3rd Choice


Yoona is a girl that never wanted love in the first place but ended up with more than she can handle. Decisions are supposed to be made and she's not sure if she will be able to make the right one.


This story has been stuck in my mind for a while now and it's just recently when i found time to finally write it down. i'm not sure if it's any good but i really hope that you would enjoy reading this story. 


At some point of our lives, we are faced with situations where we are forced to make decisions that would change our lives. The change is either for the better or for the worse, depending on what your choice will be. When these times of decision making comes, we are given two options; right or left, do or don’t, leave or stay, talk or be quiet, live or die. There is this illusion that we fail to look past through. It is the illusion that our choices are only and always limited to 2 only. The truth is, it is not. We are given an abundance of options and choices but our brains are imprinted with the rule that it’s either this one or the other one and not this one or the others.

Other people decide after pondering over the matter for countless times, some does it spontaneously, others just succumbs to the pressure that comes with the decision that they have to make. But decision makers that choose not for themselves, but sacrifices for what they think would be best for the other people involved are the worst of them all. They think they are selfless by doing so, but the truth is they are the opposite. Instead of making them happy, they are only inflicting more pain on everyone.


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chrislwf #1
Chapter 5: Just love your story. Love is so complicated. Anyway, prefer Yoona choose a happy ending instead of 3 persons suffered in this relationship. Hope another update from you!
kalupian #2
Thank you for all the comments and for taking time to read this story of mine... as of now, i'm thinking maybe i can make an alternate ending... what do you guys think? hahaha :P
ShaMusume #3
Chapter 4: loves ur writing..the storyline is awesome too..just the ending is sad..well please do make new story, i will waiting ^0^
Chapter 4: I hope you keep writing more fanfics =))
I really like your fanfic.. Thanks for writing ^^
Luck ~~
Chapter 4: T^T .. poor Kai .. and i love a Lu too..
is very confusing .. poor Yoong... Thank for update!!
Please update soon ^o^ .. Lucky author nim ~~
Fight ~~
fantacy #6
Chapter 4: I absolutely love the story ,even though it's such a heart breaking one. Thank you for the story.
Aaaawww. Sad story, it was worth reading~! ^^