Chapter 9

Hear Me, Love Me

You stirred and blinked a few times as the Sunday morning light hit you. Then you rolled over and saw Misun. "Honey. What are you doing?"
"I'm hungry." she told you and bounced on the bed a little.
The bouncing caused the other person to wake and Yongguk grumbled as he opened one eye. "Misun. Why are you awake already?"
"I'm hungry." she repeated.
You yawned while stretching and glanced over at the clock. Then you sat up real fast. "Yongguk the alarm didn't go off."
"What?!" he exclaimed, sittting up as well and looking at the clock. "." he uttered hurriedly climbed off the bed.
"Daddy said a bad word!"
She giggled and you smiled at her. "Come on." you said and got out of bed as well. "What do you want to eat?"
"Pancakes please." she said and hopped off the bed.
You hurried down the hall and into the kitchen. The coffee machine's alarm worked and the pot was full of coffee. You grabbed a coffee tumbler and quickly poured some coffee in for Yongguk to take with him. Then you set about making pancakes, but groaned when you noticed you were out.
"No pancakes." you informed her. "Mommy forgot to buy more at the store."
"It's okay." she said. "Can I have ceral?"
"Sure." you said as you prepared a bowl for her.
She was just sitting at the table when Yongguk hurried into the kitchen.
"Can you.."
"I'll grab something to eat on the way." he told you, cutting you off as he looked for the coffee tumbler.
"Okay but will.."
"Later. I'm late." Then he noticed the tumbler on the counter. "Oh. Thanks for the coffee."
You didn't try saying anything this time. Instead you leaned against the counter and wrapped your arms around yourself.
"Daddy!" Misun shrieked just as a crayon flew through the air and hit him in the head.
He jumped and turned real fast to look at her. "Misun!" he exclaimed, staring at her in shock.
"Honey that was mean!" you told her, shocked as well.
She didn't say anything. Just crossed her arms and glared at her father with her little cheeks puffing out.
He stared at her for a moment longer before turning to finally look at you. Then his eyes flickered down to your arms. You opened you mouth to say something but didn't get the chance as he quickly crossed the kitchen to you. He grabbed your arms and pulled them away from your body before hugging you.
"I did it again. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." he murmured.
"You're stressed and running late and.."
He pulled back and cupped your face. "I acknowledge you." he sincerly said.
You took in a shaky breath. Breathing once more. "I'm not trying to be inconsiderate and make you even later."
He offered you a small smile. "What do you need to tell me?"
"Pancake mix. Your daughter wants pancakes but we're out." you informed him with your own tiny smile.
"I need to pick up pancake mix after work." he clearly stated, telling you that he heard you.
You hugged him tightly and he hugged you back. "Thank you."
"Sorry daddy."
The two of you looked over at Misun and he smiled at her. "Yeah I see how it is. The two of you against daddy huh?" he .
She laughed loudly and nodded her head. "Yes!"
"I forgive you." he told her with a chuckle. "You were only helping mommy."
"Cause I love my mommy." she said and then she looked at you. "And daddy wasn't trying to be mean. He doesn't know when he is but he still loves you mommy."
Yongguk's face fell and his eyes widened. "What?"
"Daddy loves mommy just like mommy loves daddy." she said with a proud smile.
"I do?" you questioned, raising your eyebrows.
"Yep." she stated and then went back to eating her cereal.
You looked at Yongguk and found him looking at you as well. A question in his eyes that mirrored yours and you stared at each other for a few moments. Then you both answered at the same time in a kiss.

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RinaBelle #1
Chapter 9: Yeah, finally our little angel did the trick, getting her mom & dad back together. I don’t know why but I got so emotional and teared up because I felt bad for Misun’s mom. It was heartbreaking. Yongguk’s character was too cold and mean sometimes in this fic. Anyway, they were back together so I shouldn’t be gloomy right.
RinaBelle #2
Chapter 8: Damn, I cried nonstop.
chuppoppo #3
really, all your stories made me coming back just to read the all over again
and if i could upvote this again I WOULD
Chapter 9: Oooooo
I love this kind of story ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Chapter 9: No other words needed....just beautiful
I LOVE all of your angst stories author-nim <3
They just not only some stories but also some reflections/lessons to our life. I really like all of them especially the ones with yongguk xD
Thank you so much.. ^_^
Chapter 9: I would've smacked them both if they didn't make up at the end, so sweet. I'm becoming ur writings fan tho
Chapter 6: I love you Misun! ^.^
Chapter 5: Trusting strangers with your child is never relieving......-.-
Chapter 4: The b*tch! Oh Yongguk.....she wrapped you arpund her b*tchiness. -.-