
Feeling lonely

Luhan stands in the middle of a moving crowd of idols. Infinite coming over to talk to some of his group members and the PDs recording the next event of the Idol Olympic Games. He tugs on the edge of his orange hooded jacket feeling a bit isolated from the rest of the famous people. Deciding not to be bothered with them anymore he sneakily wanders over to a far away field. He looks behind himself every 15 seconds that pass, to see if anyone is following him or watching him, fortunately no one isn't and brings him relief. For once he could be away from his mates and the fans that were cheering him on during the game he played earlier that day.


It was currently night time. Everyone was tired but it was the last game of the day. After this they can return home and get a good night sleep. Luhan remembered arriving at the stadium at nearly 7AM and seeing EXO's fans waiting to enter the stadium. Most were in camping tents and sleeping bags, the items telling him they must have slept over night to enter. He was grateful of his fans but didn't want them to push away their own lives for him. He was only a person. Sure he was famous globally but he was still human. With mistakes in the past, present, and future.


He brings his knees to his chest and throws one arm over his left knee. His right arm extends over to grab the forearm, rubbing it up and down. Luhan eyes the idols before him unaware that Kris was coming up behind him with two water bottles in his hand.


"Luhan," the deep voice says his name and it causes the man to look up. He smiles a bit when he sees that it's Kris. "Hey."


Kris sits down next to Luhan and offers him a bottle of water. The elder of the two wanted to decline but he couldn't. Kris was too nice to decline an offer to; he takes the bottle out from the leader's hand and begins to open it. "What are you sitting way out here for Lu?"


He shrugs at the same time struggling to break the cap off from the plastic bottle. "I just... wanted some time to myself." Luhan's face nearly turns red as he puts all of his strength into opening the cap. Nonetheless it doesn't work and he gives up.


The other male sees his struggles and takes the object from his hand; with no effort he opens it for him. "Here."


Feeling stupid, Luhan silently thanks Kris and drinks from his bottle of water. He then stops to speak, "So why did you came over here for? You could have just stayed with the other members."


"I know, but I needed some time away from them too. Plus since Sehun keeps bugging me with that stupid umbrella and Suho worrying me about Tao's back injury I had to leave. Another thing is that you seem to be a bit sad. Like something got you down. Mind telling me?"


It made him happy that Kris was always open to hear every EXO member troubles. He was like a diary that you can write your secrets in and no one would ever find out. Luhan bites the corner of his lip contemplating to tell Kris his problem. "Well... I've just been really stressed lately. I-I mean Baekhyun's brother's wedding is coming soon and we're invited. We have radio broadcastings, promoting XOXO, there's a lot of things we have to do in just one month and we've barely got any sleep. I don't want to disappoint the fans so I try my best but in the end there's always something more to do. Our schedules are really tight Kris, I feel like I can't handle being an idol anymore."


Kris does the unthinkable and hugs Luhan close to his chest. He was relieved the fans weren't occupying the west side of the stadium. If they were they would have been snapping pictures and recording this moment. He was relieved that any of the guys weren't over here to help him comfort Luhan. They would have been stressing Luhan even more bringing up about the contracts they had signed up for.


He rubs circles onto the elder's back. "It's alright Luhan. Let's try thinking of it this way. We're a rookie group, we have thousands of fans, we've sold over thousands of albums, and have won a ton of awards from music shows. That's not luck -- that's determination. I know that the schedules we have are stressful but in the end you'll be smiling knowing that you put effort into your work. Well... our work."


"Thanks for the helpful words Kris." Luhan remarks sarcastically with a roll of his eyes.


Kris playfully hits him, "Hey, it's either me or Chen trolling you like he does at the dorms."


"I'd rather have Chen trolling me than your cheesy explanations."



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Chapter 1: If there's a will, there's a way. I know that things are so busy for him and their schedules will be tigter than ever, but the fact that he's doing his everything at his best is an enough reason to be happy and to go on. It's stressing, for sure. So when it gets to that point, Luhan and the rest should come and find a day of theirs to relax and to let loose. I'm glad that Kris is there to try to brighten up Lu~ ^^
Chapter 1: This was so cute >.<
Chapter 1: Awww so cute ;_; i want more drabbles like this. I hope you'd write more owo
Chapter 1: lol! sweet duizhang with his cheesy words to luhan!