Rez Love


The title Rez Love, is basically short for Residence Love.

The story follows a girl named Chylin (pronounced chai-lin) and Shim Changmin, and their cute and derpy stories together. 

Shim Changmin is from South Korea, who came to study abroad in Canada as an exchange student. It just so happens that Chylin and him are studying in the same university, living on the same floor of the same student residences building on campus, and are even in a class together. At first, it seems that the two don't get along at all, but in the eyes of others, they seem to be perfect for each other. How can they be "perfect for each other" when they obviously can't tolerate each other most of the time? Is this fate or just ill luck? Find out by reading on!


Main Characters:

Shim Changmin (from TVXQ)

Chylin Lee (fictional)



I do not own Shim Changmin. I am merely using him as one of my characters for this fictional story. I do not own him in any way, shape, or form. 

The name and character Chylin, however, is a character/name I, as the author of this fanfiction, invented for the sole purpose of my fanfiction. 


Author's Note (A/N):

I would like to say that this fanfiction is and will mostly be based on my imagination. I admit, there are some parts that are loosely based on true circumstances and happenings. 

Comments and subscriptions are most welcome. However, please be mindful of your comments. Please make sure comments are appropriate and civilized. Rude, hateful and bashing comments will not be tolerated. 

Thankyou, and please enjoy reading! :)


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