards a coffee shop for her shift.

The man watches her run down the crowded street with a puzzled expression. "Maybe..."


After four hours of tedious work, Minhee takes a break and enjoys a small coffee for herself in the coffee shop. As she scrolls through naver on her cell phone, the same man from earlier in the day takes a seat in front of her. She curiously looks past her phone and blinks.

He lets out a soft chuckle. "I'm sorry. Do I seem a bit forward? I just wanted to know if you would like to take part in my commercial I'm going to be filming tonight? I thought that since you're very beautiful, you'd be of good use in my project."

"For free, only?" Minhee's eyebrows furrowed. The thought of going to a commercial set for free appalled her. What a waste of time. I could be studying.

He shakes his head. "Of course not. We'll pay you 531,400 won ($500 USD)  just for your participation. With the success of it, 53,140 won ($50 USD) will be added through the company."

While he speaks, Minhee's eyes widen. "531,400 won!? Wow! I think I just might... When is it?" I could buy so much underwear and rice. I'm so excited.

He searches through his briefcase and takes out a card. "Here's my card in case you get lost. It's at the same location on the card, and it's at 6 o'clock tonight."

Minhee takes the card happily and nods. "I'll be there! Don't worry." She reaches out to shake hands with the man and heads back to work. The filming has been in her head throughout the rest of her working time. Imagining the amount of money she could get was unimaginable. She could, for once, pay for something for herself. 


"I'll see you tomorrow Yoonchul!" Minhee waves. She takes out the business card from her pocket while walking down the sidewalk. "Building 456? Isn't that by the hotel in Yongsan-gu? Ugh, it's quite the trip..."

Minhee boards the subway and heads towards the building in excitement. Finally reaching near her destination, she ponders its exact location as the streetlights slowly begin to diminish in numbers. She walks through a small alleyway, following a lame sign that held the name of the production company. 

"Creepy. Why would the entrance it be in an alleyway? Property placement these days, tch."

She opens the front doors and curiously searches for a receptionist. "Hello? Anyone here?" 

Heels clack in the distance and the man's voice chimes, "Ah~ It's you. I'm sorry, I didn't get your name?"


"Nice name. Come with me. Let's get you started." He guides her down a hall and opens a door for her. She walks in casually and admires at the racks of clothing. 

"Wow! There's so much clothes here!" She grins at the man.

He nods. "It's all for our actors. We don't like them using their own clothes and getting dirty, so we provide all the necessities for them." He walks into the dressing room and picks out an outfit. The red fitted dress with slits on the sides, roared vulgar. Minhee reluctantly took the dress and glances at the man. "...Do I wear this?"

He nods. "Yes. Just change into that and wear these heels here. Don't worry too much about anything. If you need help, my assistant will come and assist you." He then leaves, closing the door behind him. 

"Ugh, I have to wear this ugly thing for a freaking commercial? Ugh. It's so ugly. I just-- I'd rather not look like the neighborhood ," she complains to herself.

Finally stripped down to her underwear, she hovers the dress in front of her body. Not to shabby of a fit, if you ask me. Unaware of the twisting doorknob, Minhee continues to prance around the room half . She turns her head in a snap at the direction of the door and flinches. "Wh-"

The young, built man at the doorway began to smirk as his attention was still directed at another from what seemed across the hall. "Don't worry, I got her." He turns his head, and catches a glimpse of the half Minhee. 

A menacing grin grows upon his face. His eyes begin to fill with lust. "Oh~ Excuse me miss," he cooed 

Minhee, cowering in an empty corner of the room, is stunned at his boldness. "Wh-what are you doing?"

"I was actually supposed to come by and get you so we could get business done. But I guess you already knew our plan?"

Minhee's voice, quivering with fear, starts to crack at every opportunity. "W-what do you me...an? ...You guys... Weren't g-going to....?"

A dark laugh escapes from his mouth. "Of course! Why not? A beautiful girl with a beautiful body should be filmed doing the 'what is to be considered' the most beautiful action a person can do." His hand caresses her hair down to its end. 

She quivers in fear. Unwilling to look the man in the eye, she pushes his hand away while staring intently on the carpeted floor. "Leave me alone."

His face creeps closer towards hers. "You know I can't. By the way you're looking now, I don't think I could even imagine waiting or watching you do it with another man." He begins to kiss her ear softly. His dry, chapped lips brush against her earlobe sending shivers of disgust throughout her body. 

"Don't touch me," she warns. Her hands press against his collarbone and tries to push him away.

He becomes more aggressive with each attempt at refusal. "Don't play hard to get, it'll only make this more exciting for me." 

Terrified for herself, Minhee glances everywhere throughout the room, thinking of a plan to escape. At the same moment, his hands glide across her waist and thighs. His kisses trail down her body slowly. In response, she pinches the back of his arm. With his skin in hand, she twists it and adds more pressure, causing him to wail in pain. 

With an opportunity to escape, Minhee grabs the dress and runs out the door without shoes. Men on the other side of the lobby widen their eyes in shock and start to yell at her. "Hey, come back!!" She runs faster in terror, hoping they would not catch up to her. 

Half way through the alleyway, she screams for help to the empty street in front of her. "Help! Please! Help!" Within steps of the main street, a large hand grabs her wrist and pulls her back forcefully. She kicks the larger man's crotch in a desperate attempt of escape. She runs forward while looking back checking if the man had fallen. 

She then bumps into a younger man on the sidewalk. Crying, she pushes herself away. "Don't come near me." Sweat, snot, and tears are all running down her face at the same time. The taller man looks down at her sympathetically. 

"Are you okay?" he asks coldly. 

She sniffles. "They're chasing me. Help me, please. I'm begging."

He lets out a breath. "I mean, I guess. Here, you look like a wreck. Put that dress on." He tosses her his leather jacket and heads forward into the alleyway. He hollers, "Aye, what are you fools doing?"

The men cackle. "It's none of your business, pretty boy. Step aside, we have business to deal with."

He glares at the men in irritation. "Tch, you ers are annoying." He grabs the closest man and flips him over, landing on his back. The next two men charge forward to attack. He takes one and kicks his stomach forcefully. The kicked man falls to the ground . The next is punched in the face three times before he falls unconsciously by a direct hit on the right side of his face.

The younger man walks out of the alleyway, helping the fully dressed Minhee onto her feet. 

"Is that all?"

Her eyebrows furrow. "What?"

"You don't need anymore help?" His aloof gaze began to annoy her. 

Before she could answer, the flashing lights of police cars filled the night time sky. The younger man curses at himself. "Come with me." He grabs her wrist and pulls her with him towards the opposite end of the alleyway. 

She begins to cry again. "What's going on?"

"Shut up. Just follow."

As they reached the other end of the alleyway, he pulls out his keys and unlocks his car. "Get in," he commands.

Reluctantly, she obeys and takes a seat in the passenger's side. "Where am I going?"

"Home," he states. "Direct me."


Minhee steps out of the sports car and looks over at the younger man. "Thank you... Really."

"Whatever. We just happened to cross paths." He glances down at his cup holder and grabs the slender can of coke. "Here." He extends his arm out to her and offers the drink. "Take it."

She hesitantly takes the can and bows. "Thank you very much. I'm Minhee, by the way. If we ever meet again, I'll be sure to repay you somehow." 

"Yeah, yeah. Nice. Now get inside. You're annoying me."

She smiles at him with glee as she shut the door. After walking through the doorway, she locks it and falls to the couch, breaking down once again.




Yoohooo! First chapter - Done! How is it going so far?

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Bakakumo #1
Chapter 1: Interesting start, you've definetly captured my attention. Looking forward to see how this story unfolds:)
Chapter 1: Omg that was awesome! I can't wait for the next chapter! :3
Chapter 1: OMO! I love this first chapter ♡
I feel this fanfic is going to be really good! update soon > <