Tasteless Flavours

Tasteless Flavours

Little snowflakes were falling from the sky, covering the streets with a thin layer of white winter miracles. A couple of lucky sunrays had managed to slip through the sea of clouds while the morning sun was lazily waiting for the right seasons to arrive. It was a quiet winter’s morning. Few people had enough energy (or were mad enough) to leave their warm bed sheets and explore the cold outerworld. And few had so much energy left that they decided to be the town’s personal alarm clock. Oh, what were they loved by the holidays-celebrating sleepers. Who doesn’t want to wake up at 8AM in the morning by a fighting couple on their days off?


“What do you mean you don’t know!” came furiously out of the mouth of a man. It was directed  to another guy who was standing next to him with a neutral expression on his face. The man threw his arms into the air and raised his voice while his boyfriend stood there without having any reaction. The latter one was simply watching his partner getting mad what apparently made the man even angrier.


“Answer me, Kim Myungsoo! What do you mean with you don’t know? You must be kidding, right? This is something you must know. I have told you it before! Come on, answer me. Stop looking at me with that face and open your goddamn mouth for once!” He stopped for a moment and glared to  his boyfriend in hope to get a reaction of him. It worked.


“It means that I don’t know the answer on your question.”


"How can you not know it!" the man screamed back.


“Because I can,” was the short answer.


A heavy silence crept out of nowhere and settled itself between the two lovers. Both had nothing to say anymore: they didn't know what to say.


Myungsoo looked at the younger man in front of him. Silently he examined the beautiful copper coloured hair to the perfectly formed cherry lips. Myungsoo felt the urge to smash his lips on those welling up in his body. However, he couldn’t do that. If I do that to him in that state, he will probably rip my balls off and use them as christmas decorations.  I am pretty comfortable of the fact my balls being down there. Really, how can he expect from me to know such trivial detail? Do I ing look like google with a history function. I can barely remember what I did yesterday. Myungsoo put his hands in his pockets and sighed. He could have expected Sungyeol getting mad for this. Sungyeol was the type of person who made a big fuss out of everything. It didn’t matter whether it was a small or a big thing, Sungyeol had to blow it up. Another sigh left his lips as he looked at his boyfriend again.


"Don't you even think of doing that," Sungyeol said as he glared to him.


He knows me too well.


But I don't.


How did we even get together?



"Here ya go, don't forget to get these in the system by tonight! Thank you, dear," a woman said as she threw a pile of documents on the desk. The sudden table-quake woke up Myungsoo who was peacefully listening to the hidden words the wooden desk spoke. He wiped off his drool with his sleeve and sleepily opened his eyes.


The woman pushed her glasses up with a smirk on her face and said, "And I would make sure that I would have done all of this before tomorrow if I were you," she continued as her finger trailed over the wood. "Some might lose their jobs."


And some might break their necks after falling off the stairs, Myungsoo thought by himself as he faked a smile on his face.


The woman tilted her head to the side and said with a more threatening voice, "Have you heard me? Uhm..."


"Myungsoo is the name. Kim Myungsoo."


"Right, Myung..."


"Soo. Myungsoo,” he repeated.


"Yes, that's what I meant, Myungsoo. So, get this done before tomorrow. Now, have a nice day and remember: this company can only works well if the employees are working well. So have a productive day! Bye bye! " And with that, she left Myungsoo alone to annoy other employees by giving them an enormous amount of work.


“What a ,” Myungsoo whispered to himself as he got into his favourite lazing position again. Supporting his cheek with his left hand, he lifted the upper piece of paper, looked at it and threw it back on his desk. He was not in the mood to do anything but sleeping. Well, that’s the price we warriors have to pay for slaying dragons and trolls to save the kingdom. Damn, I should have stopped playing earlier. I can barely keep my eyes open, Myungsoo thought as the familiar arms of sleep pulled him further into another world.


“I wouldn’t say that too loud. I heard that crazy fired six people yesterday.”


Myungsoo looked up and saw his friend standing next to his desk. “Hey, you’re on time for once. That’s new.”


“Yeah, I came earlier than usual to see that pretty face of yours,” said his friend smiling.


Myungsoo laughed. “Don’t lie to me, Hoebro, you’re just afraid of losing your job.”


“Oh, I rather don’t want you to call  me like that at work. Try to use something less inappropriate. I know it will be hard for you, but just try kay?”


“,” Myungsoo said as he hit Hoya playfully with a fist.


“Ah, you should keep those for in the bedroom, Myung,” Hoya replied while rubbing the spot where Myungsoo had hit him. “But I’m serious, she fired six persons yesterday! One got fired because he wore the wrong colour tie. Wrong colour. I mean I know some people have some certain unhealthy problems with the colour yellow, but to fire someone for that? That woman is insane!”


Myungsoo nodded. “Look at the she gave me to do. I have to finish everything by tomorrow. I guess that will be no sleeping for today.”


“And you have already been looking like a zombie lately. Will you be able to bear this all?” Hoya asked. A slight sign of concern could be heard in his voice when he said that, but Myungsoo wasn’t really sure about it. His friend could never be truly worried about him. It was Hoya for God’s sake. If Hoya would be concerned about anything that would be the day on which his mother would finally confiscate his private collection of .


“What do you mean with ‘this all’ ?” Myungsoo asked curiously.


“You know, work, your lame jokes during the coffee breaks, your hopeless attempts to not to fail in the magical world of World of Warcraft, your endless search for a perfect partner and your hours of watching artistic scenes in which two human beings get united in the most beautiful way that ev-” A book stopped Hoya from finishing his sentence.


“Yes, 100 points!” Myungsoo cheered. “Right into the face. And the crowd is going wild. Go, Myungsoo! You’re the best! I say Myung you say Soo. Myung! Soo! Myung!”


“You just stole my line! You disgusting, erted, mean, heartless, y and awesome-lines-thief-because-he-can’t-come-up-with-his-own-amazing-due-to-a-high-exposure-of-!”


“Shut up, I can never watch as much as you do and besides, that name is just lame.”


“I admit, you still have a lot to learn from me, my friend. Don’t hate on me, because you don’t have an as creative mind as mine,” Hoya said as he flipped  his non-existing long hair.


“If I want screaming people running out of my bedroom, I know whom I have to ask for advice. And what do you mean with creative, you’re just on crack twenty-four seven.”


“Haters gonna hate and they are just surprised by the size.”


“Yep, by how small it is.”


“Sometimes, I just want to hit you.”



“Didn’t you say that we should save that for in the bedroom?”




“Love you too,” Myungsoo said as he blew Hoya a kiss who was acting like he was going to throw up.


“I can feel my breakfast coming up. Oh someone, take the wheel!”, Hoya yelled dramatically.


Myungsoo laughed and said, “Don’t use memes in real life. Or use them right at least.  You’re so embarrassing.” However, that was one of the reasons why Hoya was his best friend.


“Hey, I am gonna back  before that woman gets to my desk. Lunch later?”




“Twelve o’clock?”





“Don’t miss me too much, pretty boy!”



Myungsoo waved his best friend goodbye and turned back to the mountains of paper that was lying on his desk welcoming the dust particles to their new home. I am never gonna make the deadline.



After an hour or so, Myungsoo stretched his back as he yawned loudly. That was the best nap that he had in days. Who had thought that the the papers could work as a comfortable cushion.


Now, let’s begin, but first some coffee.


He stood up and walked to the new coffee machine his boss got installed into the office after the report of some inspectors came out saying that the work environment wasn’t employee-friendly enough. Apparently a small box with some cans in it wasn’t enough for the needy inspectors.

Myungsoo pressed on some random buttons and waited for his cup to get filled. He drank everything as long as he could pour as much sugar as he wanted in it.


“Sugar, sugar, sugar~” Myungsoo sang. His fingers glided over the little bags which were lying in other boxes next to machine. “Where did you hide the sugar, my dear? Here? No, here? Oh, oh, oh, I just want some sugar~ Sugar, sugar, sugar~”


“Uh, I think you are looking for this.”


Myungsoo looked at an elegant hand which appeared in front of him with a sugar bag between its thin and long fingers. He took it with his mouth and murmured a thank you as he removed his cup from underneath the machine. Then he stepped to the side allowing the stranger to get his cup of an-hour-long happiness. There he could enjoy his mental breakdown in peace.


Oh my god, that person has heard me singing. What am I going to do. He looked over his shoulder and caught a glimpse of the person beside him. Okay, this still looks pretty good. The guy isn’t freaked out or something. He didn’t run away. He is still here. Oh my god, he is still here and he has heard me singing. Oh my god, he heard me singing about ing sugar. Sugar. I bet he must be judging me. Oh my god, what must I do. Wait, just ignore him, Myungsoo. Don’t start about it unless he does. It’s just a human. Nothing to be afraid of. They won’t attack you unless you attack them. Be quiet and don’t make any unexpected moves.


And with those thoughts Myungsoo mixed the sugar with the unknown hot liquid forgetting the option that he also could walk away and hide under his desk.


“You don’t have a song for stirring?”


Oh god, why is he talking about it. Come on, Myungsoo, make a smart comment to shut his mouth. Come on, it’s one of your few talents you possess. Just sound calm and cool as you always do.


“I don’t stir a lot."


The stranger chuckled softly and asked, “So you only make songs about things you do often?”


“Yes. That’s why I have created a song for peeing too.” And Myungsoo immediately regretted his words and wanted to jump out of the window right to the Hades and cry there in a dark corner where no one could see him. Song about peeing. Seriously. Why did I say that. I should take Hoya’s offer to cut off my tongue before I say anything stupid. I mean, even stupider things.


To his surprise, the guy laughed and said: “How do you even write a song about peeing?”


“With pencil and paper.”


The guy laughed even louder as he punished the coffee machine by slapping it hardly on the side. “You’re funny!” The stranger stopped for a second and looked at Myungsoo with a questioning face. “Uh?”




“Myungsoo. Nice to meet you!” The way the man said it, got Myungsoo all shivers over his back.


“Nice to meet you too, fellow human being.”


The man laughed again while Myungsoo was awkwardly standing there with his cup in his hand. This man is dangerous. Damn, and I just gave him my name. Why did I provide the disguised devils of this century with the pleasure to know my name. Oh my god, they are going to write my name in the Death Note, I can feel it. That crazy and this guy are working together. They must be! It can’t be a coincidence. They both asked for my name in the same way on the same day. Did you hear how that guy said my name? It was ing full with malice. He is going to kill me, I am so ing sure about this. Okay, Myungsoo. Easy, don’t let the predator feel your fear. It will only make him long for more. Breath in and out. Act normal. Don’t be weird for a moment. Oh my god, I am so ing dead.


Myungsoo cleared his throat and said as indifferently as possible, “Your name?”


“Ah, Sungyeol! As I said before, nice to meet you! And I am not a devil,” the man cheerfully said. That guy didn’t even drink his coffee and he is already this energetic. What is wrong with him? Oh of course, it’s monday. The day where everyone is moody and feeling like crap by which the devils are amused. It’s so logical. Wait, he just said he wasn't a devil. How can he know what I am thinking? This only proves my theory. He is a devil. Don’t let down your guard, Myungsoo. Just act normal. Myungsoo watched the so-called Sungyeol closely as he took a sip of his drink.


It was chocolate milk.



After successfully getting away from the uncomfortable conversation which Sungyeol was trying to have with him, Myungsoo got back to his desk, ready to start with his work until a familiar voice yelled into his ear, “Honey, I’m home!”


“My ears! God, do you want me to go deaf or something!” Myungsoo looked on the computer screen as rubbed his ears as if the pain would disappear by doing so. Oh, it’s already twelve o’clock.  Then he casted a glance at the town of papers settled on his desk. Well, it can’t be helped. I have to have to let these documents alone for awhile and do my stuff later.


The two walked to a nearby restaurant. Both of them hated the cafeteria and avoided it at all costs. Last time they went there, they came back with more work on their hands of poor colleagues who suddenly got sick of the air they had been exhaling for hours the moment they walked in as the newbies.  And that was also the first time that they both didn’t get any sleep not because of an ongoing event in the magical world of World of Warcraft.


When they opened the door, they got welcomed by the warm aroma which they had met before. The sweet smell of homemade dishes intruded their noses and went all the way up to their brains, making the owners of the bodies drool and the tummies roar for food.


Oh god, I am so hungry. And I haven’t even done anything. Myungsoo rubbed over his stomach and looked with longing eyes at the tables of the people sitting next to him. They went to their usual spot in the back of the restaurant. Some would find it the most unsociable and unpleasant place, but to them, it was perfect. It matched their personalities.


“So, did anything interesting happened in that monotonous life of yours while I was gone?” Hoya asked while examining the menu.


“The usual. I met two devils to make my life even more enjoyable than it is already, gave them the chance to kill me with a Death Note and I sang the sugar song in front one of them. Nothing special,” Myungsoo answered as he tried to get the attention of any waiter he could see.


“I see. Oh, let’s eat bulgogi! I haven’t had that for a long time.”


“Yep, if you consider ten hours as a long time.”


“Lemme be, kay. You have no right to say anything about me. You’re the one who sang the sugar song in front of a possible serial killer.”



“He did give me sugar though.”


“Yes, that makes everything sweeter,” Hoya said as he put down the menu. Myungsoo looked at his friend who was smiling proudly of himself for making a bad joke.


“Lame. Your jokes are getting worse, aren’t they?” Myungsoo said. Not that mine are better.


“You haven’t heard anything yet. I know worser jokes, but I won’t punish you guys today.”


Guys? And this was the moment in which Myungsoo finally noticed the waiter who was standing a bit awkwardly by their table and had probably overheard their conversation in which serial killers were involved. Rescuing the poor guy, Myungsoo gave him the menu cards and ordered the bulgogi Hoya wanted and a bowl of gamja tang for himself.


“So, two devils on one day huh? Lucky bastard that you are!”


“Oh shut up.”


“And how were they? Do these look like normal humans too?”


“Oh yes, however, one does has something of an evil creature which crawled out of hell and surely acts like one too. You know her, she was at my desk this morning. And the other one… well, he looked perfectly normal. A bit too handsome in my opinion, he should have gone with something more believable. You know, an average-looking guy in his fifties or something, but no, he chose to be a smoking hot guy who is probably twenty or something even though he is actually older due to the fact that he is a devil. Can it be more obvious?” Myungsoo leaned back. He was being honest: Sungyeol was hot. He had the perfect height for professional models, he had a y tanned skin and his face was just perfect. Myungsoo was sure about it, Sungyeol was the living depiction of the font ‘Tall, dark and handsome’. Too bad that he is a murderous creature, otherwise I would had used my techniques on him. He sat up straight and looked at his friend who was sitting across of him. It was rare that Hoya didn’t reacted to his words. “Well, what do you think?”


Hoya shook his head and nodded. “ I think I understand why you didn't talk loud when I first met you,” said he.


“Why then?”


“You sound like a ing retard.”



Myungsoo was sitting behind his desk again and was lying with his face on the desk again. He was feeling full from the lunch and didn’t feel like working or moving. I guess I have to wait for my lunch to get digested first.Why did I order another bowl? I can’t eat all that food. Am I a real retard or something? No, my mum must have dropped me when I was younger. She did say that once or not? Or was it dad? I can’t remember. Speaking of which, I haven’t seen them for a long time. Maybe I should pay them a v-


Myungsoo's train of thoughts crashed as a familiar table-quake occurred again.


“And what are we doing here, mister Kim? Thinking about life?”


“No, I was actually busy with brea… I mean, being productive here. Yeah,” he said as he quickly sat upright taking his pen and drawing weird lines on some paper.


“Well, if you are already working hard, I guess I could give you some more things to do. I have here a mail that you must send to all the employees. It was actually the task of Junhee, but she went sick home. So, you’re the lucky guy to do it! Do it before tomorrow though, otherwise it will be too late! Bye bye!” And with that the woman who had been bothering Myungsoo earlier, walked away.


You must be kidding me. I haven’t even started with those papers!


Giving everything up, Myungsoo banged his head against the desk and slowly regretted his choice to work by an advertisement company. Or actually the whole choice to work. Oh well, I should finish what I started or what I wanted to start. He turned his head to the piece of paper the woman had put down just a minute ago. It didn't look like a lot to do. I am gonna finish this . I am gonna own this .


Oh, what was he wrong.



"See ya tomorrow, Myungsoo!"


"Bye," said Myungsoo without looking away. Almost. Drops of sweat were making their way down his face, his tongue was hanging out of his mouth and his hands were flying over the keyboard. With the second his eyes came closer to the screen. Just a bit.. and YEAH! He threw his arms in the air and thanked the higher powers which had been watching him. I made it. Yes, finally life is on my side.


Contently he leaned to the back. With a lot of effort, he managed to hold back his tears. Finally, after hours of typing and clicking, he finally made it.


He defeated HamSlayer0428, his archenemy.


Despite of the fact that he had met two new devils, Myungsoo could consider this as the best day of his whole pathetic little life. Knowing he could have spent his time better, Myungsoo the paper that lay on the top of the pile. The time has come. Your patience shall be rewarded tonight, my dear.


Myungsoo took a part of the left mountain and put it in front of him. Let's start!



Three hours later and Myungsoo wasn't even done with thirty percent of what he had to do. Darkness had taken over his view outside the window and no sound could be heard in the office. Only sometimes, Myungsoo thought he was hearing something, but that was quite impossible. Come on Myungsoo, no one is crazy enough to be here this late. Even the cleaners have left the place a few hours ago.


He took a bite of the sandwich he had bought earlier and resumed his work in peace. However, that didn't last for long.


"Hey Myungsoo! Good to see you here!" After hearing the sudden voice, the little hairs on Myungsoo's nape stuck up and his body shut itself down. Oh god, is that who I think it is? Myungsoo wanted to see the person's face, but he couldn't. Actually he didn't have to look behind him to know that the owner of that voice was no other than Sungyeol.


"Myungsoo? Hello? Are you alright?" Sungyeol continued as he came closer what made Myungsoo even more nervous. I am pretty sure that is him. What is he doing here? Nobody should be here at this point of time, except for the idiots who can't work without pressure. I thought that the cleaners locked the doors. That old lady lied to me. She was just being nice to get one of my sandwiches. And why is he coming closer? Doesn't he understand the art of ignoring? One does not ignore you for no reason. The person wants you to leave him alone. Oh, he is coming closer. Oh god, act normal, act normal. Don't be weird. Be cool. Cool as ice... on a winter's night.... outside.... in the snow... Myungsoo, shut up!


And he freaked out even more when Sungyeol placed his hand on his shoulder shaking Myungsoo lightly. Oh , the eagle has landed. I repeat the eagle has landed. Oh my god, what must I do! I can't ignore him anymore. Just pretend you're dead, Myung. Or just die on spot. Oh my, I should stop thinking.


Myungsoo who was dying inside his head, opened his mouth and said, "Yes." He didn't notice how Sungyeol was smiling at him.


Yes, I sounded normal.


The hand returned to the owner who was happily talking about how scared he was when he heard the sound of someone typing and how much courage he had to collect to come upstairs and something else. Myungsoo didn't hear it all. He was too busy looking at the moving lips owned by the master of perfection himself. God, how can someone be as attractive as him?


Mesmerized by the face Sungyeol, Myungsoo nodded and smiled a few times and managed to let some words getting through his head.


"So, what are you doing here actually? Don't tell me you're still working!"


"I am actually."


"Wow, you must be hardworking! Look at all those things on your desk! Do you still have to finish that all?"


Myungsoo nodded. "By tomorrow," he added. Hardworking... this guy surely doesn't know me at all. "What are you doing here actually?" he asked. He didn't hear Sungyeol talking about it. Maybe he did, but he didn't hear it. Damn, his lips are just two pieces of art.


Sungyeol scraped his nape and answered while looking away, "I was looking for my keys actually. I lost them and can't get into my appartment."






A big laughter came out of Myungsoo's mouth.


"Yah, don't laugh at me! I have searched my whole department, but I can't find them," said Sungyeol with a sulking face.


Oh god, he is so cute, went through Myungsoo's head. I am such a bad person to laugh at him. Oh my, look at that face. My heart. Gosh, he looks like he is about to cry. Come on, Myungsoo, offer to help him. Give him all your money to buy a metal detector to find his keys. Oh, just give him your apartment already.


"Shall I help you?" Myungsoo asked after picking his words carefully. He made sure to say nothing that would creep Sungyeol out.


A smile appeared on Sungyeol's face and with a happy voice he said, "If you want to! I would be very thankful if you would! Or you can just give me the keys to your apartment."


"Why would I do that?" Can this guy read minds? This is the second time he is saying what I am thinking!



"I was just kidding, but you have still a lot of work to do. I don't want you to get fired because of me."


"It's okay, I have already mentally prepared myself for getting fired. I have even practiced my cry for it."


Sungyeol laughed. "Well, I don't want you to waste your tears because of me. Who is your boss?"


Myungsoo tilted his head to the left. He actually didn't know who his boss was. She was new. "Well, she had a very pointy nose, black hair which is always tied up in a neat knot and she is always wearing black clothing what makes her looking even skinnier than she is," he said. It was the best description he could come up with.




"Yeah, how do you know that!"


"Because she is my sister!"


I just agreed that his sister was a . Way to go Myungsoo! Then say that you think that he and his sister are actually two devils originating from the hell coming to Earth to torture poor souls as you and Hoya. Yes, that will make a good impression.


"Sorry, I d-d-didn't mean t-", Myungsoo stammered.


"It's okay. I have been living with her for my whole life and she is a real ," Sungyeol said laughing. "I will ask her to give you a day more for your work. I mean, just look at this stuff. No human being could finish this in one day."


I am confused. Is he an angel or a devil?


"Would you really do that?"


"Yes of course! I am the closest thing on earth to an angel. Only if you help me finding my keys though," Sungyeol replied.


This guy has magical powers. There is no other way. He is either an angel or a devil, but only a devil would say he was an angel.


"You've got yourself a deal." Pact with the devil to escape the grip of another one. Wow, they should make a movie about this.




And so a beautiful friendship started between Myungsoo and Sungyeol. After hours of searching and talking with many snack breaks, the two of them became closer and closer. However, they still hadn't found the keys.


"I think I am gonna sleep in a hotel," said Sungyeol as he plopped on the floor. Myungsoo sat down next to him and tried to comfort his new friend by patting him on his back. That didn't seem to help the poor soul.


I don't know what I can do. They don't cover this up in the book 'How to make friends'. Damnit, I should have bought the second book too.


"Well, it's almost morning, so you can just spend the last two hours here before the first people come," said Myungsoo. It wasn't a joke though, they had been searching the whole night without paying attention to the time. It was already four o'clock.


"You're right. Sorry for keeping you awake."


"Nah, it's okay. I am used to this."


"Used to this?" Sungyeol repeated unbelievably. "You mean, used to be being awake till four?"


Myungsoo nodded. "Someone has to protect you humans. Evil doesn't know time."


Sungyeol laughed. "You really have some serious problems with those games of yours."


"How did you know that I was talking about my games! Most people would think I was a kind of superhero!"


"Because you kept talking about them every time you opened your mouth."


"Oh," said Myungsoo while contemplating about what he had actually said to Sungyeol for the past few hours. He remembered that he had talked quite a lot, but he didn't remember what. Oh god, don't let me have told him everything that came into my head. Oh, why can't I remember a thing. I don't even remember telling him something about World of Warcraft. What if I have told him that his whole face is the representation of existing perfection of earth? Oh god, I am so dead. Wait Myungsoo, don't say anything stupid now. He hadn't said anything about it, so don't freak out. Just breathe and act normal. Don't say anything and wait for him to say something.


"You can't remember a thing, can you?" Sungyeol asked.


"How did you know!"


"Because you said it."


".... was I thinking out loud?"


Sungyeol nodded and looked away. . Why. My life is so over. He must have heard me about him. Oh my god, have I been thinking aloud the whole time! That's why he knew about my obsession for games. I have been celebrating my victory the entire time. Okay, my life is over. It's official. I can't go to work anymore or go outside anymore. That's why people are looking weirdly at me! And that's why Hoya is always calling me a retard. Oh god, why didn't someone tell me this before. My life is so over now.


"I think it's kinda cute though."


And this was the comment that got Myungsoo's heart pounding, his cheeks reddening and him startled. And this was the comment that got him into bed. Just kidding, it took Sungyeol ten dates, eightyseven kisses and four hundred-ninety-two pick-up lines to do that.





I still can't believe that he had heard everything. Myungsoo rubbed the back of his neck. He was probably still thinking aloud, but he was working on it. And I still can't believe that I went out with a guy who I had known for a few hours. Damn, why am I so easy?


"Uh, could you guys decide now? You are kind of holding up the line," the man behind the counter said nervously. He had been standing there for the past few minutes watching the couple's fight and in that few minutes a group of Japanese tourists had lined up behind them tapping impatiently with their shoes on the ground while talking gibberish to each other.


Sungyeol turned to the co-worker and said:"Not until when he knows the answer."


Here we go again. Why doesn't he let it go for this time?


"I have already said that I don't know the answer. Can we just order something?" said Myungsoo. He was honestly hundred percent done with this discussion.


"How can I ignore this! Then, order me something that you think that I will like it."


"Fine," said Myungsoo as he looked up to the big board that was hanging above the man. What would he like... He doesn't like vanilla, because that is too plain for him. I remember him saying that before. Although, I can't remember anything else. Okay, let's think. He is more a grown-up than a kid. However, he acts like a kid in some situations. So it must be a flavour that adults and toddlers like. That would be no alcoholic ones nor the coffee-flavoured stuff. Now, let's see. Sungyeol is an expert in sweet talk. So obviously, it must be sweet. Okay, I got it.


"One with melon, mango and vanilla for me and one with three scoops of strawberry for the lady," Myungsoo said confidently. No one hated strawberry. It was a safe and good choice. He was sure of it.


The man sighed (of relief) and quickly gave Myungsoo their ice cream after he collected the money. Then he shooed them away and tried to understand the weird mix of Japanese, Korean and what-believed-what-was-English that the tourists were screaming.




"Here, your ice cream."


Myungsoo gave Sungyeol his ice cream, but Sungyeol didn't seem to have the intention to take it from him.


"Hey, it was your idea to get ice cream. Now take it and eat it," said Myungsoo. What is wrong with this guy? First he kept whining about getting ice cream in the middle of the winter on a ing morning nd now he doesn't even want it. My fingers are freezing and I know that they will fall off my hand if I stand in this cold for any longer.


"No, you ing screwed this whole thing up. Strawberry is my least favourite flavour and vanilla is the one I love because of it's simpleness and plainness. How the could you screw this up, Myungsoo! And I don't act like a child!", Sungyeol yelled.


"I just remembered it wrong. You don't have to get mad about this. you! Don't act like a spoiled brat and eat the goddamn ice cream!", Myungsoo screamed back.


"No, you can't me and I am not gonna eat that !"


"Oh, are we being funny now? Just ing put the ice cream in your mouth and swallow it. Or do I have to help you with that? I would be more than happy to help you with shoving that whole cone down your throat!"


"Well, that would be the only thing you can do! You useless piece of !"


"I am your useless piece of though! So deal with it!"



"Yeah, it's all my fault for not teaching you well! Just blame it on me. Yes, I am the cause of your stupidity! "



"Yes, you are! And oh, you didn't teach me to hold an ice cream cone well!" And with that, Myungsoo threw it on the ground. Then he looked at his boyfriend and said, "Happy now? Now you don't have to eat it."



Sungyeol silently watched the ice cream as the snow was slowly absorbing it. Then he opened his mouth and said, "No, something is off." With a swing, he made Myungsoo's ice cream fly away and land on the exact same spot as the other did.



"Now it is perfect. It was a little too plain for me," said he.



" you, I didn't even get to get a of it and those were my favourite flavours!"



"Haven't I already made clear that you wouldn't be ing me tonight?"



"Really, you."



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Chapter 1: Myungyeol are IDIOTS lmao. I loved this <3
Chapter 1: ?!!!? For ice cream? !?! lol X'D I CRYING LOLOLOLOL
Chapter 1: Everything...Just for ice-cream?
Oh I'm dying xD
Chapter 1: Myungsoo's inner thoughts killed me over and over xD I really can't remember the last time I laughed at any fanfic as much as I did here xD Great job, and congratz <3
Chapter 1: so...
the little thing they're fighting about is sungyeol's favorite flavors?
what the actual fart
dies laughing
Chapter 1: Hahaha myungyeol is so funny xP
Chapter 1: buhhahaha!!!!your really funny...... XD
yeoleka #8
Chapter 1: Omg!i love this myungyeol fic and i like the way you write,cant wait the update!;)
ShinhwaStar #9
You story is gread! Good work, keep up with it!
Whoot, an INFINITE story! Looking forward to it ^^